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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Havirdhāna Āṅgi

Sukta 11


वृषा॒ वृष्णे॑ दुदुहे॒ दोह॑सा दि॒वः पयां॑सि य॒ह्वो अदि॑ते॒रदा॑भ्यः ।

विश्वं॒ स वे॑द॒ वरु॑णो॒ यथा॑ धि॒या स य॒ज्ञियो॑ यजतु य॒ज्ञियाँ॑ ऋ॒तून् ॥

vṛ́ṣā vṛ́ṣṇe duduhe dóhasā diváḥ páyāṃsi yahváḥ áditeḥ ádābhyaḥ ǀ

víśvam sáḥ veda váruṇaḥ yáthā dhiyā́ sáḥ yajñíyaḥ yajatu yajñíyān ṛtū́n ǁ

Mighty from the mighty, strong and inviolable, he milked by the milking of heaven the streams of the Indivisible; Varuna knew all by his right thought. A lord of sacrifice, may he perform the order of the rites of the sacrifice.


रप॑द्गंध॒र्वीरप्या॑ च॒ योष॑णा न॒दस्य॑ ना॒दे परि॑ पातु मे॒ मनः॑ ।

इ॒ष्टस्य॒ मध्ये॒ अदि॑ति॒र्नि धा॑तु नो॒ भ्राता॑ नो ज्ये॒ष्ठः प्र॑थ॒मो वि वो॑चति ॥

rápat gandharvī́ḥ ápyā ca yóṣaṇā nadásya nādé pári pātu me mánaḥ ǀ

iṣṭásya mádhye áditiḥ ní dhātu naḥ bhrā́tā naḥ jyeṣṭháḥ prathamáḥ ví vocati ǁ

May the Gandharvi speak to me and the Woman born from the Waters, may her protection be around my mind midst the roar of the river; may the indivisible mother establish us in the heart of our desire: my brother the greatest1 and first declares it to me.


सो चि॒न्नु भ॒द्रा क्षु॒मती॒ यश॑स्वत्यु॒षा उ॑वास॒ मन॑वे॒ स्व॑र्वती ।

यदी॑मु॒शंत॑मुश॒तामनु॒ क्रतु॑म॒ग्निं होता॑रं वि॒दथा॑य॒ जीज॑नन् ॥

só␣íti cit nú bhadrā́ kṣu-mátī yáśasvatī uṣā́ḥ uvāsa mánave sváḥ-vatī ǀ

yát īm uśántam uśatā́m ánu krátum agním hótāram vidáthāya jī́janan ǁ

She the happy, and opulent and glorious, dawn has shone out for man bringing the Sun-world with her. When they gave birth to this Fire, an aspirant doing the will of the aspirants for the discovery of knowledge.


अध॒ त्यं द्र॒प्सं वि॒भ्वं॑ विचक्ष॒णं विराभ॑रदिषि॒तः श्ये॒नो अ॑ध्व॒रे ।

यदी॒ विशो॑ वृ॒णते॑ द॒स्ममार्या॑ अ॒ग्निं होता॑र॒मध॒ धीर॑जायत ॥

ádha tyám drapsám vi-bhvám vi-cakṣaṇám víḥ ā́ abharat iṣitáḥ śyenáḥ adhvaré ǀ

yádi víśaḥ vṛṇáte dasmám ā́ryāḥ agním hótāram ádha dhī́ḥ ajāyata ǁ

Now the Bird, the missioned Hawk, has brought the draught of the great and seeing wine to the pilgrim-sacrifice. When the Aryan peoples chose the doer of works, Fire the Priest of the call, then the thought was born.


