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অব1 [ aba1 ] pfx indicating: certainty, inferior ity, baseness, expanse, downwards, in ward, encircling, absence, contrariety, middle etc., ab-, apo-, de-, i-, ob-.

অব2 [ aba2 ] adv (obs. & poet.) now ('সখি অব কি করব উপদেশ').

অবকাশ [ abakāśa ] n leisure; respite, vacation (গ্রীষ্মাবকাশ); necessary time for (কাজের অবকাশ); cessation; time or space be tween, interval; scope, room, opportu nity (সন্দেহের অবকাশ).

অবক্তব্য [ abaktabya ] a that which cannot or should not be uttered; unspeakable.

অবক্রম [ abakrama ] n grade (term.).

অবক্ষয় [ abakṣaẏa ] n depreciation; dilapidation; decadence; ruin; loss; erosion, waste.

অবক্ষিপ্ত [ abakṣipta ] a scattered; cast downwards, de posited; ridiculed, jeered at, bantered, taunted.

অবক্ষেপ, অবক্ষেপণ [ abakṣēpa, abakṣēpaṇa ] n scattering; casting downwards; depositing, deposition; ridicule, jeer, taunt.

অবগত [ abagata ] a informed, aware, acquainted; au fait; known, learnt. অবগত করানো v. to inform, to intimate, to acquaint, to apprise of. অবগত থাকা v. to know, to be aware of, to be acquainted with. অবগত হওয়া v. to learn, to come to know, to become acquainted with or apprised of, to receive information or intimation of. অবগতি n. knowledge; awareness; in formation.

অবগাঢ় [ abagāḍh় ] a immersed, sunk; one who or that which has penetrated; bathed; (fig.) deeply involved, engrossed.

অবগাহ, অবগাহন [ abagāha, abagāhana ] n bathing by immersing one's body in a river, tank, etc.; bath. অবগাহন করা v. to have a bath, to take a bath.

অবগুণ [ abaguṇa ] n absence of virtue or good quali ties; a fault or a blemish; a defect.

অবগুন্ঠন [ abagunṭhana ] n a cover for the head and face (used by women), a veil; a hood. ̃বতী a. fem. veiled; concealed. fem. অবগুন্ঠিতা ।

অবঘাত [ abaghāta ] n a fatal blow; unnatural death. ̃ন n. dealing one a fatal blow; (arith.) evolution. অবঘাতী a. one who or that which deals one a fatal blow or causes unnatural death.

অবচয় [ abacaẏa ] n plucking or picking or gathering flowers etc.; wasting, waste; (of prop erties etc.) depreciation. অবচয় সংচিতি depreciation reserve.

অবচিত [ abacita ] a (of flowers etc.) plucked, picked, gathered; ill-spent, wasted; de preciated.

অবচূর্ণন [ abacūrṇana ] n reducing to powder or grinding into dust, pulverization; powder, dust; dusting with medicinal powder. অবচূর্ণিত a. reduced to powder, ground into dust, pulverized.

অবচেতন [ abacētana ] a subconscious (অবচেতন মন).

অবচ্ছিন্ন [ abacchinna ] a possessing, full of (মেঘাবচ্ছিন্ন); separated, parted, having an interval (নিরবচ্ছিন্ন); mixed, adulterated (দুঃখাবচ্ছিন্ন সুখ); (phil.) limited by, bounded by (দেহাবচ্ছিন্ন প্রাণ).

অবচ্ছেদ [ abacchēda ] n cutting off, section; separation; detachment; (usu. temporary) cessa tion; interval; (of books etc.) a chapter or section; a portion, a part, a frag ment; a division; a limit or boundary. ̃ক a. & n. one who or that which cuts off or separates or detaches or divides; causing temporary cessation or inter val; limiting. অবচ্ছেদে adv. in all; on the whole; without exception.

অবজ্ঞা [ abajñā ] n slight; contempt; scorn; disre spect; disregard; neglect. অবজ্ঞা করা v. to neglect, to disregard, to slight; to ig nore, to pay no regard to. অবজ্ঞাত a. slighted; scorned; disrespected; disre garded; neglected; obscure. ̃জনিত, ̃প্রসূত a. arising out of contempt or ne glect; caused by disregard or contempt; contemptuous. ̃ভরে adv. contemptu ously, disrespectfully. অবজ্ঞেয় a. con temptible; dispicable; neglible; tri fling.

