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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Trita Āptya

Sukta 7


स्व॒स्ति नो॑ दि॒वो अ॑ग्ने पृथि॒व्या वि॒श्वायु॑र्धेहि य॒जथा॑य देव ।

सचे॑महि॒ तव॑ दस्म प्रके॒तैरु॑रु॒ष्या ण॑ उ॒रुभि॑र्देव॒ शंसैः॑ ॥

svastí naḥ diváḥ agne pṛthivyā́ḥ viśvá-āyuḥ dhehi yajáthāya deva ǀ

sácemahi táva dasma pra-ketáiḥ uruṣyá naḥ urú-bhiḥ deva śáṃsaiḥ ǁ

Found for us felicity of earth and heaven and universal life that we may worship thee with sacrifice, O god; O doer of works, may we keep close to thy perceptions of knowledge; guard us, O god, with thy wide utterances.


इ॒मा अ॑ग्ने म॒तय॒स्तुभ्यं॑ जा॒ता गोभि॒रश्वै॑र॒भि गृ॑णंति॒ राधः॑ ।

य॒दा ते॒ मर्तो॒ अनु॒ भोग॒मान॒ड्वसो॒ दधा॑नो म॒तिभिः॑ सुजात ॥

imā́ḥ agne matáyaḥ túbhyam jātā́ḥ góbhiḥ áśvaiḥ abhí gṛṇanti rā́dhaḥ ǀ

yadā́ te mártaḥ ánu bhógam ā́naṭ váso␣íti dádhānaḥ matí-bhiḥ su-jāta ǁ

For thee these thoughts are born, O Fire, towards thee they voice our achievement of riches with its horses of power and herds of light when the mortal upheld by his thoughts following thee attains to thy enjoyment, O Fire, perfectly born, O shining One.


अ॒ग्निं म॑न्ये पि॒तर॑म॒ग्निमा॒पिम॒ग्निं भ्रात॑रं॒ सद॒मित्सखा॑यं ।

अ॒ग्नेरनी॑कं बृह॒तः स॑पर्यं दि॒वि शु॒क्रं य॑ज॒तं सूर्य॑स्य ॥

agním manye pitáram agním āpím agním bhrā́taram sádam ít sákhāyam ǀ

agnéḥ ánīkam bṛhatáḥ saparyam diví śukrám yajatám sū́ryasya ǁ

I think of the Fire as my father, my ally, my brother, ever my comrade; I serve the force of vast Fire, his bright and worshipped force of the Sun in heaven.


सि॒ध्रा अ॑ग्ने॒ धियो॑ अ॒स्मे सनु॑त्री॒र्यं त्राय॑से॒ दम॒ आ नित्य॑होता ।

ऋ॒तावा॒ स रो॒हिद॑श्वः पुरु॒क्षुर्द्युभि॑रस्मा॒ अह॑भिर्वा॒मम॑स्तु ॥

sidhrā́ḥ agne dhíyaḥ asmé␣íti sánutrīḥ yám trā́yase dáme ā́ nítya-hotā ǀ

ṛtá-vā sáḥ rohít-aśvaḥ puru-kṣúḥ dyú-bhiḥ asmai áha-bhiḥ vāmám astu ǁ

O Fire, effective in us are thy thoughts and conquerors of our aims: he whom thou deliverest, thou the eternal Priest of the call in the house, who art that driver of the red horses, possessed of the Truth, possessor of the much store of riches, may happiness be his through the shining days.


द्युभि॑र्हि॒तं मि॒त्रमि॑व प्र॒योगं॑ प्र॒त्नमृ॒त्विज॑मध्व॒रस्य॑ जा॒रं ।

बा॒हुभ्या॑म॒ग्निमा॒यवो॑ऽजनंत वि॒क्षु होता॑रं॒ न्य॑सादयंत ॥

dyú-bhiḥ hitám mitrám-iva pra-yógam pratnám ṛtvíjam adhvarásya jārám ǀ

bāhú-bhyām agním āyávaḥ ajananta vikṣú hótāram ní asādayanta ǁ

The Fire founded by the heavens1 as our friend and the means for our works, the ancient Priest of the pilgrim-rites, the lover men brought into being by the strength of their two arms and seated within as the Priest of the call in beings.


स्व॒यं य॑जस्व दि॒वि दे॑व दे॒वान्किं ते॒ पाकः॑ कृणव॒दप्र॑चेताः ।

यथाय॑ज ऋ॒तुभि॑र्देव दे॒वाने॒वा य॑जस्व त॒न्वं॑ सुजात ॥

svayám yajasva diví deva devā́n kím te pā́kaḥ kṛṇavat ápra-cetāḥ ǀ

yáthā áyajaḥ ṛtú-bhiḥ deva devā́n evá yajasva tanvám su-jāta ǁ

Thyself sacrifice in heaven to the gods, for what shall man immature in thought and unconscious of the knowledge do of thy work? Even as thou didst sacrifice in the order and times of the Truth, a god to the gods, O perfectly born Fire, so sacrifice to thy body.


भवा॑ नो अग्नेऽवि॒तोत गो॒पा भवा॑ वय॒स्कृदु॒त नो॑ वयो॒धाः ।

रास्वा॑ च नः सुमहो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं॒ त्रास्वो॒त न॑स्त॒न्वो॒३่ अप्र॑युच्छन् ॥

bháva naḥ agne avitā́ utá gopā́ḥ bháva vayaḥ-kṛ́t utá naḥ vayaḥ-dhā́ḥ ǀ

rā́sva ca naḥ su-mahaḥ havyá-dātim trā́sva utá naḥ tanváḥ ápra-yucchan ǁ

O Fire, become our guardian and protector, become the creator of our growth and of our growth the upholder, O mighty One, give to us what we shall give as offerings to the gods, and unfailing our bodies deliver.


1 Or, with his lights
