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অম্লাক্ত [ amlākta ] a mixed or dyed with acid; sour.

অম্লান [ amlāna ] a unfaded; unfading; not withered (অম্লানকুসুম); not soiled or tarnished; not saddened or gloomy; unhesitating, unperturbed, expressionless (অম্লানমুখ, অম্লানবদন). ̃বদনে adv. glibly, without hesitation.

অম্লীকরণ [ amlīkaraṇa ] n acidification.

অম্লীকৃত [ amlīkṛta ] a acidulated; acidified.

অম্লোদগার [ amlōdagāra ] n sour eructation, waterbrash.

অযত্ন [ ayatna ] n lack of care or effort or attention or interest or cordiality; carelessness; neglect; indifference; slight. অযত্ন করা v. to neglect; to treat with indifference or slight. ̃কৃত a. done without care or effort; done with ease or spontaneity. ̃জাত a. born or grown spontaneously. ̃পালিত, ̃লালিত a. reared in neglect. ̃বিন্যস্ত a. placed indecorously or hap hazardly. ̃রক্ষিত a. kept or maintained in neglect. ̃লব্ধ a. earned or attained without effort. ̃শীল a. effortless; ne glectful. ̃সম্ভূত a. same as ̃জাত । অযত্নে adv. carelessly; negligently.

অযথা [ ayathā ] a baseless, groundless; false (অযথা নিন্দা); inappropriate (অযথা প্রয়োগ); unnecessary; unwarranted (অযথা কলহ); fruitless, wasteful, extravagant (অযথা খরচ); exaggerated (অযথা প্রশংসা). ☐ adv. without cause, unwarrantedly, for nothing; unjustly.

অযথাযথ [ ayathāyatha ] a inaccurate, inexact; inappro priate, not proper.

অযথার্থ [ ayathārtha ] a untrue, unreal; false; feigned, unjust. ̃তা n. untruth, unreal.

অযাচক [ ayācaka ] a not asking or soliciting.

অযাচনীয় [ ayācanīẏa ] a unworthy of being asked for.

অযাচিত [ ayācita ] a uncalled for, not asked for, un asked, unsolicited; gratuitous, volun tary. অযাচিত উপদেশ advice gratis. ̃ভাবে adv. gratuitously; voluntarily.

অযাচ্য [ ayācya ] a var. of অযাচনীয় ।

অযাজনীয়, অযাজ্য [ ayājanīẏa, ayājya ] a debarred from offer ing religious sacrifice; debarred from calling for the services of a priest to perform religious rites on one's behalf; (cp.) excommunicated. অযাজ্যযাজন n. act of conducting religious rites as a priest on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. অযাজ্যযাজী a. (of a priest) guilty of con ducting religious rites on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. ☐ n. such a priest.

অযাত্রা [ ayātrā ] n occurrence or object considered portending evil for one setting out on a journey; an ill omen for a journey; in auspicious journey.

অযুক্ত [ ayukta ] a not joined or connected or at tached; disjointed, disconnected, unat tached, detached, separated. অযুক্তি n. disunion, disconnection, separation; unreasonableness, unjustness; illogi cality; a wrong or fallacious argument; a fallacy; bad or mischievous advice; sophistry; impropriety. অযুক্তিযুক্ত a. un tenable by reason, unreasonable, illogi cal.

অযুগ্ম [ ayugma ] a not even, odd, unpaired, sepa rate. ̃সংখ্যা n. odd number.

অযুত [ ayuta ] a. & n ten thousand.

অযোগ [ ayōga ] n lack of contact or relation or union; disunion, separation; unsuitabil ity; (astr.) any inauspicious conjunc tion of stars, an inauspicious time.

অযোগবাহ, অযোগবাহ বর্ণ [ ayōgabāha, ayōgabāha barṇa ] n 'ং' and 'ঃ' of the Bengali alphabet; the letter that cannot stand alone.

অযোগ্য [ ayōgya ] a unsuitable, unfit, unworthy, un deserving; unmerited; incompetent; disabled; improper. fem. অযোগ্যা । ̃তা n. unsuitability, unfitness, unworthi ness; incompetence; disability; impro priety.

অযোধ্য [ ayōdhya ] a not combatable; too strong to be fought with; unconquerable.

অযোনি [ ayōni ] a one who has no birth, agenetic. ̃জ, ̃সম্ভব, ̃সম্ভূত a. not born of a womb; born spontaneously. (cp.) abiogenetic. fem. ̃জা, ̃সম্ভবা, ̃সম্ভূতা ।

অযৌক্তিক [ ayauktika ] a untenable by reason or con trary to reason; unreasonable; illogi cal. ̃তা n. unreasonableness; illogical ity.

অযৌন [ ayauna ] a asexual. অযৌন প্রজনন, অযৌন জনন asexual reproduction.

