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অনুপ্রস্হ [ anuprasha ] a crosswise, latitudinal, trans verse. ☐ adv. across, crosswise, latitu dinally, transversely. ̃ছেদ (geom.) a transverse section.

অনুপ্রাণন [ anuprāṇana ] n invigorating or inspiring. অনুপ্রাণনা n. invigoration; a stimulus, a fillip, an incentive; an inspiration. অনুপ্রাণনা দেওয়া v. to invigorate, to stimulate; to inspire.

অনুপ্রাণিত [ anuprāṇita ] a invigorated, stimulated; in spired. অনুপ্রাণিত করা v. to invigorate, to imbue with, to stimulate; to inspire. অনুপ্রাণিত হওয়া v. to be inspired.

অনুপ্রাস [ anuprāsa ] n (rhet.) an alliteration.

অনুপ্রেরণা [ anuprēraṇā ] n invigoration; a stimulus; an inspiration; enthusiasm; encourage ment.

অনুবদ্ধ ব্যাস [ anubaddha byāsa ] n (geom.) a conjugate diam eter.

অনুবন্ধ [ anubandha ] n start; outset; (of a question, point, motion etc.) moving or raising, introduction; relation; resolution; endeavour, effort, attempt; context, contextual connection; request; occa sion; correlation; (gr.) any of the letters (esp. of suffixes) which are lost or dropped when added to words. অনুবন্ধী a. related, connected; (gr.) syntacti cally connected; inseparable; (geom.) conjugate; consequential; relevant.

অনুবর্তন [ anubartana ] n coming or going after, follow ing or pursuing; pursuit; succession; leaving for a new place; removal; imi tation, repetition; of attending on or serving. অনুবর্তন করা v. to follow; to pursue; to succeed; to remove to a new place; to imitate; to repeat; to serve, to attend on.

অনুবর্তী [ anubartī ] a following; attending, accompa nying; subservient, obeying, comply ing; compliant, submissive. ☐ n. a fol lower. fem. অনুবর্তিনী । অনুবর্তিতা n. fol lowing or attending or accompanying; subserviency, obedience, compliance, acquiescence. অনুবর্তী হওয়া v. to follow; to pursue; to succeed; to be the imita tion or repetition of; to be subservient to; to obey, to comply with, to acqui esce in, to toe the line.

অনুবল [ anubala ] n grace, favour, countenance ('ধর্ম অনুবলে'); one who aids or renders as sistance, a patron ('কেবা মোর হবে অনুবল'); power, strength, dint ('তপের অনুবলে'). ☐ a. as much as one's strength or power or capabilities or competency may permit.

অনুবাত [ anubāta ] a leeward. অনুবাতে adv. leewards, before the wind.

অনুবাদ [ anubāda ] n translation; interpretation; traduction. অনুবাদক n. a translator; one who speaks of or narates a thing re peatedly; an imitator; a traducer, a scandal-monger. অনুবাদিত inc. var. of অনূদিত । অনুবাদী a. translating; (given to) telling or narrating a thing repeatedly; (given to) imitating, imitative; (given to) traducing; corresponding, similar; (mus. of a note) having no direct or es sential connection with the chief note (i.e. বাদী) or its essentially subsidiary parts (i.e. সংবাদী and বিবাদী) of a musi cal composition.

অনুবাসন [ anubāsana ] n perfuming; fumigation.

অনুবাসিত [ anubāsita ] a perfumed; fumigated. অনুবাসিত করা v. to perfume; to fumi gate.

অনুবিদ্ধ [ anubiddha ] a joined, attached; strong; set in, embedded.

অনুবিধি [ anubidhi ] n a proviso; a clause.

অনুবিভাগ [ anubibhāga ] n a section; a sub-section.

অনুবৃত্তি [ anubṛtti ] n coming or going after, follow ing or pursuing; pursuit; succession; removal to a new place; imitation; rep etition; attending on or serving; about to be started; outset; (of a question, point, motion etc.) moving or raising, introduction; relation; resolution, endeavour, context, contextual connec tion.

অনুবেদন [ anubēdana ] n imparting knowledge of, en lightenment, instruction, intimation. information, sympathy, compassion.

অনুবেল [ anubēla ] adv near the shore; in the coastal or littoral region; unceasing, without stopping, incessant.

অনুব্রত [ anubrata ] adv unceasing, constantly.

