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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Trita Āptya

Sukta 2


पि॒प्री॒हि दे॒वाँ उ॑श॒तो य॑विष्ठ वि॒द्वाँ ऋ॒तूँर्ऋ॑तुपते यजे॒ह ।

ये दैव्या॑ ऋ॒त्विज॒स्तेभि॑रग्ने॒ त्वं होतॄ॑णाम॒स्याय॑जिष्ठः ॥

piprīhí devā́n uśatáḥ yaviṣṭha vidvā́n ṛtū́n1 ṛtu-pate yaja ihá ǀ

yé dáivyāḥ ṛtvíjaḥ tébhiḥ agne tvám hótṝṇām asi ā́-yajiṣṭhaḥ ǁ

Satisfy the desire of the gods, O thou ever young, do sacrifice here, a knower of its order and its times, O master of the order and time of things; with those who are divine priests of the order of the work thou, O Fire, art the strongest for sacrifice.


वेषि॑ हो॒त्रमु॒त पो॒त्रं जना॑नां मंधा॒तासि॑ द्रविणो॒दा ऋ॒तावा॑ ।

स्वाहा॑ व॒यं कृ॒णवा॑मा ह॒वींषि॑ दे॒वो दे॒वान्य॑जत्व॒ग्निरर्ह॑न् ॥

véṣi hotrám utá potrám jánānām mandhātā́ asi draviṇaḥ-dā́ḥ ṛtá-vā ǀ

svā́hā vayám kṛṇávāma havī́ṃṣi deváḥ devā́n yajatu agníḥ árhan ǁ

Thou comest to men’s invocation, thou comest to the purification, thou art the thinker, the giver of the riches, the possessor of the Truth: may we make the offerings with svāhā; may Fire, availing, do the sacrifice, a god to the gods.


आ दे॒वाना॒मपि॒ पंथा॑मगन्म॒ यच्छ॒क्नवा॑म॒ तदनु॒ प्रवो॑ळ्हुं ।

अ॒ग्निर्वि॒द्वान्त्स य॑जा॒त्सेदु॒ होता॒ सो अ॑ध्व॒रान्त्स ऋ॒तून्क॑ल्पयाति ॥

ā́ devā́nām ápi pánthām aganma yát śaknávāma tát ánu prá-voḷhum ǀ

agníḥ vidvā́n sáḥ yajāt sáḥ ít ūṃ␣íti hótā sáḥ adhvarā́n sáḥ ṛtū́n kalpayāti ǁ

We have come to the path of the gods, may we have power to tread it, to drive forward along that road. The Fire is the knower, let him do sacrifice; he verily is the Priest of the call, he makes effective the pilgrim-sacrifices and the order of our works.


यद्वो॑ व॒यं प्र॑मि॒नाम॑ व्र॒तानि॑ वि॒दुषां॑ देवा॒ अवि॑दुष्टरासः ।

अ॒ग्निष्टद्विश्व॒मा पृ॑णाति वि॒द्वान्येभि॑र्दे॒वाँ ऋ॒तुभिः॑ क॒ल्पया॑ति ॥

tát vaḥ vayám pra-minā́ma vratā́ni vidúṣām devāḥ áviduḥ-tarāsaḥ ǀ

agníḥ tát víśvam ā́ pṛṇāti vidvā́n yébhiḥ devā́n ṛtú-bhiḥ kalpáyāti ǁ

Whatever we may impair of the laws of your workings, O gods, we in our ignorance maiming your workings who know, all that may the Fire who is a knower make full by that order in time with which he makes effective the gods.


यत्पा॑क॒त्रा मन॑सा दी॒नद॑क्षा॒ न य॒ज्ञस्य॑ मन्व॒ते मर्त्या॑सः ।

अ॒ग्निष्टद्धोता॑ क्रतु॒विद्वि॑जा॒नन्यजि॑ष्ठो दे॒वाँ ऋ॑तु॒शो य॑जाति ॥

yát pāka-trā́ mánasā dīná-dakṣāḥ ná yajñásya manvaté mártyāsaḥ ǀ

agníḥ tát hótā kratu-vít vi-jānán yájiṣṭhaḥ devā́n ṛtu-śáḥ yajāti ǁ

What in thee sacrifice mortals in the ignorance of their minds, poor in discernment, cannot think out, that the Fire knows, the Priest of the call, the finder of the right-will, strongest of sacrificants and does the sacrifice to the gods in the order and times of the truth.


विश्वे॑षां॒ ह्य॑ध्व॒राणा॒मनी॑कं चि॒त्रं के॒तुं जनि॑ता त्वा ज॒जान॑ ।

स आ य॑जस्व नृ॒वती॒रनु॒ क्षाः स्पा॒र्हा इषः॑ क्षु॒मती॑र्वि॒श्वज॑न्याः ॥

víśveṣām hí adhvarā́ṇām ánīkam citrám ketúm jánitā tvā jajā́na ǀ

sáḥ ā́ yajasva nṛ-vátīḥ ánu kṣā́ḥ spārhā́ḥ íṣaḥ kṣu-mátīḥ viśvá-janyāḥ ǁ

The father brought thee to birth, the force of all pilgrim-sacrifices, the many-hued ray of intuition; so do thou win for us by sacrifice in the line of the planes with their godheads, their desirable and opulent universal forces.


यं त्वा॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी यं त्वाप॒स्त्वष्टा॒ यं त्वा॑ सु॒जनि॑मा ज॒जान॑ ।

पंथा॒मनु॑ प्रवि॒द्वान्पि॑तृ॒याणं॑ द्यु॒मद॑ग्ने समिधा॒नो वि भा॑हि ॥

yám tvā dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti yám tvā ā́paḥ tváṣṭā yám tvā su-jánimā jajā́na ǀ

pánthām ánu pra-vidvā́n pitṛ-yā́nam dyu-mát agne sam-idhānáḥ ví bhāhi ǁ

Thou whom heaven and earth, thou whom the waters, thou whom the form-maker, creator of perfect births, have brought into being; O Fire, luminously along the path of the journey of the Fathers, knowing it beforehand, high-kindled blaze.


1 In the exoteric sense, “ṛtu” seems to mean the rites of the sacrifice.
