Sri Aurobindo
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga
Shorter Works. 1910 – 1950
Part Three. Writings from the Arya (1914 – 1921
Arguments to The Life Divine
Chapter XXVII. The Sevenfold Chord of Being
There are, therefore, seven or else eight principles of
being and the four which constitute human existence are a refraction of the four
which constitute divine existence, but in inverted order. The Divine descends
from pure existence to Supermind to cast itself into cosmic existence; the
creature ascends from Matter to Mind towards the Divine and meets it where mind
and Supermind meet with a veil between them. By the rending of the veil each of
the four divine human principles can find its transfigured self in its divine
equivalent. This transfiguration is the only possible positive goal of the
creative evolution. – The presence of the seven principles is essential to all
cosmic being. For cosmic being cannot exist except as the All-existence figuring
itself in its self-conception as Time and Space, nor can this figuration take
place except by an infinite Force which being of the nature of an
all-determining and all-apprehending Will must repose on the action of an
all-comprehending infinite Consciousness. Nor could the result be a cosmos but
for a power of infinite knowledge and will determining out of the infinity in
each figure of things their law, form and course through a self-limitation by
Idea proceeding from a boundless liberty within. That power of Knowledge-Will,
that Idea is the fourth name of the Divine; it is the Supermind or supreme
Gnosis. – The lower trilogy is also necessary in some form however different it
may be from our experience of Life, Mind and Matter. For there must be a
subordinate power and action of Supermind measuring, creating fixed standpoints
of mutual view and interaction in the universal self-diffusion as between an
infinite number of centres of the one Consciousness; and such a power would be
what we mean by Mind. So too, Mind once given, Life, which is the working of
will and energy and conscious dynamis of being dependent on such fixed standpoints of interaction, must accompany it and
substance with differentiation of form must also be present. – It follows that
in every cosmic arrangement the seven principles must be existent, either
manifested in simultaneous apparent action or else all apparently involved in
one of them which then becomes the initial principle, but all secretly at work
and bound to evolve into manifestation. Therefore out of initial Matter latent
Life and Mind have emerged as apparent Life and Mind, and latent Supermind and
the hidden Spirit must emerge as apparent Supermind and the triune glory of