Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on Spiritual Figures in India
Swami Ramdas
In the April number of The
Vision, Ramdas concludes his editorial letter with the words, “When all
are kind to us, we realise God’s own kindness, because God dwells in all — God
is verily {{0}}all.”[[The Vision, vol. 1 (April 1934), p. 146.]] But what
cogent objection is there to continuing: “When all are cruel or indifferent to
us, we realise God’s own cruelty or indifference, because etc.”? The stock
answer is to acknowledge human incapacity to fathom an inscrutable Providence;
but then why profess to do so in the case of kindness or similar circumstances
of happiness (beauty, health, powers and capacities of different kinds)? It
seems to be loading the dice — to be placing in
the mouth of Providence some such words as “Heads I win, tails you lose”.
Earlier in the letter there is this sentence: “God is the one power who provides for and guides all the works of the Ashram [i.e. Anandashram] as He does also all the affairs of the world.” This put me in mind of a missionary who, trying hard to be liberal and fair-minded about Taoism in China, acknowledged defeat when confronted with the spectacle of Taoist priests conducting a religious ceremony in a brothel for the success of the business. Would it be possible for you to indicate which of your writings would clear up my perplexity?
I have not read Ramdas’s writings nor am I at all acquainted with his personality or what may be the level of his experience. The words you quote from him could be expressions either of a simple faith or of a pantheistic experience; evidently if they are used or intended to establish the thesis that the Divine is everywhere and is all and therefore all is good, being Divine, they are very insufficient for that purpose. But as an experience, it is a very common thing to have this feeling or realisation in the Vedantic sadhana — in fact without it there would be no Vedantic sadhana. I have had it myself on various levels of consciousness and in numerous forms and I have met scores of people who have had it very genuinely — not as an intellectual theory or perception, but as a spiritual reality which was too concrete for them to deny whatever paradoxes it may entail for the ordinary intelligence.
Of course it does not mean that all here is good or
that in the estimation of values a brothel is as good as an Asram, but it does
mean that all are part of one manifestation and that in the inner heart of the
harlot as in the inner heart of the sage or saint there is the Divine. Again his
experience is that there is one Force working in the world both in its good and
in its evil — one Cosmic Force; it works both in the success (or failure) of the
Asram and in the success (or failure) of the brothel. Things are done in this
world by the use of the force, although the use made is according to the nature
of the user, one uses it for the works of light, another for the works of Darkness, yet another for a mixture. I don’t think any Vedantin
(except perhaps some modernised ones) would maintain that all is good here — the
orthodox Vedantic idea is that all is here an inextricable mixture of good and
evil, a play of the Ignorance and therefore a play of the dualities. The
Christian missionaries, I suppose, hold that all that God does is morally good,
so they are shocked by the Taoist priests aiding the work of the brothel by
their rites. But do not the Christian priests invoke the aid of God for the
destruction of men in battle and did not some of them sing Te Deums over a
victory won by the massacre of men and the starvation of women and children? The
Taoist who believes only in the Impersonal Tao is more consistent and the
Vedantin who believes that the Supreme is beyond good and evil, but that the
Cosmic Force the Supreme has put out here works through the dualities, therefore
through both good and evil, joy and suffering, has a thesis which at least
accounts for the double fact of the experience of the Supreme which is All
Light, All Bliss and All Beauty and a world of mixed light and darkness, joy and
suffering, what is fair and what is ugly. He says that the dualities come by a
separative Ignorance and so long as you accept this separative Ignorance, you
cannot get rid of that, but it is possible to draw back from it in experience
and to have the realisation of the Divine in all and the Divine everywhere and
then you begin to realise the Light, Bliss and Beauty behind all and this is the
one thing to do. Also you begin to realise the one Force and you can use it or
let it use you for the growth of the Light in you and others — no longer for the
satisfaction of the ego and for the works of the ignorance and darkness.
As to the dilemma about the cruelty of things, I do not
know what answer Ramdas would give. One answer might be that the Divine within
is felt through the psychic being and the nature of the psychic being is that of
the divine light, harmony, love, but it is covered by the mental and separative
vital ego from which strife, hate, cruelty naturally come. It is therefore
natural to feel in the kindness the touch of the Divine, while the cruelty is
felt as a disguise or perversion in Nature, although that would not prevent the
man who has the realisation from feeling and
meeting the Divine behind the disguise. I have known even instances in which the
perception of the Divine in all accompanied by an intense experience of
universal love or a wide experience of an inner harmony had an extraordinary
effect in making all around kind and helpful, even the most coarse and hard and
cruel. Perhaps it is some such experience which is at the base of Ramdas’s
statement about the kindness. As for the Divine working, the experience of the
Vedantic realisation is that behind the confused mixture of good and evil
something is working that he realises as the Divine and in his own life he can
look back and see what each step, happy or unhappy, meant for his progress and
how it led towards the growth of his spirit. Naturally this comes fully as the
realisation progresses; before that he had to walk by faith and may have often
felt his faith fail and yielded to grief, doubt and despair for a time.
As for my writings, I don’t know if there is any that would clear up the difficulty. You would find mostly the statement of the Vedantic experience, for it is that through which I passed and, though now I have passed to something beyond, it seems to me the most thorough-going and radical preparation for whatever is Beyond, though I do not say that it is indispensable to pass through it. But whatever the solution, it seems to me that the Vedantin is right in insisting that one must, to arrive at it, admit the two facts, the prevalence of evil and suffering here and the experience of that which is free from these things — and it is only by the progressive experience that one can get a solution — whether through reconciliation, a conquering descent or an escape. If we start from the basis taken as an axiom that the prevalence of suffering and evil in the present and in the hard, outward fact of things, disproves of itself all that has been experienced by sages and mystics of the other side, the realisable Divine, then no solution seems possible.
15 April 1934