অয়ন [ aẏana ] n a path, a route, a course; a pas sage through a military array or a battle order; scriptures; the ground; the earth; a homestead, a dwelling; (astr.) the sun's movement or course. ̃কাল n. (astr.) the interval between the two sol stices. ̃চলন n. (astr.) precession. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃মণ্ডল n. the ecliptic. অয়নাংশ n. (astr.) a part or measure thereof of the ecliptic esp. the distance between the vernal equinoctial point and the first point in the Aries. অয়নান্ত n. (astr.) solstice. অয়নান্তবৃত্ত n. any of the two tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

অযশ [ ayaśa ] n disrepute; discredit. অযশস্কর a. disreputable; discreditable; damaging; disgraceful; inglorious. অযশস্বী a. not famous. fem. অযশস্বিনী ।

অয়স [ aẏasa ] n iron.

অয়স্কঠিন [ aẏaskaṭhina ] a as hard as iron; extremely hard.

অয়স্কর্ষণী [ aẏaskarṣaṇī ] a magnetic. ☐ n. magnetic power.

অয়স্কান্ত [ aẏaskānta ] n magnet; loadstone.

অয়ি [ aẏi ] int (poet.) (used in addressing a fe male) O, oh.

অয়োমল [ aẏōmala ] n rust on iron.

অয়োমুখ [ aẏōmukha ] a iron-headed, iron-tipped. ☐ n. an iron-tipped arrow.

অর [ ara ] n the spoke of a wheel; (geom.) a ra dius.

অরক্ষণ [ arakṣaṇa ] n not keeping or maintaining or guarding or protecting or defending. অরক্ষণীয় a. not fit to be kept or main tained or guarded or protected or de fended. অরক্ষণীয়া a. fem. of অরক্ষণীয় ।a. & n. a Hindu girl who is too old to have her marriage deferred any longer; an unmarried girl who has just reached her puberty.

অরক্ষিত [ arakṣita ] a unprotected; unguarded; defenceless; (of promises, requests, or ders, injunctions etc.) not complied with, not observed, not obeyed, not kept properly or safely or securely; uncared for; not kept. অরক্ষিত নগর an open city. অরক্ষিত বাড়ি a deserted house.

অরগুণ [ araguṇa ] n good quality, merit, virtue, অরগুণ নেই বরগুণ আছে having none of the virtues but only lots of vices, hav ing more bad qualities than good.

অরঘট্ট [ araghaṭṭa ] n a draw-well; an apparatus for drawing water from a well.

অরজস্ক, অরজা, অরজাঃ [ arajaska, arajā, arajāḥ ] a (of a girl) whose menstruation has not yet started; who has not yet attained her puberty.

অরণি [ araṇi ] n matchwood, flintwood; flint.

অরণ্য [ araṇya ] n wood, forest, jungle. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. grown in the forest. ̃জাত দ্রব্য forest products. ̃পাল n. ranger. ̃বাসী a. liv ing in a wood. ☐ n. such a person; a forester, a bushman. ̃ময়, ̃সংকুল a. woody. অরণ্যানী n. a vast or extensive forest. অরণ্যায়ন n. afforestation. অরণ্যে রোদন করা v. to cry in the wilderness, to cry in vain.

অরতি [ arati ] n absence of amorous or sexual desire; absence of attachment or affec tion; apathy.

অরন্ধন [ arandhana ] n the Hindu festival of abstaining from cooking observed on the last day of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); abstaining from cooking.

অরব [ araba ] a noiseless; silent, still. অরবে adv. noiselessly; silently.

অরবিন্দ [ arabinda ] n a lotus.

অরমণীয়, অরম্য [ aramaṇīẏa, aramya ] a not pleasing or attrac tive or beautiful, not lovely.

অরবু [ arabu ] n an enemy. ☐ a. cruel, ferocious.

অরসজ্ঞ , অরসিক [ arasajña , arasika ] a incapable of appreciat ing, lacking in power of appreciation; devoid of the sense of humour. fem. অরসজ্ঞা, অরসিকা । অরসিকেষু রসস্য নিবেদনম্ wit is meant for the witty alone; a witty remark that falls flat on a person devoid of humour.

অরাজক [ arājaka ] a anarchical; divested of law and order, lawless; disorderly. ̃তা n. ab sence of government in a society; anar chy; lawlessness and disorder; political or social disorder; turmoil.

অরাতি, অরি [ arāti, ari ] n an enemy, an adversary, a foe. অরিঘ্ন a. destroying or liquidating the enemy. অরাতিদমন, অরিজিত্, অরিন্দম, অরিমর্দন a. & n. one who subdues or conquers or has subdued or has con quered one's enemies.

অরিত্র [ aritra ] n (নৌকার হাল) helm, rudder.

অরিষ্ট [ ariṣṭa ] n fermented wine, alcohol; any medicinal sublimate; good luck. ̃চূর্ণ n. powder of any medicinal subli mate.