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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Sumitra Vādhryaśva

Sukta 70


इ॒मां मे॑ अग्ने स॒मिधं॑ जुषस्वे॒ळस्प॒दे प्रति॑ हर्या घृ॒ताचीं॑ ।

वर्ष्म॑न्पृथि॒व्याः सु॑दिन॒त्वे अह्ना॑मू॒र्ध्वो भ॑व सुक्रतो देवय॒ज्या ॥

imā́m me agne sam-ídham juṣasva iḷáḥ padé práti harya ghṛtā́cīm ǀ

várṣman pṛthivyā́ḥ sudina-tvé áhnām ūrdhváḥ bhava sukrato␣íti␣su-krato deva-yajyā́ ǁ

O Fire, accept the fuel I give thee; in the seat of revelation take joy in the luminous Thought: on the high top of earth, in the brightness of the days, become high uplifted by worship of sacrifice to the gods, O strong of will!


आ दे॒वाना॑मग्र॒यावे॒ह या॑तु॒ नरा॒शंसो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पेभि॒रश्वैः॑ ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒था नम॑सा मि॒येधो॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ दे॒वत॑मः सुषूदत् ॥

ā́ devā́nām agra-yā́vā ihá yātu nárāśáṃsaḥ viśvá-rūpebhiḥ áśvaiḥ ǀ

ṛtásya pathā́ námasā miyédhaḥ devébhyaḥ devá-tamaḥ susūdat ǁ

May he who travels in front of the gods, he who voices the godhead, come here with his horses of universal forms; pure and most divine, may he hasten with our obeisance on the path of the Truth to the gods.


श॒श्व॒त्त॒ममी॑ळते दू॒त्या॑य ह॒विष्मं॑तो मनु॒ष्या॑सो अ॒ग्निं ।

वहि॑ष्ठै॒रश्वैः॑ सु॒वृता॒ रथे॒ना दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ नि ष॑दे॒ह होता॑ ॥

śaśvat-tamám īḷate dūtyā́ya havíṣmantaḥ manuṣyā́saḥ agním ǀ

váhiṣṭhaiḥ áśvaiḥ su-vṛ́tā ráthena ā́ devā́n vakṣi ní sada ihá hótā ǁ

Men bringing their offerings ask for the Fire everlasting to be their envoy: so do thou with thy horses strong to bear and thy swiftly moving car bring to us the gods; take here thy seat as the Priest of the call.


वि प्र॑थतां दे॒वजु॑ष्टं तिर॒श्चा दी॒र्घं द्रा॒घ्मा सु॑र॒भि भू॑त्व॒स्मे ।

अहे॑ळता॒ मन॑सा देव बर्हि॒रिंद्र॑ज्येष्ठाँ उश॒तो य॑क्षि दे॒वान् ॥

ví prathatām devá-juṣṭam tiraścā́ dīrghám drāghmā́ surabhí bhūtu asmé␣íti ǀ

áheḷatā mánasā deva barhiḥ índra-jyeṣṭhān uśatáḥ yakṣi devā́n ǁ

May the seat acceptable to the gods spread wide in us and all its long horizontal length become fragrant. Occupy that seat, O god, with a mind not inclining to wrath, and to the gods with Indra for their greatest offer sacrifice.


दि॒वो वा॒ सानु॑ स्पृ॒शता॒ वरी॑यः पृथि॒व्या वा॒ मात्र॑या॒ वि श्र॑यध्वं ।

उ॒श॒तीर्द्वा॑रो महि॒ना म॒हद्भि॑र्दे॒वं रथं॑ रथ॒युर्धा॑रयध्वं ॥

diváḥ vā sā́nu spṛśáta várīyaḥ pṛthivyā́ vā mā́trayā ví śrayadhvam ǀ

uśatī́ḥ dvāraḥ mahinā́ mahát-bhiḥ devám rátham ratha-yúḥ dhārayadhvam ǁ

Touch either heaven’s superior peak or swing wide open with all the extent of earth, O doors of aspiration, who desire the chariot of the gods, hold in your greatness and by the great the divine car.


दे॒वी दि॒वो दु॑हि॒तरा॑ सुशि॒ल्पे उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सदतां॒ नि योनौ॑ ।

आ वां॑ दे॒वास॑ उशती उ॒शंत॑ उ॒रौ सी॑दंतु सुभगे उ॒पस्थे॑ ॥

devī́␣íti diváḥ duhitárā suśilpé␣íti␣su-śilpé uṣásānáktā sadatām ní yónau ǀ

ā́ vām devā́saḥ uśatī␣íti uśántaḥ uráu sīdantu subhage␣íti␣su-bhage upá-sthe ǁ

Let the two divine daughters of heaven, formed beautifully, dawn and night, sit in their native seat; O dawn and night, O you who aspire, may the gods aspiring sit on your wide lap, O blissful ones.


