Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on Spiritual Figures in India
Ramana Maharshi [11]
I wish I had learned
logic. One needs to know it before entering into a discussion with you. In a
recent letter you say, as if logically: “If I think that the human plane is like
the plane or planes of infinite Light, Power, Ananda, infallible Will Force,
then I must be either a stark lunatic or a gibbering imbecile or a fool....”
Surely no one ever thought of you in these terms!
No need of logic to see that — a little common sense is sufficient. If anyone, no matter who he be, thinks that this world of ignorance, limitation and suffering is a plane of eternal and infinite Light, Power and Ananda, infallible Will and Power, what can he be but a self-deceiving fool or lunatic? And where then would be the need of bringing down the said Light, Power etc. from the higher planes, if it was already gambolling about all over this blessed earth and its absurd troop of human-animal beings? But perhaps you are of the opinion of Ramana Maharshi, “The Divine is here, how can he descend from anywhere?” The Divine may be here, but if he has covered here his Light with darkness of Ignorance and his Ananda with suffering, that, I should think, makes a big difference to the plane and, even if one enters into that sealed Light etc., it makes a difference to the Consciousness but very little to the Energy at work in this plane which remains of a dark or mixed character.
3 May 1937