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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gopavana Ātreya

Sukta 74


वि॒शोवि॑शो वो॒ अति॑थिं वाज॒यंतः॑ पुरुप्रि॒यं ।

अ॒ग्निं वो॒ दुर्यं॒ वचः॑ स्तु॒षे शू॒षस्य॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥

viśáḥ-viśaḥ vaḥ átithim vāja-yántaḥ puru-priyám ǀ

agním vaḥ dúryam vácaḥ stuṣé śūṣásya mánma-bhiḥ ǁ

All kinds of beings replenish the guest domiciled in your house in whom are the many pleasant things; I laud him with my thoughts with the word of bliss.


यं जना॑सो ह॒विष्मं॑तो मि॒त्रं न स॒र्पिरा॑सुतिं ।

प्र॒शंसं॑ति॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिः ॥

yám jánāsaḥ havíṣmantaḥ mitrám ná sarpíḥ-āsutim ǀ

pra-śáṃsanti práśasti-bhiḥ ǁ

He to whom men bringing the offering pour the stream of the libation and by their words that give expression to him proclaim as the friend, —


पन्यां॑सं जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ यो दे॒वता॒त्युद्य॑ता ।

ह॒व्यान्यैर॑यद्दि॒वि ॥

pányāṃsam jātá-vedasam yáḥ devá-tāti út-yatā ǀ

havyā́ni áirayat diví ǁ

the wonderful1, the knower of all things born, who in the formation of the godheads sends up the offerings uplifted in heaven, —


आग॑न्म वृत्र॒हंत॑मं॒ ज्येष्ठ॑म॒ग्निमान॑वं ।

यस्य॑ श्रु॒तर्वा॑ बृ॒हन्ना॒र्क्षो अनी॑क॒ एध॑ते ॥

ā́ aganma vṛtrahán-tamam jyéṣṭham agním ā́navam ǀ

yásya śrutárvā bṛhán ārkṣáḥ ánīke édhate ǁ

we have come to the Fire, strongest to slay the Coverers, eldest and ever new in whose force of flame Shrutarvana, son of Riksha, grows to vastness.


अ॒मृतं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं ति॒रस्तमां॑सि दर्श॒तं ।

घृ॒ताह॑वन॒मीड्यं॑ ॥

amṛ́tam jātá-vedasam tiráḥ támāṃsi darśatám ǀ

ghṛtá-āhavanam ī́ḍyam ǁ

The immortal, the knower of all things born who is seen2 across the darkness, one to be prayed to, one to whom are offered the clarities.


स॒बाधो॒ यं जना॑ इ॒मे॒३่ऽग्निं ह॒व्येभि॒रीळ॑ते ।

जुह्वा॑नासो य॒तस्रु॑चः ॥

sa-bā́dhaḥ yám jánāḥ imé agním havyébhiḥ ī́ḷate ǀ

júhvānāsaḥ yatá-srucaḥ ǁ

The Fire whom men here oppressed pray with their offerings casting their libations with the ladles at work3.


इ॒यं ते॒ नव्य॑सी म॒तिरग्ने॒ अधा॑य्य॒स्मदा ।

मंद्र॒ सुजा॑त॒ सुक्र॒तोऽमू॑र॒ दस्माति॑थे ॥

iyám te návyasī matíḥ ágne ádhāyi asmát ā́ ǀ

mándra sú-jāta súkrato␣íti␣sú-krato ámūra dásma átithe ǁ

Thine, O Fire, is the new thought founded in us, O rapturous and well-born guest, strong of will, wise and powerful for action.


सा ते॑ अग्ने॒ शंत॑मा॒ चनि॑ष्ठा भवतु प्रि॒या ।

तया॑ वर्धस्व॒ सुष्टु॑तः ॥

sā́ te agne śám-tamā cániṣṭhā bhavatu priyā́ ǀ

táyā vardhasva sú-stutaḥ ǁ

May that thought, O Fire, become pleasant and full of peace and gladness; grow by it, well-affirmed by our lauds.


