The Mother
Volume 8
(Mother had asked Satprem to listen for her to a recording of European music.)
That screaming soprano was quite simply abominable. Even Schubert's music, even Haydn's trio seemed to me artificial.
I can no longer hear music.
Now and then, two or three notes are very good, but the rest is mental construction. I can no longer hear music.
Except for Sunil's music – that's all right. Still, there are “stopgaps,” but not too many, not a lot.
* *
Yesterday, I received twenty-six letters in a single day! Today, there's already a pile of them! So how can they imagine I'll find the time to answer?... I reply to four, five, six letters a day, I think that's good enough! (Mother laughs)
* *
That's how it is. All of a sudden, for two or three seconds, you seem to be holding the key. And all that's conventionally called “miracle” looks like the simplest thing in the world: “But it's perfectly simple, all you have to do is this!” And then... it goes away. And once it's gone, you try and try – absolutely useless.
But when it's there, it's so simple, so natural! And absolutely all-powerful.
A world of things that one could say. But saying them spoils them.
One thing that seems to be trying to come is the power to heal. But not at all as it's described, it's not that at all – it doesn't give a sense of “healing,” you understand. It's... (Mother searches for words) putting things back in order. But that's not it either.... It's a little something that disappears, and that little something is...
essentially it's the Falsehood.
It's very strange.
Basically, it's what gives the ordinary human consciousness the sense of reality. That's what must disappear. What we call “concrete,” a “concrete reality”... yes, what truly gives you the sense of real existence – that's what must disappear and be replaced by... It's inexpressible.
Now I can follow.
I remember, when I came back after having BEEN those bursts – those pulsations, those bursts of creative Love,1 when I returned to the ordinary consciousness (while retaining the very real memory of That, of the state), well, that state, which I felt to be pulsations of creative Love, is what must, is That which must replace here this consciousness of concrete reality – which is, which becomes unreal: it's like something lifeless – hard, dry, inert, lifeless. And to our ordinary consciousness (I remember how it was in the past), that's what gives you the impression, “This is concrete, this is real.” Well, “this,” this sensation, is what must be replaced by the phenomenon of consciousness of that Pulsation. And That (Mother makes an intense gesture enfolding her whole face) is at the same time all-light, all-power, all-intensity of love, and such FULLNESS! It's so full that... where That is, nothing else can exist. And when That is here, in the body, in the cells, then all you have to do is focus It on someone or something, and order is instantly restored in the person or the thing.
So, translated into ordinary words, it “heals.” It heals the disease. But it doesn't heal it: it annuls it.... Yes, it annuls it.
It unrealizes it.
Absolutely. I have concrete proof of it.
Any disease, any disease whatsoever.
And the condition of all the cells (the vibrations that make up this body) is undeniably what makes the thing [healing] possible or not; that is, depending on the body's condition, it serves either as a transmitter, or on the contrary as an obstruction. Because it's
not a “higher force” acting in others THROUGH Matter: it's a direct action (horizontal gesture, on a level) from matter to matter.
What people generally call “healing power” is a very great mental or vital power that imposes itself through the resistance of Matter – but this isn't at all the same thing! It's the contagion of a vibration. And then it's irrevocable.
But it's gone in a flash. It's only a promise or an example of what will be: it WILL be like that, obviously. Obviously. When?... That's another question.
Right here, this Vibration is felt as... (Mother gestures as if everything were swelling). You understand, it [the body's ordinary condition] is tied up, it's tied and bound, I might almost say hardened, I don't know; and at such times, it seems to swell, to expand.
Only, it's momentary.
* *
(At the end of the conversation, Mother shows Satprem a note she wrote the same morning:)
“Instead of excluding each other, religions should complement each other.”
Sri Aurobindo said that to me; it's so simple, so simple!
I was looking at all those religions, seeing them as facets, innumerable facets that harden and brace themselves against each other, and he seemed to be saying, “Well, put it all together, it will be so simple!”
Just one sentence, not one word too many.
1 Experience of April 13, 1962.