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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Jamadagni Bhārgava or Rāma Jāmadagnya

Sukta 110


समि॑द्धो अ॒द्य मनु॑षो दुरो॒णे दे॒वो दे॒वान्य॑जसि जातवेदः ।

आ च॒ वह॑ मित्रमहश्चिकि॒त्वांत्वं दू॒तः क॒विर॑सि॒ प्रचे॑ताः ॥

sám-iddhaḥ adyá mánuṣaḥ duroṇé deváḥ devā́n yajasi jāta-vedaḥ ǀ

ā́ ca váha mitra-mahaḥ cikitvā́n tvám dūtáḥ kavíḥ asi prá-cetāḥ ǁ

High-kindled today in the house of the human being, thou doest sacrifice a god to the gods, O knower of all things born; bring them to us as one who has knowledge, O friendly Light; for thou art the messenger, the seer, the thinker.


तनू॑नपात्प॒थ ऋ॒तस्य॒ याना॒न्मध्वा॑ समं॒जन्त्स्व॑दया सुजिह्व ।

मन्मा॑नि धी॒भिरु॒त य॒ज्ञमृं॒धंदे॑व॒त्रा च॑ कृणुह्यध्व॒रं नः॑ ॥

tánū-napāt patháḥ ṛtásya yā́nān mádhvā sam-añján svadaya su-jihva ǀ

mánmāni dhībhíḥ utá yajñám ṛndhán deva-trā́ ca kṛṇuhi adhvarám naḥ ǁ

O son of the body, revealing the paths of our journeyings to the Truth make them sweet with the Wine of Delight, O thou with thy high tongue of flame; enriching with our thoughts the mantras and the sacrifice set our pilgrim-sacrifice in the gods.


आ॒जुह्वा॑न॒ ईड्यो॒ वंद्य॒श्चा या॑ह्यग्ने॒ वसु॑भिः स॒जोषाः॑ ।

त्वं दे॒वाना॑मसि यह्व॒ होता॒ स ए॑नान्यक्षीषि॒तो यजी॑यान् ॥

ā-júhvānaḥ ī́ḍyaḥ vándyaḥ ca ā́ yāhi agne vásu-bhiḥ sa-jóṣāḥ ǀ

tvám devā́nām asi yahva hótā sáḥ enān yakṣi iṣitáḥ yájīyān ǁ

One prayed and adored, O Fire, calling them to us arrive, companioned by the Shining Ones, O mighty One, thou art the summoner of the gods, so, missioned, strong to sacrifice, do them sacrifice.


प्रा॒चीनं॑ ब॒र्हिः प्र॒दिशा॑ पृथि॒व्या वस्तो॑र॒स्या वृ॑ज्यते॒ अग्रे॒ अह्नां॑ ।

व्यु॑ प्रथते वित॒रं वरी॑यो दे॒वेभ्यो॒ अदि॑तये स्यो॒नं ॥

prācī́nam barhíḥ pra-díśā pṛthivyā́ḥ vástoḥ asyā́ḥ vṛjyate ágre áhnām ǀ

ví ūṃ␣íti prathate vi-tarám várīyaḥ devébhyaḥ áditaye syonám ǁ

An ancient seat of sacred grass is plucked this morn, in the direction of this earth, in front of the days, wide it spreads beyond a supernal seat of happy ease for the gods and the mother infinite.


व्यच॑स्वतीरुर्वि॒या वि श्र॑यंतां॒ पति॑भ्यो॒ न जन॑यः॒ शुंभ॑मानाः ।

देवी॑र्द्वारो बृहतीर्विश्वमिन्वा दे॒वेभ्यो॑ भवत सुप्राय॒णाः ॥

vyácasvatīḥ urviyā́ ví śrayantām páti-bhyaḥ ná jánayaḥ śúmbhamānāḥ ǀ

dévīḥ dvāraḥ bṛhatīḥ viśvam-invāḥ devébhyaḥ bhavata supra-ayanā́ḥ ǁ

Widely expanding may they spring apart making themselves beautiful for us as wives for their lords; O divine doors, vast and all-pervading, be easy of approach to the gods.