অবতংস [ abataṃsa ] n an ornament; (fig.) one who adds to the glory of or brings credit to (বংশাবতংস).

অবতরণ [ abataraṇa ] n going or coming downwards, descending, descent; alighting or climbing down or dismounting; getting out of a vehicle; disembarkment; (of birds etc.) flying down to or towards the ground; stepping down (from position etc.); relegation to a lower class, position, status etc.; degradation. অবতরণ করা v. to come or go down wards, to get down, to descend; to alight, to climb down, to dismount; to get out of any vehicle, to disembark; (of birds etc.) to fly down to or to wards the ground; to step down (from a position, etc.); to be relegated to a lower class. অবতরণিকা n. (of books etc.) a preface, an introduction, a preamble, a prologue, a prelude; a flight of steps, a staircase; a ladder, an escalator.

অবতল [ abatala ] a concave. ̃ভঙ্গ n. (geol.) a syn cline.

অবতার [ abatāra ] n incarnation; an incarnation, an avatar; a personation (শয়তানের অবতার = Satan personated); a personification (দয়ার অবতার = kindness personified); (pop.) an ugly and odd-looking person, an antic. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine of incar nation.

অবতারণ [ abatāraṇa ] n bringing down; putting up a proposal or raising a question for con sideration; introduction. অবতারণা n. putting up a proposal or raising a ques tion for consideration, introduction etc.; an introduction, a preface. অবতারণা করা v. to put up (a proposal) or raise (a question), to introduce. অবতারণী n. a flight of steps, a staircase; a lad der, an escalator.

অবতীর্ণ [ abatīrṇa ] a one who or that which has come down or gone down or de scended or alighted or climbed down or dismounted; flown down to or to wards the ground; one who has got out of any vehicle, disembarked; (of a ce lestial being) incarnated ('অবতীর্ণ এ ধরায়'); one who or that which has ap peared or arrived. অবতীর্ণ হওয়া v. to come or go down, to get down, to de scend, to alight, to climb down, to dis mount; to get out of any vehicle, to disembark; (of birds etc.) to fly down to or towards the ground; to step down (from a position etc.); (of a celestial being) to become incarnated, to take one's birth upon the earth; to appear or arrive; (rare) to pass over or come through. ভূমিকায় অবতীর্ণ হওয়া to appear in the role of, to act as (in a play).

অবদংশ [ abadaṃśa ] n any pungent food that excites thirst (chiefly taken with drinks); an appetizer; a stimulant.

অবদমন [ abadamana ] n repression. অবদমন করা v. to re press. অবদমনীয় a. repressible. অবদমিত a. repressed.

অবদাত [ abadāta ] a white; pure, free from impuri ties.

অবদান [ abadāna ] n an act performed, a perfor mance; a feat, an exploit, an achieve ment; a great or commendable deed.

অবদারণী [ abadāraṇī ] n a digging instrument such as a spade, a crowbar etc.

অবদ্ধ [ abaddha ] a united, unfastened, unbound; un bolted, unlocked; unconfirmed; unob structed, unprevented; unrestrained; loose.

অবদ্য [ abadya ] a unspeakable, unutterable; unfit for utterance; disgraceful, base; (of words, expression etc.) in bad taste, vulgar.

অবধান [ abadhāna ] n careful attention, weighing in mind; deliberation, consideration; hearing attentively. ☐ v. imp. o hear, please hear ('অবধান মহীপতি'). অবধান করা v. to pay attention or heed to; to deliberate, to consider; to hear atten tively.

অবধায়ক [ abadhāẏaka ] n a caretaker.

অবধারণ, অবধারণা [ abadhāraṇa, abadhāraṇā ] n determining, fixing or settling; determination, fixation, settlement; discernment; cognition. অবধারণ করা v. to determine, to fix, to settle, to appoint; to discern; to cognize. অবধারণীয় a. same as অবধার্য ।

অবধারিত [ abadhārita ] a determined, fixed, settled, ap pointed; discerned; cognized; sure, cer tain, inevitable (জয় অবধারিত).

অবধার্য [ abadhārya ] a determinable, fixable; discern ible; cognizable; determined, fixed, settled, appointed; discerned; cognized; sure, certain, inevitable.

অবধি [ abadhi ] prep from, since ('জনম অবধি হাম'); up to, till (মৃত্যু অবধি). ☐ n. limit; end; termination. ̃বাধিত a. (in law) barred by limitation.