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অবধূত1 [ abadhūta1 ] n one of a class of anchorites who worship Shiva (শিব).

অবধূত2 [ abadhūta2 ] a determined, fixed, settled, ap pointed; discerned; cognized.

অবধেয় [ abadhēẏa ] a warranting attention or delib eration or careful hearing.

অবধৌত1 [ abadhauta1 ] a washed or cleansed (care fully).

অবধৌত2, অবধৌতিক [ abadhauta2, abadhautika ] a pertaining to an chorites (অবধূত) individually or collec tively.

অবধ্য [ abadhya ] a one who or that which should not or cannot be killed or slain. fem. অবধ্যা ।

অবনত [ abanata ] a bent down, stooping; down fallen, depressed (অবনত জাতি); low (অবনত স্হান); base, depraved (অবনতচরিত্র). অবনত মস্তকে adv. with one's head bending down; humbly, meekly. অবনতি n. bent or stooping state; downfall, depression; fall; low ness; deterioration; baseness, depravity.

অবনমন, অবনয়ন [ abanamana, abanaẏana ] n bending or bringing down; state of being bent or brought down; degradation; depression.

অবনমিত [ abanamita ] a bent down; brought down; humbled; humiliated, degraded; put out of countenance; depressed.

অবনিবনা [ abanibanā ] n lack of amity; disagreement; bad blood; ill-feeling.

অবনি, অবনী [ abani, abanī ] n the earth, the world; land. ̃তল n. the surface of the earth; the earth; ground. ̃পতি n. a king; an em peror. ̃মণ্ডল n. the whole of the earth; the world; (loos.) the universe. অবনীশ, অবনীশ্বর n. a king; an emperor.

অবপতন [ abapatana ] n falling down; decline, down fall. অবপাত same as অবপতন ।

অবপতন-কোণ [ abapatana-kōṇa ] n angle of diffraction.

অববাহিকা [ ababāhikā ] n the basin of a river.

অববুদ্ধ [ ababuddha ] a enlightened; awakened; per ceived.

অববোধ1 [ ababōdha1 ] n special or specialized or eso teric knowledge; enlightenment; awak ening; state of being awakened.

অববোধ2 [ ababōdha2 ] n inauguration; initiation; infor mation.

অবভাস [ ababhāsa ] n manifestation, exposition; illu sion; (usu. false) ascription; a pretence.

অবম [ abama ] a deficient, short, insufficient; in ferior; base, low. ☐ n. (alg.) the mini mum.

অবমত [ abamata ] a slighted; neglected; unreckoned. অবমতি n. slight; neglect.

অবমন্তা [ abamantā ] a. & n one who slights or ne glects; one who refuses to reckon.

অবর্মদ, অবমর্দন [ abarmada, abamardana ] n oppression; eradication; extermination, extirpation.

অবমর্শ, অবমর্শন [ abamarśa, abamarśana ] n realization, consider ation; taking counsel.

অবমর্ষ, অবমর্ষণ [ abamarṣa, abamarṣaṇa ] n extinction, destruction, obliteration.

অবমোচন [ abamōcana ] n releasing (as of an arrow from a bow); liberation (from trouble, sorrow, duty, restrictions or fixed posi tion); acquittal. অবমোচন করা v. to re lease; to unloose.

অবয়ব [ abaẏaba ] n body; a limb; a part, a portion; a constituent; a figure, a form. ̃হীন a. bodiless; without a shape or form. অবয়বী a. having a body, corporeal.

অবর [ abara ] a inferior; younger, junior; assis tant, subordinate, subservient. ̃ধাতু n. a base metal. ̃ন্যায়াধিকরণ n. a small causes court. ̃ন্যায়াধীশ n. a subordinate judge. ̃পরিদর্শক a sub-inspector. ̃বর্গ n. the lower division.

অবরা [ abarā ] a. fem most excellent, supreme, superb. ☐ n. an appellation of Goddess Durga.

অবরার্ধ [ abarārdha ] n latter part.

অবরুদ্ধ [ abaruddha ] a shut, closed; blockaded, barri caded; confined; imprisoned; checked, frustrated (অবরুদ্ধ বাসনা); besieged (অবরুদ্ধ নগর); obstructed (অবরুদ্ধ পথ); choked (অবরুদ্ধ স্বর). অবরুদ্ধ করা v. to shut, to close; to block or blockade; to confine; to imprison; to check, to frus trate; to besiege; to obstruct; to choke.

অবরূঢ় [ abarūḍh় ] a alighted, descended.

অবরেণ্য [ abarēṇya ] a unworthy of cordial reception, unwelcome; unacceptable; dishonou rable; inferior.

অবরে-সবরে [ abarē-sabarē ] adv (coll.) at times; occa sionally; seldom, rarely.