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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Sudīti Āṅgirasa and Purumīḷha Āṅgirasa

Sukta 71


त्वं नो॑ अग्ने॒ महो॑भिः पा॒हि विश्व॑स्या॒ अरा॑तेः ।

उ॒त द्वि॒षो मर्त्य॑स्य ॥

tvám naḥ agne máhaḥ-bhiḥ pāhí víśvasyāḥ árāteḥ ǀ

utá dviṣáḥ mártyasya ǁ

O Fire, guard us by thy lights1 from every hostile force and from mortal foe.


न॒हि म॒न्युः पौरु॑षेय॒ ईशे॒ हि वः॑ प्रियजात ।

त्वमिद॑सि॒ क्षपा॑वान् ॥

nahí manyúḥ páuruṣeyaḥ ī́śe hí vaḥ priya-jāta ǀ

tvám ít asi kṣápā-vān ǁ

O beloved in thy birth, mortal wrath has no power over you: thou art master of the nights.


स नो॒ विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वेभि॒रूर्जो॑ नपा॒द्भद्र॑शोचे ।

र॒यिं दे॑हि वि॒श्ववा॑रं ॥

sáḥ naḥ víśvebhiḥ devébhiḥ ū́rjaḥ napāt bhádra-śoce ǀ

rayím dehi viśvá-vāram ǁ

So do thou with all the gods, O child of Energy, O happy light, give us the wealth in which are all boons.


न तम॑ग्ने॒ अरा॑तयो॒ मर्तं॑ युवंत रा॒यः ।

यं त्राय॑से दा॒श्वांसं॑ ॥

ná tám agne árātayaḥ mártam yuvanta rāyáḥ ǀ

yám trā́yase dāśvā́ṃsam ǁ

The hostile forces, O Fire, cannot divorce from the Riches the mortal giver whom thou rescuest.


यं त्वं वि॑प्र मे॒धसा॑ता॒वग्ने॑ हि॒नोषि॒ धना॑य ।

स तवो॒ती गोषु॒ गंता॑ ॥

yám tvám vipra medhá-sātau ágne hinóṣi dhánāya ǀ

sáḥ táva ūtī́ góṣu gántā ǁ

O Fire, O illumined seer, he whom thou in the winning of the purity speedest towards the Riches, by thy protection reaches among the Ray-Cows.


त्वं र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीर॒मग्ने॑ दा॒शुषे॒ मर्ता॑य ।

प्र णो॑ नय॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छ॑ ॥

tvám rayím puru-vī́ram ágne dāśúṣe mártāya ǀ

prá naḥ naya vásyaḥ áccha ǁ

Thou bringest, O Fire, the wealth in which are the many strengths to the mortal giver; lead us towards greater riches.


उ॒रु॒ष्या णो॒ मा परा॑ दा अघाय॒ते जा॑तवेदः ।

दु॒रा॒ध्ये॒३่ मर्ता॑य ॥

uruṣyá naḥ mā́ párā dāḥ agha-yaté jāta-vedaḥ ǀ

duḥ-ādhyé mártāya ǁ

Protect us, deliver us not, O knower of all things born, to the mortal, the evil-thoughted who would bring on us calamity.


अग्ने॒ माकि॑ष्टे दे॒वस्य॑ रा॒तिमदे॑वो युयोत ।

त्वमी॑शिषे॒ वसू॑नां ॥

ágne mā́kiḥ te devásya rātím ádevaḥ yuyota ǀ

tvám īśiṣe vásūnām ǁ

O Fire, let none undivine take away from us what was given by thee, the divine; thou hast power over the riches.


स नो॒ वस्व॒ उप॑ मा॒स्यूर्जो॑ नपा॒न्माहि॑नस्य ।

सखे॑ वसो जरि॒तृभ्यः॑ ॥

sáḥ naḥ vásvaḥ úpa māsi ū́rjaḥ napāt mā́hinasya ǀ

sákhe vaso␣íti jaritṛ́-bhyaḥ ǁ

Thou art the measurer to us, thy adorers of a mighty wealth, O child of Energy, O Friend, O shining One.