ऊ॒र्ध्वो ग्रावा॑ बृ॒हद॒ग्निः समि॑द्धः प्रि॒या धामा॒न्यदि॑तेरु॒पस्थे॑ ।

पु॒रोहि॑तावृत्विजा य॒ज्ञे अ॒स्मिन्वि॒दुष्ट॑रा॒ द्रवि॑ण॒मा य॑जेथां ॥

ūrdhváḥ grā́vā bṛhát agníḥ sám-iddhaḥ priyā́ dhā́māni áditeḥ upá-sthe ǀ

puráḥ-hitau ṛtvijā yajñé asmín vidúḥ-tarā dráviṇam ā́ yajethām ǁ

High stands up the stone of the pressing, high the Fire is kindled, may it touch the vast and the seats dear to us in the lap of the infinite mother; O you who are vicars and ordinants of the rite in this sacrifice, you twain who have greater knowledge, may you win for us by sacrifice the Treasure.


तिस्रो॑ देवीर्ब॒र्हिरि॒दं वरी॑य॒ आ सी॑दत चकृ॒मा वः॑ स्यो॒नं ।

म॒नु॒ष्वद्य॒ज्ञं सुधि॑ता ह॒वींषीळा॑ दे॒वी घृ॒तप॑दी जुषंत ॥

tísraḥ devīḥ barhíḥ idám várīyaḥ ā́ sīdata cakṛmá vaḥ syonám ǀ

manuṣvát yajñám sú-dhitā havī́ṃṣi íḷā devī́ ghṛtá-padī juṣanta ǁ

O ye three goddesses, sit on the superior seat which we have made delightful for you; may the mother of Revelation and the two goddesses with the luminous feet accept our firmly placed offerings and our human worship of sacrifice.


देव॑ त्वष्ट॒र्यद्ध॑ चारु॒त्वमान॒ड्यदंगि॑रसा॒मभ॑वः सचा॒भूः ।

स दे॒वानां॒ पाथ॒ उप॒ प्र वि॒द्वाँ उ॒शन्य॑क्षि द्रविणोदः सु॒रत्नः॑ ॥

déva tvaṣṭaḥ yát ha cāru-tvám ā́naṭ yát áṅgirasām ábhavaḥ sacā-bhū́ḥ ǀ

sáḥ devā́nām pā́thaḥ úpa prá vidvā́n uśán yakṣi draviṇaḥ-daḥ su-rátnaḥ ǁ

O divine maker of forms, since thou hast reached beauty in thy works, since thou hast become companion in thy being to the Angiras seers, forward then to the goal of the journeyings of the gods, for thou knowest it! Aspiring, perfect in ecstasy, sacrifice to the gods, O giver of the treasure.


वन॑स्पते रश॒नया॑ नि॒यूया॑ दे॒वानां॒ पाथ॒ उप॑ वक्षि वि॒द्वान् ।

स्वदा॑ति दे॒वः कृ॒णव॑द्ध॒वींष्यव॑तां॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी हवं॑ मे ॥

vánaspate raśanáyā ni-yū́ya devā́nām pā́thaḥ úpa vakṣi vidvā́n ǀ

svádāti deváḥ kṛṇávat havī́ṃṣi ávatām dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti hávam me ǁ

O Tree, knowing the goal of the journeying of the gods, bear us to it binding with the radiant cord. May the godhead fashion the offerings in which he takes pleasure: may heaven and earth protect our call.


आग्ने॑ वह॒ वरु॑णमि॒ष्टये॑ न॒ इंद्रं॑ दि॒वो म॒रुतो॑ अं॒तरि॑क्षात् ।

सीदं॑तु ब॒र्हिर्विश्व॒ आ यज॑त्राः॒ स्वाहा॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयंतां ॥

ā́ agne vaha váruṇam iṣṭáye naḥ índram diváḥ marútaḥ antárikṣāt ǀ

sī́dantu barhíḥ víśve ā́ yájatrāḥ svā́hā devā́ḥ amṛ́tāḥ mādayantām ǁ

O Fire, bring Varuna to our sacrifice, Indra from heaven, the Life-Gods from mid-air; may all the lords of sacrifice sit on our sacred seat, may the immortal gods take rapture in the svāhā.