Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on the World Situation (1933 – 1949)
The War and Sri Aurobindo’s Work
The other day X said that Hitler had so arranged things that the Allies will not be able to make any headway in Italy. Also that in Russia he has shortened his front so that the Russians will not move any further.
Well, they seem to be
making some headway in spite of Hitler’s arrangement. I seem to remember Hitler
made arrangements for taking Stalingrad; the result was that he has been kicked
out almost entirely from old Russia.
Also he said that Japan was going to crush China in three months.
It doesn’t look like it; but perhaps they have confidential information?
Then the day before yesterday I heard about Y’s remark about the Allied paratroops having been wiped out. X categorically declared that Y had said no such thing. I wondered about this, made inquiries and was told that he had said something. Did he? What?
People say that he did — on the authority of the man to whom he said it. Does Y deny his saying it?
Write to me if you find a little time whether I am right in feeling that speculating intellectually about Allied reverses is not a right movement as it may easily lead us, unawares, into sympathy with the hostile hordes who are against your work.
All these things are silly utterances in which the
wishes of the mind are presented as truth and fact. That is a common habit in
this very imperfect humanity and ordinarily it would be of no importance, except
that such inventions and falsehoods are most improper in the mouth of a sadhaka
and the habit must be a great obstacle to any progress. But here the wish
behind, whether they are conscious of it or not, is that the Asura shall prevail
against the Divine. That means a most dangerous giving of oneself to the
Falsehood that is seeking to prolong its hold on the world and establish
definitely the reign of Evil over the whole world. That is what the victory of
Hitler would have meant — it would have meant also the destruction of my work.
You are quite right therefore in resenting this kind of attitude (also there is
the fact that it establishes a centre of support for the Falsehood and Evil in the Asram). The propagation of this Falsehood, false ideas, false
feelings, false actions and persuading people that they are right is the chief
instrument of the Asura and its prevalence and success a sign of the growth of
darkness on the earth. Fortunately the intensity of the peril is over, however
long the struggle may still last. Other perils and manoeuvres of the Asura may
follow afterwards; so it is good to discourage firmly the tendency so that it
may not do harm hereafter.
10 June 1944