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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 22067

Do not be affected by the return in the dream of the old movement. You must regard these dreams as a means of getting rid of the hidden remnants without their troubling you in the waking state. If they are rejected in the dream itself, so much the better. If they are not, then after waking they must be strongly rejected, with the idea “No, that will not realise itself; my being is awake and it shall remain so.”

The experience was that of an attack of obscurity coming; your going down meant your going down from the physical mind to the secure seat in psychic and letting the artificial darkness pass. These are experiences which help the inner being to know what is going on in the unseen (vital) plane and get through all difficulties by the inner action prepared there (i.e. in this case by your leaving the mental thinking and getting back into the psychic consciousness). That was what happened after the momentary difficulty with X which you felt in your mind as related at the end of your letter. Now that the psychic is there, if the mind becomes too active, you can always go back to the psychic and all will be clear and quiet.