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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Haryata Prāgātha

Sukta 72


ह॒विष्कृ॑णुध्व॒मा ग॑मदध्व॒र्युर्व॑नते॒ पुनः॑ ।

वि॒द्वाँ अ॑स्य प्र॒शास॑नं ॥

havíḥ kṛṇudhvam ā́ gamat adhvaryúḥ vanate púnaríti ǀ

vidvā́n asya pra-śā́sanam ǁ

Do you make the offering, the Priest of the pilgrim-rite has come and he conquers again, for he knows the commandment of the Fire.


नि ति॒ग्मम॒भ्यं१่शुं सीद॒द्धोता॑ म॒नावधि॑ ।

जु॒षा॒णो अ॑स्य स॒ख्यं ॥

ní tigmám abhí aṃśúm sī́dat hótā manáu ádhi ǀ

juṣāṇáḥ asya sakhyám ǁ

Let him sit within close to the keen burning ray the Priest of the call in thinking man accepting the comradeship of the Fire.


अं॒तरि॑च्छंति॒ तं जने॑ रु॒द्रं प॒रो म॑नी॒षया॑ ।

गृ॒भ्णंति॑ जि॒ह्वया॑ स॒सं ॥

antáḥ icchanti tám jáne rudrám paráḥ manīṣáyā ǀ

gṛbhṇánti jihváyā sasám ǁ

Within they wish him to be in a man the “terrible one”, beyond the thinking mind; by his tongue they seize the peace.


जा॒म्य॑तीतपे॒ धनु॑र्वयो॒धा अ॑रुह॒द्वनं॑ ।

दृ॒षदं॑ जि॒ह्वयाव॑धीत् ॥

jāmí atītape dhánuḥ vayaḥ-dhā́ḥ aruhat vánam ǀ

dṛṣádam jihváyā ā́ avadhīt ǁ

High burnt the companion bow, a founder of the growth he climbed to woodland, he smote the rock with his tongue.


चर॑न्व॒त्सो रुश॑न्नि॒ह नि॑दा॒तारं॒ न विं॑दते ।

वेति॒ स्तोत॑व अं॒ब्यं॑ ॥

cáran vatsáḥ rúśan ihá ni-dātā́ram ná vindate ǀ

véti stótave ambyám ǁ

He is the shining calf who wanders and finds none to bind him here, to one who lauds him he manifests the mother1.


उ॒तो न्व॑स्य॒ यन्म॒हदश्वा॑व॒द्योज॑नं बृ॒हद् ।

दा॒मा रथ॑स्य॒ ददृ॑शे ॥

utó␣íti nú asya yát mahát áśva-vat yójanam bṛhát ǀ

dāmā́ ráthasya dádṛśe ǁ

And now is the great and vast yoking as if of the Horse, the rope of the chariot is seen.


दु॒हंति॑ स॒प्तैका॒मुप॒ द्वा पंच॑ सृजतः ।

ती॒र्थे सिंधो॒रधि॑ स्व॒रे ॥

duhánti saptá ékām úpa dvā́ páñca sṛjataḥ ǀ

tīrthé síndhoḥ ádhi svaré ǁ

Seven milk the one, two let loose the five at the ford of the River upon the cry of the waters.


आ द॒शभि॑र्वि॒वस्व॑त॒ इंद्रः॒ कोश॑मचुच्यवीत् ।

खेद॑या त्रि॒वृता॑ दि॒वः ॥

ā́ daśá-bhiḥ vivásvataḥ índraḥ kóśam acucyavīt ǀ

khédayā tri-vṛ́tā diváḥ ǁ

By the ten of the sun Indra made fall the covering sheath of heaven with his triple mallet.


परि॑ त्रि॒धातु॑रध्व॒रं जू॒र्णिरे॑ति॒ नवी॑यसी ।

मध्वा॒ होता॑रो अंजते ॥

pári tri-dhā́tuḥ adhvarám jūrṇíḥ eti návīyasī ǀ

mádhvā hótāraḥ añjate ǁ

A new adoration moves round the triple pilgrim-sacrifice, the priests of the call anoint with the honey-wine.


