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অবরোধ [ abarōdha ] n obstruction, hindrance; block ade; a siege; a prison; a covering; a container or case; imprisonment; de tention; zenana (অবরোধবাসিনী). ̃ক a. & n. one who or that which obstructs or hinders or blockades or besieges or im prisons or detains. অবরোধ করা v. to ob struct, to hinder; to blockade; to be siege; to imprison; to detain. ̃প্রথা n. the practice of keeping women con fined in the zenana so that they cannot be seen by outsiders, the purdah sys tem. ̃বাসিনী a. fem. secluded in the zenana. ☐ n. woman living in the zenana.

অবরোপণ [ abarōpaṇa ] n implantation; transplantation.

অবরোহ [ abarōha ] n getting down, descent; (log.) deduction. ̃ণ n. descent. অবরোহণ করা v. to get down, to descend. ̃ণী n. a flight of steps or stairs; a ladder; an es calator. অবরোহ প্রণালী n. deductive method. অবরোহী a. (log.) deductive. ̃পত্র n. a landing permit.

অবর্জনীয়, অবর্জ্য [ abarjanīẏa, abarjya ] a that which cannot be rejected or discarded; unavoidable; in evitable.

অবর্ণনীয় [ abarṇanīẏa ] a indescribable; ineffable, be yond expression.

অবর্তমান [ abartamāna ] a inexistent, non-existent; ab sent; dead; departed; past. অবর্তমানে adv. during (one's) absence; after (one's) death or departure.

অবর্ষিত [ abarṣita ] a unshed ('অবর্ষিত অশ্রু'); not cast or thrown (অবর্ষিত শর).

অবল [ abala ] a weak, feeble; infirm; frail.

অবলম্ব [ abalamba ] n a support, a prop. ☐ a. hanging or suspended vertically. ̃ন n. having recourse to for support, maintenance, help, shelter etc.; accepting or adopting (সন্ন্যাসাবলম্বন); holding oneself in (ধৈর্যাবলম্বন); acceptance, adoption; a support; a prop; a help; a means for maintenance or accomplishing some thing. অবলম্বন করা v. to have recourse to for support, maintenance, help, shelter etc.; to resort to; to accept, to take, to take upon; to adopt. ̃হীন a. without a shelter or help; without a means for maintenance. অবলম্বিত a. resorted to for support, maintenance, help, shelter etc., accepted, adopted; hanging or suspended vertically. অবলম্বী a. resort ing to (something or somebody) for support, maintenance, help, shelter etc.; one who has accepted or taken upon oneself or adopted; hanging or suspended vertically.

অবলা [ abalā ] a. fem deprived of strength, pow erless; weak. ☐ n. a woman. ̃জাতি n. women as a class.

অবলিপ্ত [ abalipta ] a bedaubed, smeared with, be spattered.

অবলীঢ় [ abalīḍh় ] a licked; tasted.

অবলীলা [ abalīlā ] n dalliance; absence of strain or effort; carefree manner or state; ease; absence of hesitation; promptness, readiness. ̃ক্রমে, ̃ভরে, ̃য় adv. play fully; without strain or effort, without toil and trouble, effortlessly; easily; in a carefree manner; unhesitatingly, promptly, readily.

অবলুন্ঠন [ abalunṭhana ] n falling flat (esp. on the ground), wallowing. অবলুন্ঠিত a. rolling or rolled to and fro (on); falling flat (on); wallowing. fem. অবলুন্ঠিতা । অবলুন্ঠিত হওয়া v. to roll to and fro (on); to fall flat (on); to wallow (in).

অবলুপ্ত [ abalupta ] a extinct; completely destroyed; lost to view; concealed or screened off ('ঘন মেঘে অবলুপ্ত'). অবলুপ্ত হওয়া v. to be come extinct; to be destroyed com pletely; to disappear; to be concealed or screened off. অবলুপ্তি n. extinction.

