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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Upastuta Vārṣṭihavya

Sukta 115


चि॒त्र इच्छिशो॒स्तरु॑णस्य व॒क्षथो॒ न यो मा॒तरा॑व॒प्येति॒ धात॑वे ।

अ॒नू॒धा यदि॒ जीज॑न॒दधा॑ च॒ नु व॒वक्ष॑ स॒द्यो महि॑ दू॒त्यं१่ चर॑न् ॥

citráḥ ít śíśoḥ táruṇasya vakṣáthaḥ ná yáḥ mātárau api-éti dhā́tave ǀ

anūdhā́ḥ yádi jī́janat ádha ca nú vavákṣa sadyáḥ máhi dūtyám cáran ǁ

Marvellous is the power to upbear of this young, this infant god, for he goes not to his two mothers to drink their milk, even though one without teats of plenty brought him to birth then as now, from the first he did his carrying, performing his mighty embassy.


अ॒ग्निर्ह॒ नाम॑ धायि॒ दन्न॒पस्त॑मः॒ सं यो वना॑ यु॒वते॒ भस्म॑ना द॒ता ।

अ॒भि॒प्र॒मुरा॑ जु॒ह्वा॑ स्वध्व॒र इ॒नो न प्रोथ॑मानो॒ यव॑से॒ वृषा॑ ॥

agníḥ ha nā́ma dhāyi dán apáḥ-tamaḥ sám yáḥ vánā yuváte bhásmanā datā́ ǀ

abhi-pramúrā juhvā́ su-adhvaráḥ ináḥ ná próthamānaḥ yávase vṛ́ṣā ǁ

Fire, verily, is established, a giver and mighty doer of works, he clings to the trees with his blazing tusks achieving the pilgrim-sacrifice with his besieging tongue of flame, he is like a snorting bull, master in his pasturage.


तं वो॒ विं न द्रु॒षदं॑ दे॒वमंध॑स॒ इंदुं॒ प्रोथं॑तं प्र॒वपं॑तमर्ण॒वं ।

आ॒सा वह्निं॒ न शो॒चिषा॑ विर॒प्शिनं॒ महि॑व्रतं॒ न स॒रजं॑त॒मध्व॑नः ॥

tám vaḥ vím ná dru-sádam devám ándhasaḥ índum próthantam pra-vápantam arṇavám ǀ

āsā́ váhnim ná śocíṣā vi-rapśínam máhi-vratam ná sarájantam ádhvanaḥ ǁ

He is to you like a bird settled on a tree, like the divine-moon-flow of the Soma-plant, like a clamorous spreading ocean; he is as one who carries in his mouth of flame, exuberant in strength, mighty in the way of his works, rushing on his paths.


वि यस्य॑ ते ज्रयसा॒नस्या॑जर॒ धक्षो॒र्न वाताः॒ परि॒ संत्यच्यु॑ताः ।

आ र॒ण्वासो॒ युयु॑धयो॒ न स॑त्व॒नं त्रि॒तं न॑शंत॒ प्र शि॒षंत॑ इ॒ष्टये॑ ॥

ví yásya te jrayasānásya ajara dhákṣoḥ ná vā́tāḥ pári sánti ácyutāḥ ǀ

ā́ raṇvā́saḥ yúyudhayaḥ ná satvanám tritám naśanta prá śiṣántaḥ iṣṭáye ǁ

O ageless Fire, when thou rangest the spaces in thy will to burn, there are all around thee as if unsinking winds like joyful fighters, having the command for the seeking they march towards the warrior of the triple world1.


स इद॒ग्निः कण्व॑तमः॒ कण्व॑सखा॒र्यः पर॒स्यांत॑रस्य॒ तरु॑षः ।

अ॒ग्निः पा॑तु गृण॒तो अ॒ग्निः सू॒रीन॒ग्निर्द॑दातु॒ तेषा॒मवो॑ नः ॥

sáḥ ít agníḥ káṇva-tamaḥ káṇva-sakhā aryáḥ párasya ántarasya táruṣaḥ ǀ

agníḥ pātu gṛṇatáḥ agníḥ sūrī́n agníḥ dadātu téṣām ávaḥ naḥ ǁ

This is the Fire, friend of the seer, himself the greatest of seers, who delivers from the inner foe; may Fire guard the speakers of the word, Fire the illumined seers, may he give his protection to them and to us.