सिं॒चंति॒ नम॑साव॒तमु॒च्चाच॑क्रं॒ परि॑ज्मानं ।

नी॒चीन॑बार॒मक्षि॑तं ॥

siñcánti námasā avatám uccā́-cakram pári-jmānam ǀ

nīcī́na-bāram ákṣitam ǁ

With surrender they pour out the inexhaustible pervading well whose wheel is on high and its opening below.


अ॒भ्यार॒मिदद्र॑यो॒ निषि॑क्तं॒ पुष्क॑रे॒ मधु॑ ।

अ॒व॒तस्य॑ वि॒सर्ज॑ने ॥

abhi-ā́ram ít ádrayaḥ ní-siktam púṣkare mádhu ǀ

avatásya vi-sárjane ǁ

Close by are the stones and the honey-wine is poured in the lotus in the discharging of the well.


गाव॒ उपा॑वताव॒तं म॒ही य॒ज्ञस्य॑ र॒प्सुदा॑ ।

उ॒भा कर्णा॑ हिर॒ण्यया॑ ॥

gā́vaḥ úpa avata avatám mahī́␣íti yajñásya rapsúdā ǀ

ubhā́ kárṇā hiraṇyáyā ǁ

O Ray-Cows, come to the well; here is the great wine-jar of the sacrifice, here are both the golden handles.


आ सु॒ते सिं॑चत॒ श्रियं॒ रोद॑स्योरभि॒श्रियं॑ ।

र॒सा द॑धीत वृष॒भं ॥

ā́ suté siñcata śríyam ródasyoḥ abhi-śríyam ǀ

rasā́ dadhīta vṛṣabhám ǁ

Pour into the wine that is pressed, a joining splendour, the glory of earth and heaven; by the juice of the wine sustain the Bull.


ते जा॑नत॒ स्वमो॒क्यं१่ सं व॒त्सासो॒ न मा॒तृभिः॑ ।

मि॒थो न॑संत जा॒मिभिः॑ ॥

té jānata svám okyám sám vatsā́saḥ ná mātṛ́-bhiḥ ǀ

mitháḥ nasanta jāmí-bhiḥ ǁ

They know their own home; like calves with their mothers they met with each other as companions.


उप॒ स्रक्वे॑षु॒ बप्स॑तः कृण्व॒ते ध॒रुणं॑ दि॒वि ।

इंद्रे॑ अ॒ग्ना नमः॒ स्वः॑ ॥

úpa srákveṣu bápsataḥ kṛṇvaté dharúṇam diví ǀ

índre agnā́ námaḥ sváḥ ǁ

In the jaws of the eater they made their foundation in heaven, their prostrations of surrender to Indra and the Fire made the Sun-world.


अधु॑क्षत्पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॒मूर्जं॑ स॒प्तप॑दीम॒रिः ।

सूर्य॑स्य स॒प्त र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥

ádhukṣat pipyúṣīm íṣam ū́rjam saptá-padīm aríḥ ǀ

sū́ryasya saptá raśmí-bhiḥ ǁ

The warrior milked out the seven-planed nourishing force and energy by the seven rays of the sun.


सोम॑स्य मित्रावरु॒णोदि॑ता॒ सूर॒ आ द॑दे ।

तदातु॑रस्य भेष॒जं ॥

sómasya mitrāvaruṇā út-itā sū́re ā́ dade ǀ

tát ā́turasya bheṣajám ǁ

O Mitra and Varuna, in the rising of the moon he received it on the sun; it is the healing draught for him who suffers.


उ॒तो न्व॑स्य॒ यत्प॒दं ह॑र्य॒तस्य॑ निधा॒न्यं॑ ।

परि॒ द्यां जि॒ह्वया॑तनत् ॥

utó␣íti nú asya yát padám haryatásya ni-dhānyám ǀ

pári dyā́m jihváyā atanat ǁ

And now let him stretch out2 with his tongue of flame around heaven that plane of him in his full delight which is to be laid as a foundation.


1 Or, for one who lauds him he goes to the mother.


2 Or, form
