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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 11


यज॑स्व होतरिषि॒तो यजी॑या॒नग्ने॒ बाधो॑ म॒रुतां॒ न प्रयु॑क्ति ।

आ नो॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ नास॑त्या॒ द्यावा॑ हो॒त्राय॑ पृथि॒वी व॑वृत्याः ॥

yájasva hotaḥ iṣitáḥ yájīyān ágne bā́dhaḥ marútām ná prá-yukti ǀ

ā́ naḥ mitrā́váruṇā nā́satyā dyā́vā hotrā́ya pṛthivī́␣íti vavṛtyāḥ ǁ

Missioned and strong to sacrifice, offer the sacrifice, Priest of the call; O Fire, put away from us as if by the applied force of the Life-gods all that opposes. Turn in their paths towards our offering Mitra and Varuna and the twin Lords of the journey and Earth and Heaven.


त्वं होता॑ मं॒द्रत॑मो नो अ॒ध्रुगं॒तर्दे॒वो वि॒दथा॒ मर्त्ये॑षु ।

पा॒व॒कया॑ जु॒ह्वा॒३่ वह्नि॑रा॒साग्ने॒ यज॑स्व त॒न्वं१่ तव॒ स्वां ॥

tvám hótā mandrá-tamaḥ naḥ adhrúk antáḥ deváḥ vidáthā márteṣu ǀ

pāvakáyā juhvā́ váhniḥ āsā́ ágne yájasva tanvám táva svā́m ǁ

To us thou art our priest of the invocation, harmless and perfect in ecstasy; thou art the god within in mortals that makes the discoveries of knowledge; thou art the carrier with the burning mouth, with the purifying flame of oblation. O Fire, worship with sacrifice thy own body.


धन्या॑ चि॒द्धि त्वे धि॒षणा॒ वष्टि॒ प्र दे॒वांजन्म॑ गृण॒ते यज॑ध्यै ।

वेपि॑ष्ठो॒ अंगि॑रसां॒ यद्ध॒ विप्रो॒ मधु॑ छं॒दो भन॑ति रे॒भ इ॒ष्टौ ॥

dhányā cit hí tvé␣íti dhiṣáṇā váṣṭi prá devā́n jánma gṛṇaté yájadhyai ǀ

vépiṣṭhaḥ áṅgirasām yát ha vípraḥ mádhu chandáḥ bhánati rebháḥ iṣṭáu ǁ

In thee the understanding is full of riches and it desires the gods, the divine births, that the word may be spoken and the sacrifice done, when the singer, the sage, wisest of the Angirasas chants his honey-rhythm in the rite.


अदि॑द्युत॒त्स्वपा॑को वि॒भावाग्ने॒ यज॑स्व॒ रोद॑सी उरू॒ची ।

आ॒युं न यं नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्या अं॒जंति॑ सुप्र॒यसं॒ पंच॒ जनाः॑ ॥

ádidyutat sú ápākaḥ vibhā́-vā ágne yájasva ródasī␣íti urūcī́␣íti ǀ

āyúm ná yám námasā rātá-havyāḥ añjánti su-prayásam páñca jánāḥ ǁ

He has leaped into radiance and is wise of heart and wide of light; O Fire, sacrifice to the largeness of Earth and Heaven. All the five peoples lavish the oblation with obeisance of surrender and anoint as the living being Fire the bringer of their satisfactions.


वृं॒जे ह॒ यन्नम॑सा ब॒र्हिर॒ग्नावया॑मि॒ स्रुग्घृ॒तव॑ती सुवृ॒क्तिः ।

अम्य॑क्षि॒ सद्म॒ सद॑ने पृथि॒व्या अश्रा॑यि य॒ज्ञः सूर्ये॒ न चक्षुः॑ ॥

vṛñjé ha yát námasā barhíḥ agnáu áyāmi srúk ghṛtá-vatī su-vṛktíḥ ǀ

ámyakṣi sádma sádane pṛthivyā́ḥ áśrāyi yajñáḥ sū́rye ná cákṣuḥ ǁ

When the sacred grass has been plucked with prostration of surrender to the Fire, when the ladle of the purification full of the light-offering has been set to its labour, when the home has been reached in the house of Earth and the sacrifice lodged like an eye in the sun, —


द॒श॒स्या नः॑ पुर्वणीक होतर्दे॒वेभि॑रग्ने अ॒ग्निभि॑रिधा॒नः ।

रा॒यः सू॑नो सहसो वावसा॒ना अति॑ स्रसेम वृ॒जनं॒ नांहः॑ ॥

daśasyá naḥ puru-anīka hotaḥ devébhiḥ agne agní-bhiḥ idhānáḥ ǀ

rāyáḥ sūno␣íti sahasaḥ vavasānā́ḥ áti srasema vṛjánam ná áṃhaḥ ǁ

O Son of Force, O Fire, kindling with the gods thy fires, Priest of the call, Priest with thy many flame-armies, dispense to us the Treasures; shining with light let us charge beyond the sin and the struggle.