অবলেপ [ abalēpa ] n smearing or daubing or anoint ing; a paint, an ointment, an unguent; pride; vanity; vainglory. ̃ন n. smear ing or daubing or anointing. অবলেপন করা v. to smear, to daub, to anoint.

অবলেহ [ abalēha ] n licking or lapping; any article of food or medicine which is to be taken by licking. ̃ন n. licking. অবলেহন করা v. to lick or lap. অবলেহ্য a. that which can or should be licked.

অবলোকন [ abalōkana ] n looking at; seeing or observ ing. অবলোকন করা v. to look at; to see, to observe, to view. অবলোকনীয় a. fit to be seen, worth seeing; observable, no ticeable. অবলোকিত a. looked at; seen, viewed. অবলোকিত হওয়া v. to come within or into view, to become visible; to be seen or observed.

অবলোপন [ abalōpana ] n writing off; state of being written off.

অবলোহিত [ abalōhita ] a. & n (phys.) infrared.

অবশ [ abaśa ] a benumbed; paralysed; intractable, indocile, unruly, unmanageable, refrac tory, beyond control, disobedient; un tamed, uncontrolled, unrestrained, unsubdued; torpid, benumbed. insensi tive; weak; nerveless. অবশ করা v. to be numb; to paralyse; to make insensitive.

অবশিষ্ট [ abaśiṣṭa ] a remaining, residual, surplus; outstanding. ☐ n. a remainder or resi due, a surplus; the rest and others; an outstanding portion or thing.

অবশিষ্টাংশ [ abaśiṣṭāṃśa ] n remainder, remnant, residue.

অবশীকৃত [ abaśīkṛta ] a one who or that which has not been tamed or brought under con trol; unsubdued, unsubjugated.

অবশীভূত [ abaśībhūta ] a one who or that which has not yielded or submitted; unsubdued, unsubjugated, untamed, uncontrolled; unyielding, disobedient.

অবশেষ [ abaśēṣa ] a a remainder, a residue, a sur plus; termination, the last stage, end (দিনের বা দুঃখের অবশেষ); a portion left out, leavings (খাদ্যাবশেষ) অবশেষেadv. at last, at length, ultimately; in the end.

অবশ্য1 [ abaśya1 ] a intractable; untamable; unruly, disobedient; uncontrollable, ungovern able; one who or that which cannot be disciplined or subdued.

অবশ্য2 [ abaśya2 ] adv surely, certainly; unavoid ably, inevitably (অবশ্য ঘটবে); by all means (অবশ্য পরিত্যাজ্য); compulsorily (অবশ্যপাঠ্য); undoubtedly, needless to say, of course. ☐ con. but. ☐ int. of course. অবশ্য অবশ্য without fail, by all means. ̃কর্তব্য, ̃করণীয় a. that which must be done, obligatory. ̃পাঠ্য a. that which has to be studied compulsorily. ̃পাঠ্য বিষয় n. compulsory subject for study. ̃পালনীয়. a. (of work or duty) en forced; compulsory; obligatory; man datory. ̃ম্ভাবী a. inevitable. ̃ম্ভাবিতা n. inevitability.

অবসন্ন [ abasanna ] a tired, exhausted, fatigued; bereft of sprightliness or enthusiasm (owing to exhaustion), wearied, weary. অবসন্ন করা v. to exhaust, to fatigue; to weary. ̃তা n. extreme tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue; weariness.

অবসর [ abasara ] n leisure; respite; opportunity; re tirement (চাকরি থেকে অবসর নেওয়া); time or space between. ̃ক্রমে adv. at one's leisure. ̃গ্রহণ n. retirement. অবসরপূর্ব অবকাশ বা ছুটি leave prepara tory to retirement. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. retired (from an employment or office). ̃বিনোদন n. recreation; relaxation. অবসর নেওয়া v. to retire (from).

অবসহন [ abasahana ] n sufferance; suffering.

