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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vatsaprī Bhālandana

Sukta 45


दि॒वस्परि॑ प्रथ॒मं ज॑ज्ञे अ॒ग्निर॒स्मद्द्वि॒तीयं॒ परि॑ जा॒तवे॑दाः ।

तृ॒तीय॑म॒प्सु नृ॒मणा॒ अज॑स्र॒मिंधा॑न एनं जरते स्वा॒धीः ॥

diváḥ pári prathamám jajñe agníḥ asmát dvitī́yam pári jātá-vedāḥ ǀ

tṛtī́yam ap-sú nṛ-mánāḥ ájasram índhānaḥ enam jarate su-ādhī́ḥ ǁ

Above heaven was the first birth of the Fire, over us was his second birth as the knower of all things born, his third birth was in the waters, a god-mind; him continuously one kindles and with one’s thought perfectly fixed on him adores.


वि॒द्मा ते॑ अग्ने त्रे॒धा त्र॒याणि॑ वि॒द्मा ते॒ धाम॒ विभृ॑ता पुरु॒त्रा ।

वि॒द्मा ते॒ नाम॑ पर॒मं गुहा॒ यद्वि॒द्मा तमुत्सं॒ यत॑ आज॒गंथ॑ ॥

vidmá te agne tredhā́ trayā́ṇi vidmá te dhā́ma ví-bhṛtā puru-trā́ ǀ

vidmá te nā́ma paramám gúhā yát vidmá tám útsam yátaḥ ā-jagántha ǁ

O Fire, we know the triple three of thee, we know thy seats borne widely in many planes, we know thy supreme Name which is in the secrecy, we know that fount of things whence thou camest.


स॒मु॒द्रे त्वा॑ नृ॒मणा॑ अ॒प्स्वं१่तर्नृ॒चक्षा॑ ईधे दि॒वो अ॑ग्न॒ ऊध॑न् ।

तृ॒तीये॑ त्वा॒ रज॑सि तस्थि॒वांस॑म॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षा अ॑वर्धन् ॥

samudré tvā nṛ-mánāḥ ap-sú antáḥ nṛ-cákṣāḥ īdhe diváḥ agne ū́dhan ǀ

tṛtī́ye tvā rájasi tasthi-vā́ṃsam apā́m upá-sthe mahiṣā́ḥ avardhan ǁ

He of the god-mind kindled thee in the Ocean, within the Waters, he of the divine vision kindled thee, O Fire, in the teat of heaven; the mighty ones made thee to grow where thou stoodest in the third kingdom, in the lap of the waters.


अक्रं॑दद॒ग्निः स्त॒नय॑न्निव॒ द्यौः क्षामा॒ रेरि॑हद्वी॒रुधः॑ समं॒जन् ।

स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो वि हीमि॒द्धो अख्य॒दा रोद॑सी भा॒नुना॑ भात्यं॒तः ॥

ákrandat agníḥ stanáyan-iva dyáuḥ kṣā́ma rérihat vīrúdhaḥ sam-añján ǀ

sadyáḥ jajñānáḥ ví hí īm iddháḥ ákhyat ā́ ródasī␣íti bhānúnā bhāti antáríti ǁ

Fire cried aloud like heaven thundering, he licked the earth revealing its growths: when kindled and born, at once he saw all this that is; he shines out with his light between earth and heaven.


श्री॒णामु॑दा॒रो ध॒रुणो॑ रयी॒णां म॑नी॒षाणां॒ प्रार्प॑णः॒ सोम॑गोपाः ।

वसुः॑ सू॒नुः सह॑सो अ॒प्सु राजा॒ वि भा॒त्यग्र॑ उ॒षसा॑मिधा॒नः ॥

śrīṇā́m ut-āráḥ dharúṇaḥ rayīṇā́m manīṣā́ṇām pra-árpaṇaḥ sóma-gopāḥ ǀ

vásuḥ sūnúḥ sáhasaḥ ap-sú rā́jā ví bhāti ágre uṣásām idhānáḥ ǁ

An exalter of glories, a holder of the riches, a manifester of thinking mind, a guardian of the wine of delight, a shining One, the son of force, the king in the Waters, he grows luminous as he burns up in the front of the dawns.


विश्व॑स्य के॒तुर्भुव॑नस्य॒ गर्भ॒ आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒ज्जाय॑मानः ।

वी॒ळुं चि॒दद्रि॑मभिनत्परा॒यंजना॒ यद॒ग्निमय॑जंत॒ पंच॑ ॥

víśvasya ketúḥ bhúvanasya gárbhaḥ ā́ ródasī␣íti apṛṇāt jā́yamānaḥ ǀ

vīḷúm cit ádrim abhinat parā-yán jánāḥ yát agním áyajanta páñca ǁ

The ray of intuition of the universe, the child in the womb of the world, in his coming to birth he filled earth and heaven; going beyond them he rent even the strong mountain when the peoples of the five births sacrificed to the fire.