सा द्यु॒म्नैर्द्यु॒म्निनी॑ बृ॒हदुपो॑प॒ श्रव॑सि॒ श्रवः॑ ।

दधी॑त वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥

sā́ dyumnáiḥ dyumnínī bṛhát úpa-upa śrávasi śrávaḥ ǀ

dádhīta vṛtra-tū́rye ǁ

May it be luminous with many lights, and uphold in its inspiration a vast inspired knowledge in the piercing of the Coverers.


अश्व॒मिद्गां र॑थ॒प्रां त्वे॒षमिंद्रं॒ न सत्प॑तिं ।

यस्य॒ श्रवां॑सि॒ तूर्व॑थ॒ पन्यं॑पन्यं च कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥

áśvam ít gā́m ratha-prā́m tveṣám índram ná sát-patim ǀ

yásya śrávāṃsi tū́rvatha pányam-panyam ca kṛṣṭáyaḥ ǁ

He is the Horse of power and the Cow of light, it is he who fills our chariots, he is brilliant and like Indra the lord of beings; you shall cross through his inspiration, O men! and find each wonderful.


यं त्वा॑ गो॒पव॑नो गि॒रा चनि॑ष्ठदग्ने अंगिरः ।

स पा॑वक श्रुधी॒ हवं॑ ॥

yám tvā gopávanaḥ girā́ cániṣṭhat agne aṅgiraḥ ǀ

sáḥ pāvaka śrudhi hávam ǁ

Thou whom Gopavana gladdens with his word, O Fire, O Angiras, O purifying Flame, hear his call.


यं त्वा॒ जना॑स॒ ईळ॑ते स॒बाधो॒ वाज॑सातये ।

स बो॑धि वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥

yám tvā jánāsaḥ ī́ḷate sa-bā́dhaḥ vā́ja-sātaye ǀ

sáḥ bodhi vṛtra-tū́rye ǁ

Thou whom men oppressed pray for the winning of the plenitudes, awake in the piercing of the Coverers.


अ॒हं हु॑वा॒न आ॒र्क्षे श्रु॒तर्व॑णि मद॒च्युति॑ ।

शर्धां॑सीव स्तुका॒विनां॑ मृ॒क्षा शी॒र्षा च॑तु॒र्णां ॥

ahám huvānáḥ ārkṣé śrutárvaṇi mada-cyúti ǀ

śárdhāṃsi-iva stukā-vínām mṛkṣā́ śīrṣā́ caturṇā́m ǁ

As if calling armed forces in Shrutarvan, son of Riksha, from whom drips the rapturous inspiration, I comb the shaggy-maned head of the four.


मां च॒त्वार॑ आ॒शवः॒ शवि॑ष्ठस्य द्रवि॒त्नवः॑ ।

सु॒रथा॑सो अ॒भि प्रयो॒ वक्ष॒न्वयो॒ न तुग्र्यं॑ ॥

mā́m catvā́raḥ āśávaḥ śáviṣṭhasya dravitnávaḥ ǀ

su-ráthāsaḥ abhí práyaḥ vákṣan váyaḥ ná túgryam ǁ

Me the swift and galloping four of that most strong one, well-charioted, bore4 towards the delight as if birds flying to water5.


स॒त्यमित्त्वा॑ महेनदि॒ परु॒ष्ण्यव॑ देदिशं ।

नेमा॑पो अश्व॒दात॑रः॒ शवि॑ष्ठादस्ति॒ मर्त्यः॑ ॥

satyám ít tvā mahe-nadi páruṣṇi áva dediśam ǀ

ná īm āpaḥ aśva-dā́taraḥ śáviṣṭhāt asti mártyaḥ ǁ

O great river Parushni, I have marked out (with them) thy true course. O waters, than this most strong one no mortal man is a greater giver of the Horses of power6.


1 Or, the great doer,


2 Or, who sees


3 Or, with outstretched ladles.


4 Or, let them bear me


5 Or, as the birds carried Tugrya.


6 Note on Riks 13, 14 and 15:

As is shown by the “Shravansi”, “Turvatha” and the name “Shrutarvan” — the Rishi is giving a symbolic turn to the name as well as to the horses and the waters.