অবসাদ [ abasāda ] n tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue; weariness; languor, lassitude; loss of spirit or enthusiasm (owing to exhaus tion); ennui. ̃কর, ̃জনক a. tiresome, wearisome, irksome; fatiguing, ex hausting; languorous. ̃গ্রস্ত a. tired, ex hausted, fatigued; deprived of spirit or enthusiasm (owing to exhaustion), wearied; weary.

অবসান [ abasāna ] n termination, conclusion, close, finis, end; death. অবসান হওয়া v. to ter minate, to end, to come to an end. ̃স্হিতি n. closing balance.

অবসায়ক [ abasāẏaka ] n liquidator. অবসায়ন n. liquida tion.

অবসিত [ abasita ] a terminated, concluded, closed, finished, ended; past; dead. অবসান হওয়া v. to terminate, to end, to come to an end; to meet with death.

অবসৃত [ abasṛta ] a removed; retired. অবসৃত হওয়া v. to be removed, to move away; to re tire.

অবস্তু [ abastu ] a unsubstantial, immaterial, sap less; worthless. ☐ n. any worthless or unsubstantial thing; matter without es sence or existence; (phil.) the universe considered without having relation to God, that which is not a reality; illu sion.

অবস্হা [ abashā ] n state, condition; temperament, mood (মনের অবস্হা); circumstances (অবস্হা বুঝে ব্যবস্হা); financial condition; position (সংকটাবস্হা).̃গতিকে adv. being compelled by circumstances; in the circumstances. ̃ঘটিত a. dependent on circumstances; circumstantial, incidental. ̃ন্তর n. a different state or condition; change of fortune. ̃পন্ন a. well-to-do; wealthy, rich, in affluent circumstances. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. reduced to a state. ̃প্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to be reduced to a state, to fall into a state. অবস্হা ফেরানো v. to better one's fortune or circumstances. ̃ভেদে adv. in a different or changed condition, in different or changed cir cumstances. ̃সংকট n. a critical posi tion, tight corner. ̃হীন a. indigent, poor, impecunious, badly off.

অবস্হান [ abashāna ] n stay, residence; a dwelling place; a position, situation, location; a site.

অবস্হান-ধর্মঘট [ abashāna-dharmaghaṭa ] n stay-in-strike.

অবস্হাপন [ abashāpana ] n placing or laying (esp. in an orderly manner or for display); estab lishing (সিংহাসনে অবস্হাপন).

অবস্হাপিত [ abashāpita ] a placed, laid; established.

অবস্হিত [ abashita ] a situated, located; residing, liv ing, dwelling; stationed; placed, laid; established. ̃চিত্ত a. even-minded; composed; self-possessed; unwaver ing. অবস্হিতি n. a situation, location; presence; residence, dwelling; state of being stationed or placed or laid or es tablished; position. অবস্হিতিকাল n. pe riod of stay.

অবহনীয় [ abahanīẏa ] a that which cannot be carried or borne.

অবহসিত [ abahasita ] a ridiculed, mocked, laughed at, taunted.

অবহার [ abahāra ] n theft; armistice; cease-fire; transfer or removal or withdrawal of soldiers from the front to the camp; conversion to another religion, apos tasy; (comm.) a discount.

অবহি, অবহুঁ, অবহু [ abahi, abahu, m̐abahu ] adv (obs.) presently, at once, just now; at present, now.

অবহিত [ abahita ] a attentive, heedful; entirely oc cupied, absorbed; careful, watchful, alert; aware. ̃চিত্তে adv. attentively; absorbedly.

অবহেলা [ abahēlā ] n neglect; disrespect, disregard; slight; heedlessness, inattention. অবহেলনীয় a. negligible, trifling; worth less; unimportant. অবহেলা করা v. to ne glect; to disrespect, to disregard; to slight; to pay no attention or heed to; to attach no importance to. ̃ভরে adv. neglectfully; slightingly; carelessly, coldly; heedlessly, inattentively; eas ily, without effort or strain.

