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অমাতৃক [ amātṛka ] a motherless.

অমাত্য [ amātya ] n a minister; a cabinet minister; a councillor of the state; a high govern ment official; (loos.) a courtier. ̃বর্গ n. the body of ministers of officials; the cabinet; (loos.) the body of courtiers.

অমাননা [ amānanā ] n disrespect, neglect; non-obser vance, disregard, violation, infringe ment; non-acceptance, disobedience.

অমানব [ amānaba ] a (of a place, house etc.) not in habited or frequented by human be ings, uninhabited, depopulated, de serted; (of a creature) not human, su perhuman, sub-human, non-human, in human; (of a human being) unworthly of being regarded as a human being.

অমানিশা [ amāniśā ] n the night of the new moon.

অমানুষ [ amānuṣa ] a superhuman; (of a human be ing) deprived of humanity, inhuman, beastly. ☐ n. an inhuman or beastly hu man being, a brute; a base fellow. অমানুষিক a. not expected of a human being, superhuman (অমানুষিক শক্তি বা প্রচেষ্টা); inhuman, brutal (অমানুষিক অত্যাচার).

অমান্য [ amānya ] a not warranting respect or obedi ence. অমান্য করা v. to refuse to treat with respect or honour, to disregard, to neglect; to deny to accept or comply with, to disobey, to violate. ̃কারী a. disobeying, disrespecting; violating. ☐ n. one who disobeys or violates.

অমাবস্যা [ amābasyā ] n the new moon.

অমায়িক [ amāẏika ] a candid, open-hearted, frank, ingenuous, guileless; affectionate, lov ing; unpretentious, unassuming, mod est; polite, courteous, genial, amiable. ̃তা n. candour, open-heartedness, frankness, modesty; ingenuousness; affectionateness; politeness, geniality, amiability; bonhomie.

অমার্জনীয় [ amārjanīẏa ] a unpardonable, unforgivable.

অমার্জিত [ amārjita ] a unpolished, unrefined; un couth; crude; rough, coarse; impolite, uncivil, indecorous, vulgar, unman nerly.

অমিত [ amita ] a unmeasured; immeasurable; un limited, boundless; excessive, too much, immense; intemperate, immod erate. ̃তেজা a. immensely spirited or powerful. ̃বল a. immensely powerful. ̃ব্যয় n. extravagance, wasteful expen diture. ̃ব্যয়িতা n. extravagance, prodi gality. ̃ব্যয়ী a. extravagant, prodigal, lavish in expenditure. ̃ব্যয়ী লোক n. spendthrift. ̃ভাষী a. excessively talk ative or garrulous; unrestrained in speech, free-spoken. ̃ভোজন n. intem perance in eating, overeating; surfeit. ̃ভোজী a. given to excessive or intem perate eating; garrulous. ☐ n. a glutton, a guzzler, a gourmand.

অমিতাচার [ amitācāra ] n intemperance in food, drink, practice and conduct. অমিতাচারী a. in temperate, immoderate, over-indul gent.

অমিতাভ [ amitābha ] n one with boundless splendour or glory; an appellation of Lord Bud dha.

অমিত্র [ amitra ] n one who is not a friend, an ad versary, an enemy, a foe.

অমিত্রাক্ষর [ amitrākṣara ] a unrhymed. অমিত্রাক্ষর ছন্দ blank verse.

অমিয়, অমিয়া [ amiẏa, amiẏā ] n (poet.) nectar, ambrosia. ☐ a. as sweet or delicious as nectar, ambrosial (অমিয় বাণী).

অমিল [ amila ] n dissimilarity; disagreement; dis cord; dissension; scarcity, non-avail ability (খাদ্যের অমিল). ☐ a. scarce, un available.

অমিশুক [ amiśuka ] a shy of society, coy, (of one) avoiding or shunning company; unamiable.

অমিশ্র [ amiśra ] a unmixed; unadulterated; pure; genuine; (math.) simple (অমিশ্র যোগ বিয়োগ প্রভৃতি); (math.) whole (অমিশ্র রাশি =a whole number). ̃ণীয় a. immis cible. অমিশ্রিত a. unmixed; unadulter ated; pure; genuine.

অমীমাংসিত [ amīmāṃsita ] a undecided. অমীমাংসিত খেলা a drawn game, a drawn match. অমীমাংসিত প্রশ্ন an unresolved question.

অমুক [ amuka ] a a certain, one not definite, such. ☐ n. & pron. a certain person. অমুক অমুক pron. pl. such and such.

অমুক্ত [ amukta ] a in bondage, unliberated; unfreed; bolted; restricted. ̃হস্ত a. close-fisted, niggardly, stingy.