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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 22068

No, there is not the same difficulty as with X, because your psychic being is not only anxious to change, but can make the vital ready to see where it has to change – while with her as with many others, though the mind and psychic want the general change, the vital is not willing to have precise defects or mistakes pointed out, it becomes at once restless and feels hurt. But unless the precise things are seen and altered, a general change is not easily possible.

What you have seen as the defect of your behaviour with Y is an instance in point. That is quite correct and it is due to the habit formed by the vital in its past relation with him. But to see these things and have the earnest wish to change is the first thing necessary – if that clear vision and firm wish are kept, then though the vital habit may persist for a time, it is sure finally to change.