অবহেলিত [ abahēlita ] a neglected; ignored; disre garded, slighted; despised.

অবহেলে [ abahēlē ] adv (poet.) without effort or strain; with ease, easily.

অবাক [ abāka ] a stunned or made speechless with amazement, stupefied, dumbfounded; amazed, astonished; amazing, aston ishing; stupefying, dumbfounding. ̃-জলপান a kind of savoury snack. অবাক হওয়া v. to wonder, to be struck dumb. অবাক কাণ্ড n. wonderful or strange event.

অবাক2 [ abāka2 ] a speechless; mute; silent.

অবাঙ্মুখ [ abāṅmukha ] a having one's face or head hanging down. fem. অবাঙ্মুখী ।

অবাঙালি [ abāṅāli ] n. & a a non-Bengali; contrary to customs or characteristics or prac tices of the Bengali.

অবাচী [ abācī ] n the south; the lower region or part. অবাচী উষা aurora australis.

অবাচ্য [ abācya ] a unutterable, unspeakable; inex plicable; obscene, indecent. ☐ n. any thing unutterable or unspeakable or in explicable; obscene or indecent words; rude or vulgar speech.

অবাধ [ abādha ] a unobstructed, unrestrained, unre stricted; unopposed; unimpeded; unin terrupted; unbridled; free; facile. অবাধ কল্পনা unbridled or facile imagination. অবাধ নীতি laissez faire. অবাধ বাণিজ্য free trade. অবাধ ভ্রমণ unrestricted travel; travel as you like. অবাধে adv. without obstruction or restraint or restriction; without let or hindrance; without oppo sition or impediment; freely; facilely.

অবাধ্য [ abādhya ] a (ori.) irresistible, inevitable; obstinantely disobedient, refractory, recalcitrant; untoward, indocile, un ruly; unyielding; unmanageable; un controllable; turbulent; obstinate, way ward; untamed. ̃তা n. disobedience, recalcitrance; untowardness; indocility; obstinacy, waywardness.

অবান্তর [ abāntara ] a irrelevant, digressing, beside the mark, extraneous; not primary or chief, secondary.

অবান্ধব [ abāndhaba ] a having no friends or relations, friendless.

অবায়ুজীবী, অবায়ুভুক [ abāẏujībī, abāẏubhuka ] a (bot.) anaerobic.

অবার [ abāra ] a irresistible; unpreventible; in domitable; unrestrainable; inevitable.

অবারণীয়, অবার্য [ abāraṇīẏa, abārya ] a irresistible; inevitable; unpreventible.

অবারিত [ abārita ] a unresisted, unprevented; unre strained; unchecked, unrestricted; un barred; open (অবারিত দ্বার); free (অবারিত ভ্রমণ). n. open door; free access; unbounded or liberal hospital ity.

অবার্ণ [ abārṇa ] a (phys.) achromatic. ̃তা n. achro matism.

অবাস্তব, অবাস্তবিক [ abāstaba, abāstabika ] a unreal, immaterial; untrue, false; fanciful (অবাস্তব কল্পনা); unpractical, impracticable (অবাস্তব পরিকল্পনা); non-existent; inexistent; il lusory. ̃তা n. unreality, immateriality; untrueness, falseness; fancifulness; im practicability; non-existence; inexis tence; illusoriness.

অবিকল [ abikala ] a (ori.) not defective or crippled; unimpaired, undamaged, undistorted; perfect, whole, complete, entire; exact, precise; resembling in all respects, true to the model (অবিকল চিত্র). ☐ adv. ex actly, precisely; faithfully to the model. অবিকল প্রতিরূপ a. facsimile, a true or exact copy.

অবিকল্প [ abikalpa ] a having no alternative or substi tute.

অবিকার [ abikāra ] a that which or one who is in the natural or original state; unchanged, unaltered; unchanging; undistorted, uncorrupted; unperverted; unmixed; unputrefied; unmoved, unshaken, un perturbed; unwavering; unimpas sioned; dispassionate; having no dis taste or allergy or apathy towards. ☐ n. such a state.

