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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 10


पु॒रो वो॑ मं॒द्रं दि॒व्यं सु॑वृ॒क्तिं प्र॑य॒ति य॒ज्ञे अ॒ग्निम॑ध्व॒रे द॑धिध्वं ।

पु॒र उ॒क्थेभिः॒ स हि नो॑ वि॒भावा॑ स्वध्व॒रा क॑रति जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥

puráḥ vaḥ mandrám divyám su-vṛktím pra-yatí yajñé agním adhvaré dadhidhvam ǀ

puráḥ ukthébhiḥ sáḥ hí naḥ vibhā́-vā su-adhvarā́ karati jātá-vedāḥ ǁ

When the pilgrim-rite moves on its way, set in your front the divine ecstatic Fire, place him in front by your words, the Flame of the good riddance1: he is the Knower of all things born; his light shines wide and he shall make easy for us the progressions of the sacrifice.


तमु॑ द्युमः पुर्वणीक होत॒रग्ने॑ अ॒ग्निभि॒र्मनु॑ष इधा॒नः ।

स्तोमं॒ यम॑स्मै म॒मते॑व शू॒षं घृ॒तं न शुचि॑ म॒तयः॑ पवंते ॥

tám ūṃ␣íti dyu-maḥ puru-anīka hotaḥ ágne agní-bhiḥ mánuṣaḥ idhānáḥ ǀ

stómam yám asmai mamátā-iva śūṣám ghṛtám ná śúci matáyaḥ pavante ǁ

O Fire, kindled by man’s fires, Priest of the call who comest with thy light, Priest of the many flame-armies, hearken to the anthem our thoughts strain out pure to the godhead like pure clarified butter2, even as Mamata chanted to him her paeon.


पी॒पाय॒ स श्रव॑सा॒ मर्त्ये॑षु॒ यो अ॒ग्नये॑ द॒दाश॒ विप्र॑ उ॒क्थैः ।

चि॒त्राभि॒स्तमू॒तिभि॑श्चि॒त्रशो॑चिर्व्र॒जस्य॑ सा॒ता गोम॑तो दधाति ॥

pīpā́ya sáḥ śrávasā mártyeṣu yáḥ agnáye dadā́śa vípraḥ uktháiḥ ǀ

citrā́bhiḥ tám ūtí-bhiḥ citrá-śociḥ vrajásya sātā́ gó-mataḥ dadhāti ǁ

He among mortals is fed on inspiration, the illumined who gives with his word to the Fire, the seer whom the Fire of the brilliant illuminations settles by his luminous safeguardings in the conquest of the Pen where are the herds of the Light.


आ यः प॒प्रौ जाय॑मान उ॒र्वी दू॑रे॒दृशा॑ भा॒सा कृ॒ष्णाध्वा॑ ।

अध॑ ब॒हु चि॒त्तम॒ ऊर्म्या॑यास्ति॒रः शो॒चिषा॑ ददृशे पाव॒कः ॥

ā́ yáḥ papráu jā́yamānaḥ urvī́␣íti dūre-dṛ́śā bhāsā́ kṛṣṇá-adhvā ǀ

ádha bahú cit támaḥ ū́rmyāyāḥ tiráḥ śocíṣā dadṛśe pāvakáḥ ǁ

Fire of the blackened trail in his very birth has filled wide earth and heaven with his far-seeing light. Now has Fire that makes pure been seen by his bright flame even through much darkness of the billowing Night.


नू न॑श्चि॒त्रं पु॑रु॒वाजा॑भिरू॒ती अग्ने॑ र॒यिं म॒घव॑द्भ्यश्च धेहि ।

ये राध॑सा॒ श्रव॑सा॒ चात्य॒न्यान्त्सु॒वीर्ये॑भिश्चा॒भि संति॒ जना॑न् ॥

nú naḥ citrám puru-vā́jābhiḥ ūtī́ ágne rayím maghávat-bhyaḥ ca dhehi ǀ

yé rā́dhasā śrávasā ca áti anyā́n su-vī́ryebhiḥ ca abhí sánti jánān ǁ

Found, O Fire, for us and the masters of plenty by thy safeguardings packed with the plenitudes a treasure of richly brilliant kinds; for these are they who surpass all others in their opulence and inspiration and hero-mights.


इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं चनो॑ धा अग्न उ॒शन्यं त॑ आसा॒नो जु॑हु॒ते ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।

भ॒रद्वा॑जेषु दधिषे सुवृ॒क्तिमवी॒र्वाज॑स्य॒ गध्य॑स्य सा॒तौ ॥

imám yajñám cánaḥ dhāḥ agne uśán yám te āsānáḥ juhuté havíṣmān ǀ

bharát-vājeṣu dadhiṣe su-vṛktím ávīḥ vā́jasya gádhyasya sātáu ǁ

O Fire, yearn to the sacrifice that the bringer of the offering casts to thee; found the rapture. Hold firm in the Bharadwajas the perfect purification; guard them in their seizing of the riches of the quest.


वि द्वेषां॑सीनु॒हि व॒र्धयेळां॒ मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥

ví dvéṣāṃsi inuhí vardháya íḷām mádema śatá-himāḥ su-vī́rāḥ ǁ

Scatter all hostile things, increase the revealing Word. May we revel in the rapture, strong with strength of the Heroes, living a hundred winters.


1 The word suvṛkti corresponds to the katharsis of the Greek mystics — the clearance, riddance or rejection of all perilous and impure stuff from the consciousness. It is Agni Pavaka, the purifying Fire who brings to us this riddance or purification, “suvrikti”.


2 Here we have the clue to the symbol of the “clarified butter” in the sacrifice; like the others it is used in its double meaning, “clarified butter” or, as we may say, “the light-offering”.
