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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vatsaprī Bhālandana

Sukta 46


प्र होता॑ जा॒तो म॒हान्न॑भो॒विन्नृ॒षद्वा॑ सीदद॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ ।

दधि॒र्यो धायि॒ स ते॒ वयां॑सि यं॒ता वसू॑नि विध॒ते त॑नू॒पाः ॥

prá hótā jātáḥ mahā́n nabhaḥ-vít nṛ-sádvā sīdat apā́m upá-sthe ǀ

dádhiḥ yáḥ dhā́yi sáḥ te váyāṃsi yantā́ vásūni vidhaté tanū-pā́ḥ ǁ

The great Priest of the call has been born; the knower of the heavens, he who is seated in man, may he take his seat in the lap of the waters: he who upholds us and who is held in us, rules for thee his worshipper thy expandings and thy riches and is the protector of thy body.


इ॒मं वि॒धंतो॑ अ॒पां स॒धस्थे॑ प॒शुं न न॒ष्टं प॒दैरनु॑ ग्मन् ।

गुहा॒ चतं॑तमु॒शिजो॒ नमो॑भिरि॒च्छंतो॒ धीरा॒ भृग॑वोऽविंदन् ॥

imám vidhántaḥ apā́m sadhá-sthe paśúm ná naṣṭám padáiḥ ánu gman ǀ

gúhā cátantam uśíjaḥ námaḥ-bhiḥ icchántaḥ dhī́rāḥ bhṛ́gavaḥ avindan ǁ

They worshipped him in the session of the waters, as if the cow of vision lost they followed him by his tracks; where he hid in the secret cavern, aspiring with obeisance the Flame-Seers, the wise thinkers desired and found him.


इ॒मं त्रि॒तो भूर्य॑विंददि॒च्छन्वै॑भूव॒सो मू॒र्धन्यघ्न्या॑याः ।

स शेवृ॑धो जा॒त आ ह॒र्म्येषु॒ नाभि॒र्युवा॑ भवति रोच॒नस्य॑ ॥

imám tritáḥ bhū́ri avindat icchán vaibhu-vasáḥ mūrdháni ághnyāyāḥ ǀ

sáḥ śé-vṛdhaḥ jātáḥ ā́ harmyéṣu nā́bhiḥ yúvā bhavati rocanásya ǁ

Him greatly desiring Trita, son of the master of wide riches1, found on the head of the light unslayable; he is born the youth who increases the felicity in our mansions and becomes the navel-centre of the luminous world.


मं॒द्रं होता॑रमु॒शिजो॒ नमो॑भिः॒ प्रांचं॑ य॒ज्ञं ने॒तार॑मध्व॒राणां॑ ।

वि॒शाम॑कृण्वन्नर॒तिं पा॑व॒कं ह॑व्य॒वाहं॒ दध॑तो॒ मानु॑षेषु ॥

mandrám hótāram uśíjaḥ námaḥ-bhiḥ prā́ñcam yajñám netā́ram adhvarā́ṇām ǀ

viśā́m akṛṇvan aratím pāvakám havya-vā́ham dádhataḥ mā́nuṣeṣu ǁ

In their aspiration they created him by their obeisance and set him in men as the rapturous Priest of the call, the sacrificer ever-moving forward, the leader of the pilgrim-sacrifices, the traveller, the carrier of the offering, the purifying Flame.


प्र भू॒र्जयं॑तं म॒हां वि॑पो॒धां मू॒रा अमू॑रं पु॒रां द॒र्माणं॑ ।

नयं॑तो॒ गर्भं॑ व॒नां धियं॑ धु॒र्हिरि॑श्मश्रुं॒ नार्वा॑णं॒ धन॑र्चं ॥

prá bhūḥ jáyantam mahā́n vipaḥ-dhā́m mūrā́ḥ ámūram purā́m darmā́ṇam ǀ

náyantaḥ gárbham vanā́m dhíyam dhuḥ híri-śmaśrum ná árvāṇam dhána-arcam ǁ

He has come into being and leading him like a golden-maned war-horse, the great, the victorious, the founder of the Light, men ignorant, one who is free from ignorance, the render of the cities, the child of the forests, whose wealth is the illumined word2 — they established the thought.