অবিকৃত [ abikṛta ] a that which is in the natural or original state; unchanged, unaltered; undistorted, uncorrupted, unperverted; unmixed; pure; unputrefied. অবিকৃতি n. unchanged or unaltered state; freedom from putrefaction.

অবিক্রান্ত [ abikrānta ] a lacking in prowess or valour; weak; cowardly, timid.

অবিক্রীত [ abikrīta ] a unsold, undisposed of.

অবিক্রেয় [ abikrēẏa ] a unsaleable, unvendible.

অবিক্ষত [ abikṣata ] a unhurt; undamaged; entire, in tact, whole.

অবিক্ষিপ্ত [ abikṣipta ] a not scattered; not distracted; not restless; composed, calm.

অবিক্ষুব্ধ [ abikṣubdha ] a unperturbed, unruffled, unagitated; calm, composed, collected.

অবিখ্যাত [ abikhyāta ] a not famous; not celebrated.

অবিচক্ষণ [ abicakṣaṇa ] a imprudent, unwise; indiscreet. ̃তা n. imprudence; indiscretion.

অবিচল, অবিচলিত [ abicala, abicalita ] a unmoved, unshaken; unperturbed; unmoved; stolid, calm; not vacillating, unwavering; faithful, firm (অবিচল ভক্তি). ̃কন্ঠেadv. in an unshaken voice, unfalteringly. ̃চিত্তে adv. unperturbedly; unfalteringly; calmly.

অবিচার [ abicāra ] n injustice; misjudgment; unfair or wrong decision or assessment. অবিচার করা v. to do injustice; to judge unfairly or incorrectly or with partial ity, to misjudge; to assess unfairly or incorrectly or with prejudice. ̃ক, অবিচারী a. & n. one who does injustice or misjudges or misconceives; one who assesses improperly or incor rectly. অবিচারে adv. unjustly.

অবিচ্ছিন্ন [ abicchinna ] a unseparated; unsevered, undi vided, whole; united; incessant, unin terrupted; continuous; not desultory or discursive. ̃তা n. inseparation; insepa rability; unsevered or undivided condi tion; ceaselessness; compactness.

অবিচ্ছেদ [ abicchēda ] n inseparation; inseparability; unity; entirety; no cessation or inter ruption, ceaselessness; continuity, continuousness. ☐ a. unseparated; in separable; incessant; uninterrupted; continuous. অবিচ্ছেদে adv. incessantly; uninterruptedly; continually; continu ously. অবিচ্ছেদ্য a. inseparable; unseverable; undetachable; inalienable.

অবিচ্যুত [ abicyuta ] a undetached; unseparated; unstrayed; undeviated; not violating, conforming to, abiding; firm.

অবিজ্ঞ [ abijña ] a unwise, imprudent; inexperi enced; foolish. ̃তা n. lack of wisdom, imprudence; inexperience; foolish ness.

অবিজ্ঞাত [ abijñāta ] a unknown; unaware, unin formed; not well-known, obscure.

অবিজ্ঞেয় [ abijñēẏa ] a unknowable; incognizable.

অবিতথ [ abitatha ] a true; truthful.

অবিতর্কিত [ abitarkita ] a undebatable, unquestioned, undisputed.

অবিদিত [ abidita ] a unknown, unaware, unin formed; not famous or well-known.

অবিদ্যমান [ abidyamāna ] a not present, absent; not exist ing, inexistent. ̃তা n. absence; inexis tence.

অবিদ্বান [ abidbāna ] a not learned; uneducated; igno rant.

অবিদ্যা [ abidyā ] n ignorance; (phil.) illusion.

অবিধান [ abidhāna ] n an unjust regulation, a black ordinance; an unscriptural direction.

অবিধি [ abidhi ] n an irregularity; a bad rule; an act or direction contrary to scriptural in structions.