उ॒शिक्पा॑व॒को अ॑र॒तिः सु॑मे॒धा मर्ते॑ष्व॒ग्निर॒मृतो॒ नि धा॑यि ।

इय॑र्ति धू॒मम॑रु॒षं भरि॑भ्र॒दुच्छु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॒ द्यामिन॑क्षन् ॥

uśík pāvakáḥ aratíḥ su-medhā́ḥ márteṣu agníḥ amṛ́taḥ ní dhāyi ǀ

íyarti dhūmám aruṣám bháribhrat út śukréṇa śocíṣā dyā́m ínakṣan ǁ

An aspirant and traveller and wise of mind, a purifying flame, the Fire who is set within as the immortal in mortals, he sends forth and carries a ruddy smoke striving with his bright flame of light to reach heaven.


दृ॒शा॒नो रु॒क्म उ॑र्वि॒या व्य॑द्यौद्दु॒र्मर्ष॒मायुः॑ श्रि॒ये रु॑चा॒नः ।

अ॒ग्निर॒मृतो॑ अभव॒द्वयो॑भि॒र्यदे॑नं॒ द्यौर्ज॒नय॑त्सु॒रेताः॑ ॥

dṛśānáḥ rukmáḥ urviyā́ ví adyaut duḥ-márṣam ā́yuḥ śriyé rucānáḥ ǀ

agníḥ amṛ́taḥ abhavat váyaḥ-bhiḥ yát enam dyáuḥ janáyat su-rétāḥ ǁ

Visible, golden of light, widely he shone; resplendent in his glory he is life hard to violate: the Fire by his expandings became immortal when heaven with its strong seed had brought him to birth.


यस्ते॑ अ॒द्य कृ॒णव॑द्भद्रशोचेऽपू॒पं दे॑व घृ॒तवं॑तमग्ने ।

प्र तं न॑य प्रत॒रं वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒भि सु॒म्नं दे॒वभ॑क्तं यविष्ठ ॥

yáḥ te adyá kṛṇávat bhadra-śoce apūpám deva ghṛtá-vantam agne ǀ

prá tám naya pra-tarám vásyaḥ áccha abhí sumnám devá-bhaktam yaviṣṭha ǁ

O god, O happy light, O Fire, he who has prepared for thee the luminous honeycomb1 him lead forward towards a more opulent state, O youthful godhead, even to the bliss enjoyed by the gods.


आ तं भ॑ज सौश्रव॒सेष्व॑ग्न उ॒क्थौ॑क्थ॒ आ भ॑ज श॒स्यमा॑ने ।

प्रि॒यः सूर्ये॑ प्रि॒यो अ॒ग्ना भ॑वा॒त्युज्जा॒तेन॑ भि॒नद॒दुज्जनि॑त्वैः ॥

ā́ tám bhaja sauśravaséṣu agne ukthé-ukthe ā́ bhaja śasyámāne ǀ

priyáḥ sū́rye priyáḥ agnā́ bhavāti út jāténa bhinádat út jáni-tvaiḥ ǁ

O Fire, bestow on him his share in the things of inspired knowledge, in word upon word as it is spoken: he becomes dear to the sun, dear to Fire; upward he breaks with what is born in him, upward with the things that are to be born


त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ यज॑माना॒ अनु॒ द्यून्विश्वा॒ वसु॑ दधिरे॒ वार्या॑णि ।

त्वया॑ स॒ह द्रवि॑णमि॒च्छमा॑ना व्र॒जं गोमं॑तमु॒शिजो॒ वि व॑व्रुः ॥

tvā́m agne yájamānāḥ ánu dyū́n víśvā vásu dadhire vā́ryāṇi ǀ

tváyā sahá dráviṇam icchámānāḥ vrajám gó-mantam uśíjaḥ ví vavruḥ ǁ

O Fire, men who sacrifice to thee day after day hold in themselves all desirable riches; desiring the treasure in thy companionship, aspiring, they burst open the covered pen of the Ray-Cows.


अस्ता॑व्य॒ग्निर्न॒रां सु॒शेवो॑ वैश्वान॒र ऋषि॑भिः॒ सोम॑गोपाः ।

अ॒द्वे॒षे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी हु॑वेम॒ देवा॑ ध॒त्त र॒यिम॒स्मे सु॒वीरं॑ ॥

ástāvi agníḥ narā́m su-śévaḥ vaiśvānaráḥ ṛ́ṣi-bhiḥ sóma-gopāḥ ǀ

adveṣé␣íti dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti huvema dévāḥ dhattá rayím asmé␣íti su-vī́ram ǁ

The Fire has been affirmed in their lauds by the sages, he who is full of bliss for men, the Universal Godhead, guardian of the wine of delight. Let us invoke earth and heaven free from hostile powers; found in us, O gods, a wealth full of hero-mights.


1 Or, the cake of light
