Sri Aurobindo
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga
Shorter Works. 1910 – 1950
Part Three. Writings from the Arya (1914 – 1921
Arguments to The Life Divine
Appendix I. Chapter I
Shorter Synopsis of the Chapter
Man’s highest aspiration has been always a seeking for God, perfection, freedom, an absolute truth and bliss, immortality.
A direct contradiction exists between this aspiration and his present state of mortality, imperfection, bondage to mechanical necessity, ego and animality.
This contradiction between what he is now and what he seeks to be is not a final argument against his aspiration. Contradictions are part of Nature’s method; the aspiration may be achievable by individual effort or by an evolutionary progress.
The problems of
existence are problems of harmony.
The accordance of an active life-principle with the inanimate Matter containing it is Nature’s first evolutionary problem; its complete solution would be immortality in the body.
The accordance of conscious mind with an unconscious matter and half-conscious life is her second evolutionary problem; a direct and perfect instrumentation of knowledge in a living body would be its complete solution.
The accordance of immortal spirit with a mortal mind, life and body is her third and final problem; its complete solution would be the evolution of a divine being and a divine nature.
As Nature has implanted the impulse to life in matter, to mind in life, so she has implanted in mind the impulse towards the evolution of what is beyond mind, spiritual, supramental. Each impulse justifies itself by the creation of the necessary organs and faculties.
The animal is a laboratory in which she has worked out man; man may be a laboratory in which she wills to work out the superman, the being of a divine nature.