অবিধেয় [ abidhēẏa ] a not conforming to the rules or scriptures; unjust; improper; inadvis able.

অবিনয় [ abinaẏa ] n lack of modesty or politeness or civility; immodesty, discourteousness, incivility; haughtiness, impertinence; impudence. অবিনয়ী a. impolite, immod est, discourteous; haughty, imperti nent; impudent, cheeky, saucy.

অবিনশ্বর, অবিনাশী [ abinaśbara, abināśī ] a imperishable, inde structible; everlasting, immortal; undecaying; eternal. অবিনশ্বরতা, অবিনাশিতা n. indestructibility; imperish ableness.

অবিনাশ [ abināśa ] a not subjected to decay; non destructible; non-perishable. ☐ n. one who is not subject to decay or destruc tion.

অবিনীত [ abinīta ] a impolite; immodest, discourte ous, disrespectful; haughty, imperti nent; impudent. fem. অবিনীতা ।

অবিন্যস্ত [ abinyasta ] a not laid or placed in an orderly manner; in disarray, ill-arranged, disar ranged, confused. অবিন্যাস n. lack of or der; disorder.

অবিবাহিত [ abibāhita ] a unmarried; unwedded. ☐ n. a bachelor. fem. অবিবাহিতা n. a spinster.

অবিবেক [ abibēka ] n lack of conscientiousness; in discretion; unscrupulousness; igno rance. ☐ a. lacking in conscientious ness; unscrupulous; ignorant. অবিবেকিতা n. lack of conscientiousness; indis creetness; unscrupulousness; igno rance. অবিবেকী a. lacking in conscien tiousness; indiscreet, unscrupulous; ig norant.

অবিবেচক [ abibēcaka ] a injudicious; inconsiderate; in discreet; imprudent; thoughtless.

অবিবেচনা [ abibēcanā ] n injudiciousness; inconsider ateness, lack of consideration; indis cretion; imprudence; thoughtlessness. ̃প্রসূত a. indiscreet; imprudent; un thinking; অবিবেচ্য a. not to be consid ered.

অবিভক্ত [ abibhakta ] a undivided; not partitioned; not separated or severed.

অবিভাজ্য [ abibhājya ] a indivisible. ̃তা n. indivisibil ity.

অবিমিশ্র [ abimiśra ] a unmixed; unadulterated; pure.

অবিমুক্ত [ abimukta ] a not freed; unliberated.

অবিমৃশ্য [ abimṛśya ] a indiscreet, injudicious, impru dent; thoughtless, rash; (dero.) un doubting, over-sure. ̃কারী a. & n. one who acts indiscreetly or injudiciously or imprudently or rashly; one who is (indiscreetly) undoubting. ̃কারিতা n. indiscretion. injudiciousness, impru dence; thoughtlessness.

অবিযুক্ত [ abiyukta ] a not separated or severed; not detached or disconnected.

অবিরত [ abirata ] a ceaseless, incessant, unremit ting, non-stop; continual; continuous; constant. ☐ adv. ceaselessly, inces santly, unremittingly, without stop ping; continually; continuously; con stantly; always.

অবিরল [ abirala ] a compact, dense; incessant, non stop; continual; continuous; profuse, adundant. ☐ adv. incessantly; continu ally; continuously; profusely, abun dantly. ̃ধারে adv. in a ceaseless or end less stream; incessantly.

অবিরাম [ abirāma ] a non-stop, ceaseless, incessant, having no respite or pause, unremit ting; continuous, continual; remittent (অবিরাম জ্বর). ☐ adv. incessantly; with out respite or pause, unremittingly; continuously; continually; always.

অবিরুদ্ধ [ abiruddha ] a unopposed; not contrary or hostile or antagonistic; compatible, congruous, conforming, accordant; favourable, friendly.