नि प॒स्त्या॑सु त्रि॒तः स्त॑भू॒यन्परि॑वीतो॒ योनौ॑ सीददं॒तः ।

अतः॑ सं॒गृभ्या॑ वि॒शां दमू॑ना॒ विध॑र्मणायं॒त्रैरी॑यते॒ नॄन् ॥

ní pastyā́su tritáḥ stabhu-yán pári-vītaḥ yónau sīdat antáríti ǀ

átaḥ sam-gṛ́bhya viśā́m dámūnāḥ ví-dharmaṇā ayantráiḥ īyate nṝ́n ǁ

May Trita in the homesteads holding all firmly3 take his session in his native seat within and all-encompassing; thence, a dweller in man’s home, taking all into his grasp, by a wide law of his action, by unrestrained movements he journeys to the gods.


अ॒स्याजरा॑सो द॒माम॒रित्रा॑ अ॒र्चद्धू॑मासो अ॒ग्नयः॑ पाव॒काः ।

श्वि॒ती॒चयः॑ श्वा॒त्रासो॑ भुर॒ण्यवो॑ वन॒र्षदो॑ वा॒यवो॒ न सोमाः॑ ॥

asyá ajárāsaḥ damā́m arítrāḥ arcát-dhūmāsaḥ agnáyaḥ pāvakā́ḥ ǀ

śvitīcáyaḥ śvātrā́saḥ bhuraṇyávaḥ vana-sádaḥ vāyávaḥ ná sómāḥ ǁ

His ageless and purifying fires are the defenders of our homes, lifting their luminous smoke; white-flaming, dwellers in the Tree, they are our strengtheners and supporters and like winds and like wine.


प्र जि॒ह्वया॑ भरते॒ वेपो॑ अ॒ग्निः प्र व॒युना॑नि॒ चेत॑सा पृथि॒व्याः ।

तमा॒यवः॑ शु॒चयं॑तं पाव॒कं मं॒द्रं होता॑रं दधिरे॒ यजि॑ष्ठं ॥

prá jihváyā bharate vépaḥ agníḥ prá vayúnāni cétasā pṛthivyā́ḥ ǀ

tám āyávaḥ śucáyantam pāvakám mandrám hótāram dadhire yájiṣṭham ǁ

Fire carries with his tongue the illumination of wisdom, he carries in his consciousness earth’s discoveries of knowledge; him men hold the illuminating and purifying rapturous Priest of the call most strong for sacrifice.


द्यावा॒ यम॒ग्निं पृ॑थि॒वी जनि॑ष्टा॒माप॒स्त्वष्टा॒ भृग॑वो॒ यं सहो॑भिः ।

ई॒ळेन्यं॑ प्रथ॒मं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ दे॒वास्त॑तक्षु॒र्मन॑वे॒ यज॑त्रं ॥

dyā́vā yám agním pṛthivī́␣íti jániṣṭām ā́paḥ tváṣṭā bhṛ́gavaḥ yám sáhaḥ-bhiḥ ǀ

īḷényam prathamám mātaríśvā devā́ḥ tatakṣuḥ mánave yájatram ǁ

This is the Fire to whom earth and heaven gave birth; and the waters, the form-maker and the Flame-Seers by their strengths, and life that grows in the mother and the gods have fashioned for man desirable, first and supreme, a master of sacrifice.


यं त्वा॑ दे॒वा द॑धि॒रे ह॑व्य॒वाहं॑ पुरु॒स्पृहो॒ मानु॑षासो॒ यज॑त्रं ।

स याम॑न्नग्ने स्तुव॒ते वयो॑ धाः॒ प्र दे॑व॒यन्य॒शसः॒ सं हि पू॒र्वीः ॥

yám tvā devā́ḥ dadhiré havya-vā́ham puru-spṛ́haḥ mā́nuṣāsaḥ yájatram ǀ

sáḥ yā́man agne stuvaté váyaḥ dhāḥ prá deva-yán yaśásaḥ sám hí pūrvī́ḥ ǁ

Thou art he whom the gods have set as the carrier of the offerings and men with their many desires as the lord of sacrifice; so do thou, O Fire, found in thy journeying wide expansion for him who lauds thee and making him divine gather in him many glorious things.


1 Trita the triple born from the All-pervading Substance,


2 Or, the illumination


3 Or, setting himself firmly