অনুভব [ anubhaba ] n knowledge; realization, percep tion; feeling. অনুভব করা v. to learn; to realize, to perceive; to feel. অনুভবনীয় a. perceivable; perceptible; that which can be or should be perceived or felt.

অনুভাব [ anubhāba ] n influence, governing power; unction; feeling of happiness; (rhet.) physical expression of permanent emo tions (such as, tears, frowning, sighs, goose-flesh etc.).

অনুভূ [ anubhū ] n (astro.) perigee.

অনুভূত [ anubhūta ] a realized; felt; perceived by sense. অনুভূতি n. realization; feeling; intuition; sense-perception. ̃হীন a. un thinking, not feeling, without intuition or sense.

অনুভূমিক [ anubhūmika ] a horizontal.

অনুমত [ anumata ] a agreed, accepted; permitted, ap proved, sanctioned; ordered, commis sioned.

অনুমতি [ anumati ] n premission, leave; approval, sanction; acquiescence, consent; order, command, commission; authorization. অনুমতি দেওয়া v. to permit, to grant leave to; to approve, to sanction, to grant; to acquiesce, to consent, to order, to com mission; to authorize. অনুমতি নেওয়া v. to take permission, to take leave. ̃পত্র n. a letter of authority, a permit, per missive note, a pass; letters-patent. ̃সূচক a. permissive; indicative of ap proval or consent. অনুমত্যনুসারে adv. ac cording to or by order.

অনুমরণ [ anumaraṇa ] n voluntarily burning oneself to death (on the funeral pyre of a deceased husband). অনুমৃতা a. fem. embracing death in the aforesaid man ner (esp. applicable to a widow fol lowing her husband to death). mas. অনুমৃত ।

অনুমস্তিষ্ক [ anumastiṣka ] n (anat.) the cerebellum.

অনুমান [ anumāna ] n supposition; guessing, conjec ture; a guess, a hypothesis; deduction; (log.) inference; (geom.) a corollary; (rhet.) a Sanskrit figure based on guessing akin to prosopopoeia or vi sion. অনুমান করা v. to suppose; to guess; to conjecture; to deduce; (log.) to infer.

অনুমানবাক্য [ anumānabākya ] n (log.) a syllogism.

অনুমানসিদ্ধ [ anumānasiddha ] a inferential.

অনুমাপক [ anumāpaka ] a serving as a ground for sup position or conjecture or inference; serving as criterion. ☐ n. a criterion.

অনুমিত [ anumita ] a supposed; guessed, conjec tured; taken as a hypothesis; deduced; (log.) inferred. অনুমিত হওয়া v. to seem to appear. অনুমিতি same as অনুমান ।

অনুমেয় [ anumēẏa ] a capable of being supposed, conjecturable; deducible; inferable.

অনুমোদন [ anumōdana ] n consent; approval, sanction, confirmation; authorization. অনুমোদন করা v. to give consent to; to agree to; to approve, to sanction, to confirm; to au thorize. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. subject to approval or authorization or sanction. অনুমোদক n. one who approves or sanctions; one who authorizes.

অনুমোদিত [ anumōdita ] a permitted; consented, agreed, approved; sanctioned, con firmed; supported; ordered, commis sioned; authorized.

অনুযাত [ anuyāta ] a gone after or followed after; consequent upon, subsequent to, suc cessive; according (to); following faithfully; done after the example of, imitated; subsidiary, subordinate; sec ondary.

অনুযাত্র, অনুযাত্রিক [ anuyātra, anuyātrika ] a going after, follow ing; attending on, serving; consequent; accompanying. ☐ n. a. follower; a ser vant, an attendant; a consequence; an accompaniment; a companion, (in pl.) retinue; a fellow-traveller.

অনুযায়ী [ anuyāẏī ] a going after, following; conse quent upon; according (to); after the example of; similar. ☐ adv. according to.

অনুযুক্ত [ anuyukta ] a blamed; censured; reproached; accused.

অনুযোক্তা [ anuyōktā ] n one who blames; a complain ant; an accuser. fem. অনুযোক্ত্রী ।

অনুযোগ [ anuyōga ] n blaming; censure; reproof, re proach, admonition; complaint; accu sation. অনুযোগ করা v. to blame; to cen sure, to reprove, to reproach, to ad monish; to complain. অনুযোগী a. & n. one who blames or censures or re proves or reproaches or admonishes or complains or accuses. fem. অনুযোগিনী ।