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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Trita Āptya

Sukta 6


अ॒यं स यस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नवो॑भिर॒ग्नेरेध॑ते जरि॒ताभिष्टौ॑ ।

ज्येष्ठे॑भि॒र्यो भा॒नुभि॑र्ऋषू॒णां प॒र्येति॒ परि॑वीतो वि॒भावा॑ ॥

ayám sáḥ yásya śárman ávaḥ-bhiḥ agnéḥ édhate jaritā́ abhíṣṭau ǀ

jyéṣṭhebhiḥ yáḥ bhānú-bhiḥ ṛṣūṇā́m pari-éti pári-vītaḥ vibhā́-vā ǁ

This is he in whose peace1, and in his approach to it grows by his guardings the worshipper of the Fire, who encompasses all and is spread everywhere luminous with the largest lights of the wise2.


यो भा॒नुभि॑र्वि॒भावा॑ वि॒भात्य॒ग्निर्दे॒वेभि॑र्ऋ॒तावाज॑स्रः ।

आ यो वि॒वाय॑ स॒ख्या सखि॒भ्योऽप॑रिह्वृतो॒ अत्यो॒ न सप्तिः॑ ॥

yáḥ bhānú-bhiḥ vibhā́-vā vi-bhā́ti agníḥ devébhiḥ ṛtá-vā ájasraḥ ǀ

ā́ yáḥ vivā́ya sakhyā́ sákhi-bhyaḥ ápari-hvṛtaḥ átyaḥ ná sáptiḥ ǁ

Fire, who shines perpetual, possessor of the Truth, luminous with divine lights, he who follows out the works of a comrade for his comrades like a courser running straight to his goal.


ईशे॒ यो विश्व॑स्या दे॒ववी॑ते॒रीशे॑ वि॒श्वायु॑रु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।

आ यस्मि॑न्म॒ना ह॒वींष्य॒ग्नावरि॑ष्टरथः स्क॒भ्नाति॑ शू॒षैः ॥

ī́śe yáḥ víśvasyāḥ devá-vīteḥ ī́śe viśvá-āyuḥ uṣásaḥ ví-uṣṭau ǀ

ā́ yásmin manā́ havī́ṃṣi agnáu áriṣṭa-rathaḥ skabhnā́ti śūṣáiḥ ǁ

He who has power for every advent of godhead, who has power for the outbreak of the dawn and is the life of all, Fire in whom our thinkings are cast as offerings, his chariot goes unhurt and he supports all his strengths.


शू॒षेभि॑र्वृ॒धो जु॑षा॒णो अ॒र्कैर्दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ रघु॒पत्वा॑ जिगाति ।

मं॒द्रो होता॒ स जु॒ह्वा॒३่ यजि॑ष्ठः॒ सम्मि॑श्लो अ॒ग्निरा जि॑घर्ति दे॒वान् ॥

śūṣébhiḥ vṛdháḥ juṣāṇáḥ arkáiḥ devā́n áccha raghu-pátvā jigāti ǀ

mandráḥ hótā sáḥ juhvā́ yájiṣṭhaḥ sám-miślaḥ agníḥ ā́ jigharti devā́n ǁ

Increasing by his strengths, rejoicing in his illuminations he goes a swift galloper towards the gods; he is the rapturous Priest of the call, strong to sacrifice with his tongue of flame, inseparable from the gods the Fire sheds on them his light.


तमु॒स्रामिंद्रं॒ न रेज॑मानम॒ग्निं गी॒र्भिर्नमो॑भि॒रा कृ॑णुध्वं ।

आ यं विप्रा॑सो म॒तिभि॑र्गृ॒णंति॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं जु॒ह्वं॑ स॒हानां॑ ॥

tám usrā́m índram ná réjamānam agním gīḥ-bhíḥ námaḥ-bhiḥ ā́ kṛṇudhvam ǀ

ā́ yám víprāsaḥ matí-bhiḥ gṛṇánti jātá-vedasam juhvám sahā́nām ǁ

Him fashion for you with your words and your obeisances as if Indra quivering at the dawn-ray, him whom illumined sages voice with their thoughts, the knower of all things born, the overpowering Flame.


सं यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॒ वसू॑नि ज॒ग्मुर्वाजे॒ नाश्वाः॒ सप्ती॑वंत॒ एवैः॑ ।

अ॒स्मे ऊ॒तीरिंद्र॑वाततमा अर्वाची॒ना अ॑ग्न॒ आ कृ॑णुष्व ॥

sám yásmin víśvā vásūni jagmúḥ vā́je ná áśvāḥ sápti-vantaḥ évaiḥ ǀ

asmé␣íti ūtī́ḥ índravāta-tamāḥ arvācīnā́ḥ agne ā́ kṛṇuṣva ǁ

Thou in whom all the Riches meet together in the plenitude like horses by their gallopings in their speed towards the goal, the protections most desired by Indra to us make close, O Fire.


अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्ने म॒ह्ना नि॒षद्या॑ स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो हव्यो॑ ब॒भूथ॑ ।

तं ते॑ दे॒वासो॒ अनु॒ केत॑माय॒न्नधा॑वर्धंत प्रथ॒मास॒ ऊमाः॑ ॥

ádha hí agne mahnā́ ni-sádya sadyáḥ jajñānáḥ hávyaḥ babhū́tha ǀ

tám te devā́saḥ ánu kétam āyan ádha avardhanta prathamā́saḥ ū́māḥ ǁ

Now, indeed, taking thy seat in thy greatness, O Fire, in thy very birth thou hast become the one to whom we must call; the gods walked by the ray of thy intuition, then they grew and were the first and supreme helpers.


1 Or, house of refuge,


2 Or, with his largest lights for the wise.