वा॒जिंत॑माय॒ सह्य॑से सुपित्र्य तृ॒षु च्यवा॑नो॒ अनु॑ जा॒तवे॑दसे ।

अ॒नु॒द्रे चि॒द्यो धृ॑ष॒ता वरं॑ स॒ते म॒हिंत॑माय॒ धन्व॒नेद॑विष्य॒ते ॥

vājín-tamāya sáhyase su-pitrya tṛṣú cyávānaḥ ánu jātá-vedase ǀ

anudré cit yáḥ dhṛṣatā́ váram saté mahín-tamāya dhánvanā ít aviṣyaté ǁ

O high-born, thou art he who moves swiftly in the wake of the knower of all things born, the Fire forceful and most full of the plenitude and even in the waterless desert for him who is there and desires it and is full of greatness, winnest by the violence of thy bow that which is supreme.


ए॒वाग्निर्मर्तैः॑ स॒ह सू॒रिभि॒र्वसु॑ ष्टवे॒ सह॑सः सू॒नरो॒ नृभिः॑ ।

मि॒त्रासो॒ न ये सुधि॑ता ऋता॒यवो॒ द्यावो॒ न द्यु॒म्नैर॒भि संति॒ मानु॑षान् ॥

evá agníḥ mártaiḥ sahá sūrí-bhiḥ vásuḥ stave sáhasaḥ sūnáraḥ nṛ́-bhiḥ ǀ

mitrā́saḥ ná yé sú-dhitāḥ ṛta-yávaḥ dyā́vaḥ ná dyumnáiḥ abhí sánti mā́nuṣān ǁ

This is the Fire who is lauded accompanied by mortal illumined seers, the Shining One2, strong and glad by men, they who are seekers of the Truth, and like well-established friends, like the heavens with their lights have power on human beings.


ऊर्जो॑ नपात्सहसाव॒न्निति॑ त्वोपस्तु॒तस्य॑ वंदते॒ वृषा॒ वाक् ।

त्वां स्तो॑षाम॒ त्वया॑ सु॒वीरा॒ द्राघी॑य॒ आयुः॑ प्रत॒रं दधा॑नाः ॥

ū́rjaḥ napāt sahasā-van íti tvā upa-stutásya vandate vṛ́ṣā vā́k ǀ

tvā́m stoṣāma tváyā su-vī́rāḥ drā́ghīyaḥ ā́yuḥ pra-tarám dádhānāḥ ǁ

“O son of energy, O forceful One”, so adores thee the mighty speech of Upastuta, thee let us laud, by thee may we be armed with the heroes, holding more and more an ever longer life.


इति॑ त्वाग्ने वृष्टि॒हव्य॑स्य पु॒त्रा उ॑पस्तु॒तास॒ ऋष॑योऽवोचन् ।

तांश्च॑ पा॒हि गृ॑ण॒तश्च॑ सू॒रीन्वष॒ड्वष॒ळित्यू॒र्ध्वासो॑ अनक्ष॒न्नमो॒ नम॒ इत्यू॒र्ध्वासो॑ अनक्षन् ॥

íti tvā agne vṛṣṭi-hávyasya putrā́ḥ upa-stutā́saḥ ṛ́ṣayaḥ avocan ǀ

tā́n ca pāhí gṛṇatáḥ ca sūrī́n váṣaṭ váṣaṭ íti ūrdhvā́saḥ anakṣan námaḥ námaḥ íti ūrdhvā́saḥ anakṣan ǁ

Thus have extolled thee, O Fire, the sons of Vrishtihavya, the Upastuta Rishis3; protect them and the illuminates who speak the word, rising on high they have attained with the cry of vaṣaṭ, vaṣaṭ, with the cry of obeisance.


1 Or, Trita the warrior.


2 Or, the master of riches,


3 Or sages, extolled;
