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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Agni Saucīka or Agni Vaiśvānara or Sapti Vājambhara

Sukta 79


अप॑श्यमस्य मह॒तो म॑हि॒त्वमम॑र्त्यस्य॒ मर्त्या॑सु वि॒क्षु ।

नाना॒ हनू॒ विभृ॑ते॒ सं भ॑रेते॒ असि॑न्वती॒ बप्स॑ती॒ भूर्य॑त्तः ॥

ápaśyam asya mahatáḥ mahi-tvám ámartyasya mártyāsu vikṣú ǀ

nā́nā hánū␣íti víbhṛte␣íti␣ví-bhṛte sám bharete␣íti ásinvatī␣íti bápsatī␣íti bhū́ri attaḥ ǁ

I have seen the greatness of this great one, the Immortal in the mortal peoples. The jaws of this abundant eater, separate and held apart, are brought close together, devouring, insatiable.


गुहा॒ शिरो॒ निहि॑त॒मृध॑ग॒क्षी असि॑न्वन्नत्ति जि॒ह्वया॒ वना॑नि ।

अत्रा॑ण्यस्मै प॒ड्भिः सं भ॑रंत्युत्ता॒नह॑स्ता॒ नम॒साधि॑ वि॒क्षु ॥

gúhā śíraḥ ní-hitam ṛ́dhak akṣī́␣íti ásinvan atti jihváyā vánāni ǀ

átrāṇi asmai paṭ-bhíḥ sám bharanti uttāná-hastāḥ námasā ádhi vikṣú ǁ

His head is in the secrecy, his eyes wide apart, insatiable he eats up the forest with his tongue of flame. They bring together his foods for him with the pacings of their feet, their hands of obeisance are outstretched in the peoples.


प्र मा॒तुः प्र॑त॒रं गुह्य॑मि॒च्छन्कु॑मा॒रो न वी॒रुधः॑ सर्पदु॒र्वीः ।

स॒सं न प॒क्वम॑विदच्छु॒चंतं॑ रिरि॒ह्वांसं॑ रि॒प उ॒पस्थे॑ अं॒तः ॥

prá mātúḥ pra-tarám gúhyam icchán kumāráḥ ná vīrúdhaḥ sarpat urvī́ḥ ǀ

samám ná pakvám avidat śucántam ririhvā́ṃsam ripáḥ upá-sthe antáríti ǁ

Desiring the secret place of the mother farther beyond he crawls like a child over the wide growths of earth. One finds him shining like ripe corn, licking away the hurts, within in her lap.


तद्वा॑मृ॒तं रो॑दसी॒ प्र ब्र॑वीमि॒ जाय॑मानो मा॒तरा॒ गर्भो॑ अत्ति ।

नाहं दे॒वस्य॒ मर्त्य॑श्चिकेता॒ग्निरं॒ग विचे॑ताः॒ स प्रचे॑ताः ॥

tát vām ṛtám rodasī␣íti prá bravīmi jā́yamānaḥ mātárā gárbhaḥ atti ǀ

ná ahám devásya mártyaḥ ciketa agníḥ aṅgá ví-cetāḥ sáḥ prá-cetāḥ ǁ

O heaven and earth, I declare to you that Truth of you, — in his very birth the child of your womb devours his parents. I am mortal and know not of the godhead; Fire is the all-conscious knower and he is the thinker.


यो अ॑स्मा॒ अन्नं॑ तृ॒ष्वा॒३่दधा॒त्याज्यै॑र्घृ॒तैर्जु॒होति॒ पुष्य॑ति ।

तस्मै॑ स॒हस्र॑म॒क्षभि॒र्वि च॒क्षेऽग्ने॑ वि॒श्वतः॑ प्र॒त्यङ्ङ॑सि॒ त्वं ॥

yáḥ asmai ánnam tṛṣú ā-dádhāti ā́jyaiḥ ghṛtáiḥ juhóti púṣyati ǀ

tásmai sahásram akṣá-bhiḥ ví cakṣe ágne viśvátaḥ pratyáṅ asi tvám ǁ

He who sets swiftly for him his food casts on him the outpourings of light by which he is nourished, for him he sees with a thousand eyes: O Fire, thou frontest us on every side.


किं दे॒वेषु॒ त्यज॒ एन॑श्चक॒र्थाग्ने॑ पृ॒च्छामि॒ नु त्वामवि॑द्वान् ।

अक्री॑ळ॒न्क्रीळ॒न्हरि॒रत्त॑वे॒ऽदन्वि प॑र्व॒शश्च॑कर्त॒ गामि॑वा॒सिः ॥

kím devéṣu tyájaḥ énaḥ cakartha ágne pṛcchā́mi nú tvā́m ávidvān ǀ

ákrīḷan krī́ḷan háriḥ áttave adán ví parva-śáḥ cakarta gā́m-iva asíḥ ǁ

What omission or sin hast thou done before the gods, I ask thee, O Fire, for I know not. In his play unplaying a tawny lion, eating only to devour, he has cut all asunder limb by limb, as a knife cuts the cow.


विषू॑चो॒ अश्वा॑न्युयुजे वने॒जा ऋजी॑तिभी रश॒नाभि॑र्गृभी॒तान् ।

च॒क्ष॒दे मि॒त्रो वसु॑भिः॒ सुजा॑तः॒ समा॑नृधे॒ पर्व॑भिर्वावृधा॒नः ॥

víṣūcaḥ áśvān yuyuje vane-jā́ḥ ṛ́jīti-bhiḥ raśanā́bhiḥ gṛbhītā́n ǀ

cakṣadé mitráḥ vásu-bhiḥ sú-jātaḥ sám ānṛdhe párva-bhiḥ vavṛdhānáḥ ǁ

He who is born in the forests has yoked his horses tending all ways but caught back by straight-held reins. Mitra, well-born, has distributed to him the treasures and he has grown to completeness increasing in every member.