Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On His
Published Prose Writings
A Passage from The Life Divine
“This opens the way for other explanations which make Consciousness the creator of this world out of an apparent original Inconscience.... All these things we see around us are then the thoughts of an extra-cosmic Divinity, a Being with an omnipotent and omniscient Mind and {{0}}Will....”[[Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, volume 21 of The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo, p. 316.]]
The phrase “extra-cosmic Divinity” is used here in
The Life Divine because in that stage of the reasoning nothing more emerged
as positively established. In fact Sri Aurobindo regards the Divinity, the
Reality behind and in the universe as at once supracosmic or transcendent of
cosmos and immanent in it, and all, constituting the universe by its being,
consciousness and force and by that too bringing out from the Inconscient the
evolution and developing its stages inevitably according to a truth in things which is its element of Necessity and the possibilities of
the Consciousness and Force (seen by the human mind as Chance) through which the
truth works itself out.