आ सु॒ष्वयं॑ती यज॒ते उपा॑के उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सदतां॒ नि योनौ॑ ।

दि॒व्ये योष॑णे बृह॒ती सु॑रु॒क्मे अधि॒ श्रियं॑ शुक्र॒पिशं॒ दधा॑ने ॥

ā́ susváyantī␣íti yajaté␣íti úpāke␣íti uṣásānáktā sadatām ní yónau ǀ

divyé␣íti yóṣaṇe␣íti bṛhatī́␣íti surukmé␣íti␣su-rukmé ádhi śríyam śukra-píśam dádhāne␣íti ǁ

Let night and day come gliding to us and queens of sacrifice, sit close together in their place of session, the two divine women, great and golden, holding a supreme glory of brilliant form, —


दैव्या॒ होता॑रा प्रथ॒मा सु॒वाचा॒ मिमा॑ना य॒ज्ञं मनु॑षो॒ यज॑ध्यै ।

प्र॒चो॒दयं॑ता वि॒दथे॑षु का॒रू प्रा॒चीनं॒ ज्योतिः॑ प्र॒दिशा॑ दि॒शंता॑ ॥

dáivyā hótārā prathamā́ su-vā́cā mímānā yajñám mánuṣaḥ yájadhyai ǀ

pra-codáyantā vidátheṣu kārū́␣íti prācī́nam jyótiḥ pra-díśā diśántā ǁ

the two divine priests of the call, also, the first and perfect in speech building the sacrifice of man that he may do worship, doers of the work impelling to the discoveries of knowledge, pointing by their direction to the ancient Light.


आ नो॑ य॒ज्ञं भार॑ती॒ तूय॑मे॒त्विळा॑ मनु॒ष्वदि॒ह चे॒तयं॑ती ।

ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं स्यो॒नं सर॑स्वती॒ स्वप॑सः सदंतु ॥

ā́ naḥ yajñám bhā́ratī tū́yam etu íḷā manuṣvát ihá cetáyantī ǀ

tisráḥ devī́ḥ barhíḥ ā́ idám syonám sárasvatī su-ápasaḥ sadantu ǁ

May Bharati come swiftly to our sacrifice, Ila awakening to knowledge here like a human thinker, and Saraswati, the three goddesses, — may they sit, perfect in their works, on this sacred seat of happy ease.


य इ॒मे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी जनि॑त्री रू॒पैरपिं॑श॒द्भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।

तम॒द्य हो॑तरिषि॒तो यजी॑यांदे॒वं त्वष्टा॑रमि॒ह य॑क्षि वि॒द्वान् ॥

yáḥ imé␣íti dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti jánitrī␣íti rūpáiḥ ápiṃśat bhúvanāni víśvā ǀ

tám adyá hotaḥ iṣitáḥ yájīyān devám tváṣṭāram ihá yakṣi vidvā́n ǁ

He who fashioned in their forms this earth and heaven, the Parents, and fashioned all the worlds, him today and here, O missioned Priest of the call, do thou worship, strong for sacrifice, having the knowledge, even the divine maker of forms.


उ॒पाव॑सृज॒ त्मन्या॑ समं॒जंदे॒वानां॒ पाथ॑ ऋतु॒था ह॒वींषि॑ ।

वन॒स्पतिः॑ शमि॒ता दे॒वो अ॒ग्निः स्वदं॑तु ह॒व्यं मधु॑ना घृ॒तेन॑ ॥

upa-ávasṛja tmányā sam-añján devā́nām pā́thaḥ ṛtu-thā́ havī́ṃṣi ǀ

vánaspátiḥ śamitā́ deváḥ agníḥ svádantu havyám mádhunā ghṛténa ǁ

Revealing by thy self-power the goal of the gods, release towards it in the order of the Truth our offerings. Let the tree and the divine accomplisher of the work and the Fire take the taste of the offering with the sweetness and the light.


स॒द्यो जा॒तो व्य॑मिमीत य॒ज्ञम॒ग्निर्दे॒वाना॑मभवत्पुरो॒गाः ।

अ॒स्य होतुः॑ प्र॒दिश्यृ॒तस्य॑ वा॒चि स्वाहा॑कृतं ह॒विर॑दंतु दे॒वाः ॥

sadyáḥ jātáḥ ví amimīta yajñám agníḥ devā́nām abhavat puraḥ-gā́ḥ ǀ

asyá hótuḥ pra-díśi ṛtásya vācí svā́hā-kṛtam havíḥ adantu devā́ḥ ǁ

As soon as he was born Fire measured out the shape of the sacrifice and became the leader who goes in front of the gods. In the speech of this Priest of the call which points out by its direction the Truth, may the gods partake of the oblation made svāhā.