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অভ্যন্তর [ abhyantara ] n the inside, the interior. অভ্যন্তরীণ a. internal. অভ্যন্তরে adv. within; inside; into, in.

অভ্যর্থন, অভ্যর্থনা [ abhyarthana, abhyarthanā ] n greeting or hailing; a greeting, a hail; welcome, reception. অভ্যর্থনা সভা, অভ্যর্থনা সমিতি n. a recep tion committee.

অভ্যর্থিত [ abhyarthita ] a greeted, hailed; one who or that which has been accorded a recep tion or welcome; received cordially.

অভ্যর্হিত [ abhyarhita ] a received with honour; honoured; adored; worshipped.

অভ্যস্ত [ abhyasta ] a practised, regularly studied; ac customed, wont; used to; habituated; familiar; acclimatized.

অভ্যাগত, অভ্যাগতজন [ abhyāgata, abhyāgatajana ] n a guest; a visitor, a caller. অভ্যাগতসমাগম n. arrival or as semblage or gathering of guests or visitors.

অভ্যাগম, অভ্যাগমন [ abhyāgama, abhyāgamana ] n approach; presence; arrival; coming; calling on or at, a visit; advent.

অভ্যাস [ abhyāsa ] n practice regular study or exer cise; habit; accustoming, acclimatiza tion. ̃গত a. habitual. অভ্যাসাধীন a. (to be) mastered by constant practice. অভ্যাসী a. & n. one who practises or studies or learns regularly. fem. অভ্যাসিনী ।

অভ্যাহার [ abhyāhāra ] n robbing, plundering, snatch ing; robbery; attack; eating.

অভ্যুত্থান [ abhyutthāna ] n getting up from sitting or re cumbent position; thriving or prosper ing or flourishing; coming into promi nence or power; rise; insurgence, a re volt. অভ্যুত্থান করা বা ঘটানো v. to get up; to thrive, to prosper, to flourish; to come into prominence or power; to rise; to rise in revolt, to revolt.

অভ্যুত্থিত [ abhyutthita ] a risen from sitting or recum bent position; prosperous, flourishing; one who or that which has come into prominence or power; eminent; insur gent.

অভ্যুদয় [ abhyudaẏa ] n rise; coming into prominence or power; thriving or prospering or flourishing; prosperity; (sudden) ap pearance, advent.

অভ্যুদাহরণ [ abhyudāharaṇa ] n a counter-instance or counter-example; a counter; a counter evidence.

অভ্যুদিত [ abhyudita ] a risen; one who or that which has come into prominence or power; prosperous, flourishing; one who or that which has appeared or surfaced (suddenly). অভ্যুদিত হওয়া v. to rise; to come into prominence or power; to thrive, to prosper, to flourish; to appear (suddenly).

অভ্যুপগত [ abhyupagata ] a approached, come near; pledged, committed.

অভ্যুপেত [ abhyupēta ] a promised; attained, acquired, earned.

অভ্র [ abhra ] n cloud; the sky; mica. অভ্রংলিহ a. sky-kissing, cloud-kissing; skyhigh; very lofty, towering. অভ্রংলিহ অট্টালিকা a sky-scraper. ̃ভেদী a. shooting through the sky; piercing the clouds; very lofty, soaring, towering.

অভ্রক [ abhraka ] n talc; mica; the sky.

অভ্রাতৃক [ abhrātṛka ] a brotherless.

অভ্রান্ত [ abhrānta ] a not incorrect, correct, right; un erring; unfailing (অভ্রান্ত লক্ষ্য); infal lible.

অভ্রান্তচিত্তে [ abhrāntacittē ] adv confidently; unmistakeably, unerringly.

অমঙ্গল [ amaṅgala ] n absence of welfare or well-be ing, evil; harm, danger, misfortune. ̃চিহ্ন n. an evil omen. ̃কর, ̃জনক, ̃সূচক, অমঙ্গল্য a. boding ill (for), sinis ter, ominous.

অমত [ amata ] n absence of approval or consent; disapproval. অমতে adv. without ap proval or consent; against one's ap proval or consent.

অমত্সর [ amatsara ] a not stricken with envy or mal ice; unenvious.

অমত্ত [ amatta ] a not drunk, not intoxicated about, not beside oneself.

অমন [ amana ] a. & adv like that, such. ̃ই a. & adv. just like that, just so.

