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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Havirdhāna Āṅgi

Sukta 12


द्यावा॑ ह॒ क्षामा॑ प्रथ॒मे ऋ॒तेना॑भिश्रा॒वे भ॑वतः सत्य॒वाचा॑ ।

दे॒वो यन्मर्ता॑न्य॒जथा॑य कृ॒ण्वन् सीद॒द्धोता॑ प्र॒त्यङ्स्वमसुं॒ यन् ॥

dyā́vā ha kṣā́mā prathamé␣íti ṛténa abhi-śrāvé bhavataḥ satya-vā́cā ǀ

deváḥ yát mártān yajáthāya kṛṇván sī́dat hótā pratyáṅ svám ásum yán ǁ

Heaven and earth are the first to hear and by the Truth become possessed of the true speech when the god fashioning the mortal for the sacrificial act takes his seat as his Priest of the call and turned towards its own force moves towards it.


दे॒वो दे॒वान्प॑रि॒भूर्ऋ॒तेन॒ वहा॑ नो ह॒व्यं प्र॑थ॒मश्चि॑कि॒त्वान् ।

धू॒मके॑तुः स॒मिधा॒ भाऋ॑जीको मं॒द्रो होता॒ नित्यो॑ वा॒चा यजी॑यान् ॥

deváḥ devā́n pari-bhū́ḥ ṛténa váha naḥ havyám prathamáḥ cikitvā́n ǀ

dhūmá-ketuḥ sam-ídhā bhā́ḥ-ṛjīkaḥ mandráḥ hótā nítyaḥ vācā́ yájīyān ǁ

A god encompassing the gods with the Truth, carry our offering, the first to awake to the knowledge; erect, thy light rises by the kindling with smoke for thy banner; thou art the rapturous eternal Priest of the call strong by speech for the sacrifice.


स्वावृ॑ग्दे॒वस्या॒मृतं॒ यदी॒ गोरतो॑ जा॒तासो॑ धारयंत उ॒र्वी ।

विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अनु॒ तत्ते॒ यजु॑र्गुर्दु॒हे यदेनी॑ दि॒व्यं घृ॒तं वाः ॥

svā́vṛk devásya amṛ́tam yádi góḥ átaḥ jātā́saḥ dhārayante urvī́␣íti ǀ

víśve devā́ḥ ánu tát te yájuḥ guḥ duhé yát énī divyám ghṛtám vā́ríti␣vā́ḥ ǁ

When perfectly achieved is the immortality of the godhead, the immortality of the Light, men born in this world hold wide earth and heaven; all the gods follow in the track of that sacrificial act1 of thine when the white cow is milked of her stream of divine Light.


अर्चा॑मि वां॒ वर्धा॒यापो॑ घृतस्नू॒ द्यावा॑भूमी शृणु॒तं रो॑दसी मे ।

अहा॒ यद्द्यावोऽसु॑नीति॒मय॒न्मध्वा॑ नो॒ अत्र॑ पि॒तरा॑ शिशीतां ॥

árcāmi vām várdhāya ápaḥ ghṛtasnū␣íti␣ghṛta-snū dyā́vābhūmī␣íti śṛṇutám rodasī␣íti me ǀ

áhā yát dyā́vaḥ ásu-nītim áyan mádhvā naḥ átra pitárā śiśītām ǁ

O earth and heaven, I sing to you the word of illumination, pouring your light make my work grow, may the two firmaments hear me; when the days and the heavens have come by the guidance of the force, may the Father and Mother quicken us here with the sweetness of the wine.


किं स्वि॑न्नो॒ राजा॑ जगृहे॒ कद॒स्याति॑ व्र॒तं च॑कृमा॒ को वि वे॑द ।

मि॒त्रश्चि॒द्धि ष्मा॑ जुहुरा॒णो दे॒वांछ्लोको॒ न या॒तामपि॒ वाजो॒ अस्ति॑ ॥

kím svit naḥ rā́jā jagṛhe kát asya áti vratám cakṛma káḥ ví veda ǀ

mitráḥ cit hí sma juhurāṇáḥ devā́n ślókaḥ ná yātā́m ápi vā́jaḥ ásti ǁ

On something in us the king has laid hold; what have we done that transgresses his law who can know? Even if the Friend is dealing crookedly with the gods there is as if a call to us as we go, there is upon us a plenitude.


दु॒र्मंत्वत्रा॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाम॒ सल॑क्ष्मा॒ यद्विषु॑रूपा॒ भवा॑ति ।

य॒मस्य॒ यो म॒नव॑ते सु॒मंत्वग्ने॒ तमृ॑ष्व पा॒ह्यप्र॑युच्छन् ॥

duḥ-mántu átra amṛ́tasya nā́ma sá-lakṣmā yát víṣu-rūpā bhávāti ǀ

yamásya yáḥ manávate su-mántu ágne tám ṛṣva pāhi ápra-yucchan ǁ

Hard to seize by the mind in this world is the name of the immortal because he puts on features and becomes divergent forms; he who grasps perfectly with his mind and his thought seizes its controlling law, him, O Fire, O mighty One, undeviatingly protect.


यस्मिं॑दे॒वा वि॒दथे॑ मा॒दयं॑ते वि॒वस्व॑तः॒ सद॑ने धा॒रयं॑ते ।

सूर्ये॒ ज्योति॒रद॑धुर्मा॒स्य१่क्तून्परि॑ द्योत॒निं च॑रतो॒ अज॑स्रा ॥

yásmin devā́ḥ vidáthe mādáyante vivásvataḥ sádane dhāráyante ǀ

sū́rye jyótiḥ ádadhuḥ māsí aktū́n pári dyotaním carataḥ ájasrā ǁ

The discovery of knowledge in which the gods find their rapture they hold in the house of the radiant sun; they have set in the sun its light, in the moon its rays and both circle unceasingly around its illumination.


यस्मिं॑दे॒वा मन्म॑नि सं॒चरं॑त्यपी॒च्ये॒३่ न व॒यम॑स्य विद्म ।

मि॒त्रो नो॒ अत्रादि॑ति॒रना॑गान्त्सवि॒ता दे॒वो वरु॑णाय वोचत् ॥

yásmin devā́ḥ mánmani sam-cáranti apīcyé ná vayám asya vidma ǀ

mitráḥ naḥ átra áditiḥ ánāgān savitā́ deváḥ váruṇāya vocat ǁ

The thought in which the gods meet together, when it is occult we know not of it. May Mitra and the indivisible mother and the godhead of the creative sun declare us sinless to Varuna.


श्रु॒धी नो॑ अग्ने॒ सद॑ने स॒धस्थे॑ यु॒क्ष्वा रथ॑म॒मृत॑स्य द्रवि॒त्नुं ।

आ नो॑ वह॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वपु॑त्रे॒ माकि॑र्दे॒वाना॒मप॑ भूरि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥

śrudhí naḥ agne sádane sadhá-sthe yukṣvá rátham amṛ́tasya dravitnúm ǀ

ā́ naḥ vaha ródasī␣íti deváputre␣íti␣devá-putre mā́kiḥ devā́nām ápa bhūḥ ihá syāḥ ǁ

Hear us, O Fire, in thy house, in the hall of thy session, yoke the galloping car of the Immortal; bring to us heaven and earth, parents of the gods; let none of the gods be away from us and mayst thou be here.


1 Or, sacrificial word
