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Their Spiritual significance

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An excellent instrument when at the Divine’s service.


Artabotrys hexapetalus (L. f.) Bhandari (Annonaceae)

Climbing ilang-ilang

The small oval fragrant yellow fruit of Clear mind; borne singly or in clusters.

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The first thing which should be taught to every human being as soon as he is able to think, is that he should obey reason which is a super-instinct of the species. Reason is the master of the nature of mankind. One must obey reason and absolutely refuse to be the slave of instincts. And here I am not talking to you about yoga, I am not talking about spiritual life, not at all; it has nothing to do with that. It is the basic wisdom of human life, purely human life: every human being who obeys anything other than reason is a kind of brute lower than the animal. That's all. And this should be taught everywhere; it is the basic education which should be given to children.

The reign of reason must come to an end only with the advent of the psychic law which manifests the divine Will.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 9. - Questions And Answers (1957)

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