सदा॑सि र॒ण्वो यव॑सेव॒ पुष्य॑ते॒ होत्रा॑भिरग्ने॒ मनु॑षः स्वध्व॒रः ।

विप्र॑स्य वा॒ यच्छ॑शमा॒न उ॒क्थ्यं१่ वाजं॑ सस॒वाँ उ॑प॒यासि॒ भूरि॑भिः ॥

sádā asi raṇváḥ yávasā-iva púṣyate hótrābhiḥ agne mánuṣaḥ su-adhvaráḥ ǀ

víprasya vā yát śaśamānáḥ ukthyám vā́jam sasa-vā́n upa-yā́si bhū́ri-bhiḥ ǁ

Ever art thou delightful like grasses to that which feeds on them, O Fire, doing well with thy voices of invocation the pilgrim-sacrifice for man when thou givest utterance to the plenitude of the word of the illumined sage, as one who has conquered, thou comest with thy multitude.


उदी॑रय पि॒तरा॑ जा॒र आ भग॒मिय॑क्षति हर्य॒तो हृ॒त्त इ॑ष्यति ।

विव॑क्ति॒ वह्निः॑ स्वप॒स्यते॑ म॒खस्त॑वि॒ष्यते॒ असु॑रो॒ वेप॑ते म॒ती ॥

út īraya pitárā jāráḥ ā́ bhágam íyakṣati haryatáḥ hṛttáḥ iṣyati ǀ

vívakti váhniḥ su-apasyáte makháḥ taviṣyáte ásuraḥ vépate matī́ ǁ

Upward lift the Father and Mother; the lover aspires to his enjoyment, rejoicing he obeys the urgings from his heart: a bearer of the word he speaks and jocund longs for the good work, the Mighty One puts forth his strength and is illumined by the Thought.


यस्ते॑ अग्ने सुम॒तिं मर्तो॒ अक्ष॒त्सह॑सः सूनो॒ अति॒ स प्र शृ॑ण्वे ।

इषं॒ दधा॑नो॒ वह॑मानो॒ अश्वै॒रा स द्यु॒माँ अम॑वान्भूषति॒ द्यून् ॥

yáḥ te agne su-matím mártaḥ ákṣat sáhasaḥ sūno␣íti áti sáḥ prá śṛṇve ǀ

íṣam dádhānaḥ váhamānaḥ áśvaiḥ ā́ sáḥ dyu-mā́n áma-vān bhūṣati dyū́n ǁ

O Fire, O son of Force, the mortal who attains to thy right thinking goes forward and hears the truth beyond; holding the impelling force, borne by the horses of power, luminous and mighty he seeks to possess the heavens.


यद॑ग्न ए॒षा समि॑ति॒र्भवा॑ति दे॒वी दे॒वेषु॑ यज॒ता य॑जत्र ।

रत्ना॑ च॒ यद्वि॒भजा॑सि स्वधावो भा॒गं नो॒ अत्र॒ वसु॑मंतं वीतात् ॥

yát agne eṣā́ sám-itiḥ bhávāti devī́ devéṣu yajatā́ yajatra ǀ

rátnā ca yát vi-bhájāsi svadhā-vaḥ bhāgám naḥ átra vásu-mantam vītāt ǁ

When, O Fire, takes place that sacrificial assembly, O master of sacrifice, the assembly divine among the gods, when thou distributest the ecstasies, O lord of nature, an opulent portion bring to us.


श्रु॒धी नो॑ अग्ने॒ सद॑ने स॒धस्थे॑ यु॒क्ष्वा रथ॑म॒मृत॑स्य द्रवि॒त्नुं ।

आ नो॑ वह॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वपु॑त्रे॒ माकि॑र्दे॒वाना॒मप॑ भूरि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥

śrudhí naḥ agne sádane sadhá-sthe yukṣvá rátham amṛ́tasya dravitnúm ǀ

ā́ naḥ vaha ródasī␣íti deváputre␣íti␣devá-putre mā́kiḥ devā́nām ápa bhūḥ ihá syāḥ ǁ

Hear us, O Fire, in thy house, in the hall of thy session, yoke the galloping car of the Immortal; bring to us heaven and earth, parents of the gods; let none of the gods be away from us and mayst thou be here.


1 Or, the eldest
