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অমুণ্ডিত [ amuṇḍita ] a unshaven.

অমুদ্রণীয় [ amudraṇīẏa ] a unprintable, not to be or not fit to be printed.

অমূর্ত [ amūrta ] a incorporeal, formless, unembodied.

অমূল, অমূলক [ amūla, amūlaka ] a rootless; baseless, groundless; unfounded; false; fantastic.

অমূলদ [ amūlada ] a (alg.) irrational.

অমূলপ্রত্যক্ষ [ amūlapratyakṣa ] n (psy.) hallucination.

অমূল্য [ amūlya ] a priceless, invaluable; too costly to be purchased.

অমৃত [ amṛta ] n nectar, ambrosia, amrita; ex tremely sweet or delicious or invigo rating food; a god (অমৃতের পুত্র); the abode of gods, heaven. ☐ a. nectarlike; extremely sweet or delicious or invigo rating; ambrosial; immortal. ̃কল্প a. nectarlike, nectarine; ambrosial. ̃কুণ্ড n. the spring or well of nectar; a container of life-giving or invigorating element. ̃কুম্ভ n. the pitcher containing nectar. ̃তুল্য a. same as ̃কল্প । ̃ধারা n. a stream of nectar; an ambrosial stream. ̃নিস্যন্দী, ̃নিষ্যন্দী a. exuding or oozing nectar. ̃ফল n. the mango. ̃বর্ষী a. that which showers nectar. ̃বল্লী n. a me dicinal plant. ̃বিন্দু n. a drop of nectar. ̃ভাষী a. one whose words are as sweet or delicious or invigorating as nectar; fair-spoken. ̃ময় a. full of nectar; ex tremely sweet or delicious or invigo rating. ̃লোক n. the abode of the im mortals, heaven. ̃স্রাবী a. same as ̃নিস্যন্দী ।

অমৃতাংশু [ amṛtāṃśu ] n the moon.

অমৃতি [ amṛti ] n a kind of sweetmeat.

অমৃতোপম [ amṛtōpama ] a comparable with nectar; nec tar-like; extremely sweet or delicious or invigorating.

অমেধাবী [ amēdhābī ] a lacking in intelligence, unin telligent; dull-headed.

অমেধ্য [ amēdhya ] a unholy; impure; unfit for use in a scriptural sacrifice or as altarage. ☐ n. impurities; excrement.

অমেয় [ amēẏa ] a immeasurable; immense; (psy.) infinite.

অমেরুদণ্ডী [ amērudaṇḍī ] a (zoo.) invertebrate; (fig.) lacking firmness of character.

অমোঘ [ amōgha ] a infallible, unfailing; imperative, compulsive, peremptory (অমোঘ আদেশ). ̃তা n. infallibility.

অমোচনীয়, অমোচ্য [ amōcanīẏa, amōcya ] a that which cannot be dispelled or removed.

অম্বর [ ambara ] n the sky, the firmament; cloth, loincloth (পীতাম্বর); ambergris. অম্বরী n. a piece of loincloth to be worn by women, a sari; tobacco perfumed with ambergris. ☐ a. perfumed with amber gris.

অম্বল [ ambala ] n a kind of sour broth taken as table-delicacy; (path.) acidity caused by indigestion, waterbrash.

অম্বা, অম্বালিকা, অম্বিকা [ ambā, ambālikā, ambikā ] n mother; mother Goddess Durga. অম্বিকানাথ n. God Shiva.

অম্বু [ ambu ] n water. ̃জ a. water-born. ☐ n. the lotus; conch. ̃জা n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi. ̃দ a. that which gives or supplies water. ☐ n. the cloud. ̃ধি, ̃নিধি n. the ocean; the sea. ̃বাচি, ̃বাচী n. three consecutive days usually of Ashara (আষাঢ়) for Hindu widows to fast as religious observance. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহী a. that which or one who carries water, water-carrying. ☐ n. the cloud. ̃বিম্ব n. bubble of water.

অম্ভঃ [ ambhḥ ] n water.

অম্ভোজ [ ambhōja ] a water-born. ☐ n. the lotus; conch; the moon.

অম্ভোদ [ ambhōda ] n the cloud.

অম্ভোধি, অম্ভোনিধি [ ambhōdhi, ambhōnidhi ] n the ocean, the sea.

অম্ল [ amla ] n the sour taste; anything tasting sour; (path.) acidity caused by indiges tion, waterbrash, heart-burn; (chem.) an acid. ☐ a. sour. ̃তা n. acidity; sour ness. ̃পিত্ত n. acidity caused by biliary disturbance, acidity of the stomach, acidosis. ̃ফল, ̃বীজ n. the tamarind. ̃মধুর a. possessing a mixed taste of sour and sweet; (rhet. of words) sweet but acid and biting, sweet sounding but caustic. ̃মতি n. acidimetry. ̃রস n. the sour taste.

অম্লজান [ amlajāna ] n oxygen.

অম্লরাজ [ amlarāja ] n aqua regia.