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অবিহিত [ abihita ] a unscriptural, unlawful; im proper; unjust; inadvisable.

অবীক্ষিত [ abīkṣita ] a unseen; unobserved; unno ticed.

অবীজপত্রী [ abījapatrī ] n (bot.) acotyledon.

অবীর [ abīra ] a destitute of heroism or valour; cowardly; destitute of heroes and hero ines (অবীর নগর). fem. অবীরা । অবীরোচিত a. not befitting a hero; unheroic.

অবুঝ [ abujha ] a inconsolable; not amenable to reason, unreasonable; obstinate; stu pid; foolish.

অবৃন্ত, অবৃন্তক [ abṛnta, abṛntaka ] a attached directly by the base without stalk, stalkless, sessile.

অবৃষ্টি [ abṛṣṭi ] n scanty rainfall, absence of rain, drought.

অবেক্ষক [ abēkṣaka ] a one who views or observes or discusses or investigates. ☐ n. a viewer, an observer; a reviewer; a judge; an investigator.

অবেক্ষণ, অবেক্ষা [ abēkṣaṇa, abēkṣā ] n viewing, observation; review, discussion; investigation. অবেক্ষণীয় a. that which is to be or should be viewed or observed or re viewed or discussed or investigated; observable; discussible; open to inves tigation.

অবেক্ষমাণ [ abēkṣamāṇa ] a engaged in viewing or obser vation or reviewing or judging fem. অবেক্ষমাণা ।

অবেক্ষিত [ abēkṣita ] a viewed, observed, reviewed, discussed; investigated.

অবেক্ষ্যমাণ [ abēkṣyamāṇa ] a in the process of being viewed or observed or reviewed or dis cussed or judged or investigated. fem. অবেক্ষ্যমাণা ।

অবেণীবদ্ধ, অবেণীসংবদ্ধ [ abēṇībaddha, abēṇīsambaddha ] a unplaited, untressed (অবেণীবদ্ধ কেশ).

অবেদন [ abēdana ] n anaesthesia. ☐ a. pain-killing; lenitive.

অবেদনিক [ abēdanika ] a anaesthetic. ☐ n. an anaesthetic.

অবেদনীয়, অবেদ্য [ abēdanīẏa, abēdya ] n unknowable, incognizable.

অবেলা [ abēlā ] n unsuitable or inconvenient hour or time; improper hour or time; inaus picious hour or time; late afternoon.

অবৈতনিক [ abaitanika ] a not drawing any pay in lieu of service, unpaid, honorary (অবৈতনিক পদ); demanding no fees, free (অবৈতনিক বিদ্যালয় = a free school, a charity school).

অবৈদ্য [ abaidya ] n an inefficient physician, a quack-doctor.

অবৈধ [ abaidha ] a unlawful, illegal; unauthorized, ultra vires; improper; prohibited; illicit (অবৈধ প্রণয়); illegitimate (অবৈধ সন্তান); unfair (অবৈধ উপায়). ̃তা n. un lawfulness, illegality; lack of authority; scriptural opposition; impropriety; prohibitedness; illicitness; illegiti macy; unfairness.

অবোধ [ abōdha ] a without the sense of understand ing, slow-witted, insensible; dull headed, stupid, foolish; imprudent; in consolable (অবোধ হৃদয়).

অবোধগম্য, অবোধ্য [ abōdhagamya, abōdhya ] a unintelligible, incom prehensible; unknowable, mysterious.

অবোলা [ abōlā ] a dumb, mute; unable to speak; uncomplaining or innocent (অবোলা জীব).

অব্জ [ abja ] n the lotus.

অব্দ [ abda ] n an era; a year.

অব্ধি [ abdhi ] n a sea; an ocean.

অব্যক্ত [ abyakta ] a undisclosed, unexpressed; inex pressible; indistinct; unknown; un knowable; unspeakable; indescribable (অব্যক্ত বেদনা); unspoken; (phil.) latent. ☐ n. the Absolute Being, God; nature. ̃গণিত n. algebra. ̃পুষ্পক a. (bot.) cryp togamous, flowerless. ☐ n. a crypto gam. ̃রাশি n. unknown quantity.

অব্যক্তিক [ abyaktika ] a impersonal.

অব্যগ্র [ abyagra ] a not eager, not ardent or enthusi astic.

অব্যবধান [ abyabadhāna ] n absence of intervening space or time, absence of interval; contiguity, immediacy; adjacency; compactness. অব্যবধানে adv. not away from.

অব্যবসায় [ abyabasāẏa ] n lack of practice or training; lack of enterprise; incompetence. অব্যবসায়ী a. lacking knack in business enterprise; unpractical, unbusinesslike; not having any practice or training; un enterprising; inexperienced; incompe tent.