অমনি [ amani ] a like that, such (অমনি রূপ); cause less, unwarranted (অমনি কাঁদে). ☐ adv. like that, such, so; without cause, unwarrantedly, for nothing; without em ployment, vacantly; empty-handed(ly); without covering; without accompani ment, condiment, support etc.; without price or payment, gratis; without effort; instantly, at once, just. অমনি অমনি adv. without cause; without guilt or offence; for nothing. অমনি একরকম fairly good or well, middling, so so.

অমনুষ্য [ amanuṣya ] a (of a human being) devoid of human qualities; inhuman; unworthy of being called a human being; good for-nothing. ☐ n. such a man. (̃ত্ব). v. lack of human qualities; inhumanity; unmanliness; worthlessness.

অমনোনয়ন [ amanōnaẏana ] n refusal to nominate or select or choose; non-acceptance; rejection; disapproval.

অমনোনীত [ amanōnīta ] a not nominated or selected or chosen; unaccepted; rejected; disap proved. অমনোনীত করা v. to refuse to nominate or select or choose; to reject; to disapprove.

অমনোযোগ [ amanōyōga ] n inattention; unmindfulness, inadvertence; heedlessness, careless ness; neglect; negligence; indiffer ence. অমনোযোগী a. inattentive; un mindful, inadvertent; heedless, care less; negligent; indifferent. অমনোযোগী হওয়া v. to pay no attention (to); to take no heed (of); to take no care of; to neglect; to treat with indifference; to be inattentive or unmindful or in advertent or heedless or negligent or indifferent.

অমন্হর [ amanhara ] a not slow; speedy, quick.

অমন্দ [ amanda ] a not bad; not slow or gently mov ing.

অমর [ amara ] a immortal, undying, deathless; imperishable, undecaying, eternal; ce lestial, heavenly (অমর জীবন). ☐ n. a god; a celestial or heavenly or divine being; a deathless creature. ̃তরু n. a celestial tree; an imperishable tree. ̃তা, ̃ত্ত্ব n. immmortality; immortaliza tion; imperishability; divinity, godhead. ̃ধাম, ̃পুরী n. the abode of gods, heaven. ̃লোক n. same as অমরধাম । অমর হওয়া, অমরতা লাভ করা v. to become immortal; to be everlasting; to be blessed with immortal or celestial life.

অমরা1 [ amarā1 ] n the placenta.

অমরা2 [ amarā2 ] n the abode of gods, heaven; realm of Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

অমরাত্মা [ amarātmā ] a endowed with immortal soul; celestial, divine.

অমরাধিপ, অমরাধীশ [ amarādhipa, amarādhīśa ] n Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

অমরাবতী, অমরাপুরী, অমরালয় [ amarābatī, amarāpurī, amarālaẏa ] n same as অমরা2

অমরাবিন্যাস [ amarābinyāsa ] n placentation.

অমরেশ, অমরেশ্বর [ amarēśa, amarēśbara ] n same as অমরাধিপ ।

অমর্ত্য [ amartya ] a unearthly; extra-mundane; heav enly, celestial, divine. ☐ n. an immor tal being; a god. ̃লোক n. the abode of gods, heaven.

অমর্দিত [ amardita ] a not trampled, untrodden; not thrashed, unmolested.

অমর্যাদা [ amaryādā ] n lack of cordial treatment; ne glect; disrespect; indignity, disgrace; slight; non-observance, violation (শর্তের অমর্যাদা). অমর্যাদা করা v. not to accord cordial treatment; to neglect; to show disrespect (to); to cause indignity (to); to slight; to violate.

অমর্ষ, অমর্ষণ [ amarṣa, amarṣaṇa ] n anger; lack of forgiveness or mercy; intolerance. ☐ a. angry; wrathful; irritable; unforgiving, merci less; inclement; intolerant, impatient. অমর্ষপরায়ণ a. same as অমর্ষ (a.) অমর্ষিত, অমর্ষী a. angered; angry, wrathful; iras cible; merciless.

অমল [ amala ] a free from dirt or stain; clear; un blemished.

অমলধবল [ amaladhabala ] a exquisitely white, impecca bly white, flawlessly white; (cp.) milk white, snow-white.

অমলা [ amalā ] fem of অমল ।

অমলিন [ amalina ] a free from dirt, untarnished, un stained; free from gloom; undecayed or undecaying (অমলিন খ্যাতি); unblem ished; unfaded or unfading, (cp.) ama ranthine (অমলিন পুষ্প).

অমসৃণ [ amasṛṇa ] a unsmooth, uneven, rough; (fig.) not easy-going, full of difficulties and hazards, full of ups and downs. ̃তা n. absence of smoothness, unevenness, roughness.

অমাংসল [ amāṃsala ] a not fleshy.