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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Trita Āptya

Sukta 3


इ॒नो रा॑जन्नर॒तिः समि॑द्धो॒ रौद्रो॒ दक्षा॑य सुषु॒माँ अ॑दर्शि ।

चि॒किद्वि भा॑ति भा॒सा बृ॑ह॒तासि॑क्नीमेति॒ रुश॑तीम॒पाज॑न् ॥

ináḥ rājan aratíḥ sám-iddhaḥ ráudraḥ dákṣāya susu-mā́n adarśi ǀ

cikít ví bhāti bhāsā́ bṛhatā́ ásiknīm eti rúśatīm apa-ájan ǁ

He is seen high-kindled, the master ruling all, the traveller, the terrible, he who creates perfectly right understanding, awake to knowledge he shines wide with a vast lustre; driving the ruddy bright cow he comes to the dark one.


कृ॒ष्णां यदेनी॑म॒भि वर्प॑सा॒ भूज्ज॒नय॒न्योषां॑ बृह॒तः पि॒तुर्जां ।

ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं सूर्य॑स्य स्तभा॒यंदि॒वो वसु॑भिरर॒तिर्वि भा॑ति ॥

kṛṣṇā́m yát énīm abhí várpasā bhū́t janáyan yóṣām bṛhatáḥ pitúḥ jā́m ǀ

ūrdhvám bhānúm sū́ryasya stabhāyán diváḥ vásu-bhiḥ aratíḥ ví bhāti ǁ

When he overspread with his body the black night and the dappled dawn bringing to birth the young maiden born from the great Father, pillaring the high-lifted light of the sun, the traveller shines out with the riches1 of heaven.


भ॒द्रो भ॒द्रया॒ सच॑मान॒ आगा॒त्स्वसा॑रं जा॒रो अ॒भ्ये॑ति प॒श्चात् ।

सु॒प्र॒के॒तैर्द्युभि॑र॒ग्निर्वि॒तिष्ठ॒न्रुश॑द्भि॒र्वर्णै॑र॒भि रा॒मम॑स्थात् ॥

bhadráḥ bhadráyā sácamānaḥ ā́ agāt svásāram jāráḥ abhí eti paścā́t ǀ

su-praketáiḥ dyú-bhiḥ agníḥ vi-tíṣṭhan rúśat-bhiḥ várṇaiḥ abhí rāmám asthāt ǁ

He has come closely companioning her, happy with her happy, a lover he follows behind his sister; Fire spreading out with his lights full of conscious knowledge overlays her beauty with his ruddy shining hues.


अ॒स्य यामा॑सो बृह॒तो न व॒ग्नूनिंधा॑ना अ॒ग्नेः सख्युः॑ शि॒वस्य॑ ।

ईड्य॑स्य॒ वृष्णो॑ बृह॒तः स्वासो॒ भामा॑सो॒ याम॑न्न॒क्तव॑श्चिकित्रे ॥

asyá yā́māsaḥ bṛhatáḥ ná vagnū́n índhānāḥ agnéḥ sákhyuḥ śivásya ǀ

ī́ḍyasya vṛ́ṣṇaḥ bṛhatáḥ su-ā́saḥ bhā́māsaḥ yā́man aktávaḥ cikitre ǁ

His movements flaming send forth as if vast callings of Fire the beneficent comrade in the march of this mighty and adorable flame, the vast and beautiful his radiances blazing have waked to knowledge.


स्व॒ना न यस्य॒ भामा॑सः॒ पवं॑ते॒ रोच॑मानस्य बृह॒तः सु॒दिवः॑ ।

ज्येष्ठे॑भि॒र्यस्तेजि॑ष्ठैः क्रीळु॒मद्भि॒र्वर्षि॑ष्ठेभिर्भा॒नुभि॒र्नक्ष॑ति॒ द्यां ॥

svanā́ḥ ná yásya bhā́māsaḥ pávante rócamānasya bṛhatáḥ su-dívaḥ ǀ

jyéṣṭhebhiḥ yáḥ téjiṣṭhaiḥ krīḷumát-bhiḥ várṣiṣṭhebhiḥ bhānú-bhiḥ nákṣati dyā́m ǁ

His blazings as he shines stream like sounds of bright heaven in its vastness; with his greatest, most splendid and opulent lights at play he travels to heaven.


अ॒स्य शुष्मा॑सो ददृशा॒नप॑वे॒र्जेह॑मानस्य स्वनयन्नि॒युद्भिः॑ ।

प्र॒त्नेभि॒र्यो रुश॑द्भिर्दे॒वत॑मो॒ वि रेभ॑द्भिरर॒तिर्भाति॒ विभ्वा॑ ॥

asyá śúṣmāsaḥ dadṛśāná-paveḥ jéhamānasya svanayan niyút-bhiḥ ǀ

pratnébhiḥ yáḥ rúśat-bhiḥ devá-tamaḥ ví rébhat-bhiḥ aratíḥ bhā́ti ví-bhvā ǁ

His strengths are those of a thunderbolt seen in the hurling, they neigh aloud in their teams; he, the traveller, most divine, shines wide-pervading with his ancient ruddy chanting fires.


स आ व॑क्षि॒ महि॑ न॒ आ च॑ सत्सि दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्योर॑र॒तिर्यु॑व॒त्योः ।

अ॒ग्निः सु॒तुकः॑ सु॒तुके॑भि॒रश्वै॒ रभ॑स्वद्भी॒ रभ॑स्वाँ॒ एह ग॑म्याः ॥

sáḥ ā́ vakṣi máhi naḥ ā́ ca satsi diváḥpṛthivyóḥ aratíḥ yuvatyóḥ ǀ

agníḥ su-túkaḥ su-túkebhiḥ áśvaiḥ rábhasvat-bhiḥ rábhasvān ā́ ihá gamyāḥ ǁ

So carry for us, so take thy seat, the mighty traveller of the young earth and heaven, Fire the swift and vehement with his swift and vehement horses, — so mayst thou come to us here.


1 Or, the shining ones