अच्छा॑ नः शी॒रशो॑चिषं॒ गिरो॑ यंतु दर्श॒तं ।

अच्छा॑ य॒ज्ञासो॒ नम॑सा पुरू॒वसुं॑ पुरुप्रश॒स्तमू॒तये॑ ॥

áccha naḥ śīrá-śociṣam gíraḥ yantu darśatám ǀ

áccha yajñā́saḥ námasā puru-vásum puru-praśastám ūtáye ǁ

May our words go towards thee with thy keen light and thy vision, our sacrifice to thee with surrender for our protection, thee the widely proclaimed, the master of many riches, —


अ॒ग्निं सू॒नुं सह॑सो जा॒तवे॑दसं दा॒नाय॒ वार्या॑णां ।

द्वि॒ता यो भूद॒मृतो॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा होता॑ मं॒द्रत॑मो वि॒शि ॥

agním sūnúm sáhasaḥ jātá-vedasam dānā́ya vā́ryāṇām ǀ

dvitā́ yáḥ bhū́t amṛ́taḥ mártyeṣu ā́ hótā mandrá-tamaḥ viśí ǁ

to the Fire, the Son of force, the knower of all things born, for the gift of our desirable things; twofold he becomes the immortal in the mortals, the rapturous Priest of the call in man.


अ॒ग्निं वो॑ देवय॒ज्यया॒ग्निं प्र॑य॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।

अ॒ग्निं धी॒षु प्र॑थ॒मम॒ग्निमर्व॑त्य॒ग्निं क्षैत्रा॑य॒ साध॑से ॥

agním vaḥ deva-yajyáyā agním pra-yatí adhvaré ǀ

agním dhīṣú prathamám agním árvati agním kṣáitrāya sā́dhase ǁ

Fire for you by the worship to the gods, Fire in the journeying of the pilgrim-sacrifice, Fire in the thoughts first and chief, Fire in the war-horse, Fire for perfection in our field.


अ॒ग्निरि॒षां स॒ख्ये द॑दातु न॒ ईशे॒ यो वार्या॑णां ।

अ॒ग्निं तो॒के तन॑ये॒ शश्व॑दीमहे॒ वसुं॒ संतं॑ तनू॒पां ॥

agníḥ iṣā́m sakhyé dadātu naḥ ī́śe yáḥ vā́ryāṇām ǀ

agním toké tánaye śáśvat īmahe vásum sántam tanū-pā́m ǁ

May the Fire give us force in his comradeship, he who has power for the desirable things; Fire we seek continually in the son of our begettings as the shining one and the guardian of the body.


अ॒ग्निमी॑ळि॒ष्वाव॑से॒ गाथा॑भिः शी॒रशो॑चिषं ।

अ॒ग्निं रा॒ये पु॑रुमीळ्ह श्रु॒तं नरो॒ऽग्निं सु॑दी॒तये॑ छ॒र्दिः ॥

agním īḷiṣva ávase gā́thābhiḥ śīrá-śociṣam ǀ

agním rāyé puru-mīḷha śrutám náraḥ agním su-dītáye chardíḥ ǁ

Pray with your chants Fire of the keen flame for the protection, O Purumilha! Fire for the Treasure, — the Fire men pray for the inspired knowledge, a house for a splendid light.


अ॒ग्निं द्वेषो॒ योत॒वै नो॑ गृणीमस्य॒ग्निं शं योश्च॒ दात॑वे ।

विश्वा॑सु वि॒क्ष्व॑वि॒तेव॒ हव्यो॒ भुव॒द्वस्तु॑र्ऋषू॒णां ॥

agním dvéṣaḥ yótavái naḥ gṛṇīmasi agním śám yóḥ ca dā́tave ǀ

víśvāsu vikṣú avitā́-iva hávyaḥ bhúvat vástuḥ ṛṣūṇā́m ǁ

Fire we hymn with our words that he may remove from us the hostile power, Fire to give to us the peace and the movement; he is in all men like a protector to whom they may call, he is the daylight of the wise.


1 Or, by thy greatnesses