অবিরোধ [ abirōdha ] n absence of opposition or hos tility; accord, agreement, harmony; friendliness, amicability, amity; peace. অবিরোধী a. unopposed; unopposing; not hostile or antagonistic or contrary; compatible, congruous, conforming, accordant; favourable, friendly; peace loving; peaceful. অবিরোধে adv. without opposition or hostility or dispute; in a friendly manner; in peace, peacefully.

অবিলম্ব [ abilamba ] n absence of delay; promptness, briskness, alacrity, quickness. ☐ a. prompt, brisk, quick, immediate. অবিলম্বিত a. not delayed, undelayed; not deferred; done promptly. অবিলম্বে adv. without delay; promptly, quickly, in no time; immediately.

অবিশঙ্কিত [ abiśaṅkita ] a not afraid or scared; un daunted; not alarmed.

অবিশুদ্ধ [ abiśuddha ] a impure, unclean; unholy; in correct, erroneous; corrupted; mixed, adulterated, not genuine.

অবিশেষ [ abiśēṣa ] n absence of distinction or dis crimination; uniformity, equality. ☐ a. not differentiated or distinguished, in discriminate; uniform, equal. অবিশেষে adv. without differentiation, indis criminately; uniformly, equally.

অবিশ্বস্ত [ abiśbasta ] a untrustworthy, unfaithful, un reliable; perfidious. ̃তা n. untrustworthiness, unreliability; per fidiousness; perfidy.

অবিশ্বাস [ abiśbāsa ] n distrust, mistrust; incredulity; disbelief; want of conviction or faith; no-confidence; suspicion. অবিশ্বাস করা v. to distrust, to look on with distrust; to disbelieve; to have no faith or confi dence in; to treat with suspicion, to suspect. অবিশ্বাসী a. untrustworthy, un faithful, unreliable; perfidious; dis trustful; incredulous; disbelieving; lacking in conviction or faith; suspi cious; (esp. in phil.) sceptical. ☐ n. a doubter, a disbeliever; (phil.) a sceptic. fem. অবিশ্বাসিনী । অবিশ্বাস্য a. incredible, unbelievable.

অবিশ্বাসযোগ্য [ abiśbāsayōgya ] a incredible, unbelievable, unworthy of credit, untrustworthy.

অবিশ্রান্ত, অবিশ্রাম [ abiśrānta, abiśrāma ] a untiring, tireless; in cessant, non-stop, unremitting; con tinuous. ☐ adv. untiringly; without rest; incessantly, without break, unre mittingly; continuously. অবিশ্রান্তভাবে adv. same as অবিশ্রান্ত (adv.).

অবিশ্রুত [ abiśruta ] a not famous or well-known; not much heard of; obscure.

অবিষয়ী [ abiṣaẏī ] a indifferent to secular interests; extra-mundane; not mindful of worldly interests; unpractical.

অবিষহ্য [ abiṣahya ] a unbearable; insufferable; intol erable; hard to bear or suffer or toler ate.

অবিসংবাদ [ abisambāda ] n absence of hostility or oppo sition or dispute; amity; amicability; unanimity, unity. অবিসংবাদিত a. undis puted, unchallenged; unquestionable; unanimous. অবিসংবাদিতরূপে adv. undisputedly; unanimously. অবিসংবাদিত সত্য undisputed truth; universal truth. অবিসংবাদী a. not opposing or contrary; indisputable. অবিসংবাদে adv. unopposedly; without dispute or hostil ity; amicably; unanimously; peace fully.

অবিস্তীর্ণ [ abistīrṇa ] a not spacious or wide or exten sive; narrow; small.

অবিস্তৃত [ abistṛta ] a not spread out; composed; compact; concise; precise, brief.

অবিস্ময় [ abismaẏa ] n absence of astonishment. অবিস্মিত a. not astonished or surprised, not taken by surprise.

অবিস্মরণীয় [ abismaraṇīẏa ] a unforgettable; memorable.

অবিস্মৃত [ abismṛta ] a unforgotten.