The Mother
Volume 6
December 4, 1965
(Mother was quite unwell the day before, and still looks very tired.)
Yesterday was a very difficult day. And I am not quite all right yet.
I can't hear, can't see, I am in an awful state.
(Satprem persuades Mother not to work – long meditation)
I can remain like this indefinitely.
Once I am in it, it's fine, it's comfortable. But anyway, we can do
our translation.... The difficulty is that I can't see and can't hear – I am not there!
Because as for me, I have no reason to get out of it [the meditation]. This way I feel the world is fine at last! When I get out of it, the grating starts. When I am there, the world and everything is quite fine!
(Mother takes up her first lines of “Savitri”)
A savage din of labour and a tramp
Of armoured life and the monotonous hum
Of thoughts and acts that ever were the same
There you are! That's it.
* *
Towards the end
This is my great remedy. Yesterday I stayed like that [in meditation] for most of the day. Everybody thought I was asleep (!) and they took great care not to wake me up (so much the better, that was kind). This way, it's all right, everything is fine. And the body too is better, it's the only cure; for me, it's the only cure: bringing down that Peace, that Light – a vast, vast light, and calm, calm – then the cells get used to being a little more harmonious.
Otherwise, everything goes wrong.
I don't believe in doctors. Try as I might, in spite of all my goodwill, I don't believe in treatments and I don't believe in doctors. When I am in that state the doctor gives me medicines – I observe the medicines: they cause as much disorder as they do good. They do good to one thing and harm to another. So afterwards that has to be set right. You never get out of it. And what's more, they do me the favor of giving me children's doses! If I were given adults' doses, I think... It's interesting, very interesting (!)
Basically, in order to feel at home in the world as it is today, one must belong to the category I spoke of the other day, of those who have established a harmony with all the human faculties, who are satisfied, and also who are egocentric enough not even to notice that things aren't that way for others. Then it's fine; otherwise... Sri Aurobindo very much belonged (in his outward being) to the
category of those who want things to change, who push for progress, who want to move on, who want to reject the past... very much so. He had to make a great effort to be satisfied with things and people; it was his compassion that made him accept people around him as they were. Otherwise he used to suffer a lot.
And that's what wears out and tires and disorganizes.
I am made to learn that all the time.... You see, it's a long time since that blissful contentment stopped existing (I never had it much, if it did exist at a given time, it's a very long time since it stopped holding on), but I am taught to pass on to a higher stage in which one is sufficiently free from all external vibrations to be able to live in the true, harmonious Vibration. But for the body it's difficult, because every time you eat, you absorb disorder; every time you breathe, you absorb disorder – you live in disorder. So it's a work of clarification, organization, harmonization, and everything becomes very still, absolutely still: there (gesture to the forehead), absolute silence and light – the light of an unmoving light; and then, to make that come down here (the body). Very still... Yet the blood is constantly moving along, isn't it? But I think it must be moving at a slower pace. Then it's fine.
I think external science says it's in sleep that toxins are burnt; well, that's the point: it's the stillness that illuminates dark vibrations.
(Laughing) So I have given you two a dose!