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অর্পয়িতা [ arpaẏitā ] a. & n one who gives or offers or places or deposits or hands over or makes over or commits (to) or bestows or awards or invests (with). fem. অর্পয়িত্রী ।

অর্পিত [ arpita ] a given, offered; placed, depos ited; handed over, made over, commit ted, bestowed, awarded, invested. fem. অর্পিতা ।

অর্বাচীন [ arbācīna ] a (often dero.) one who or that which is coming after; backward; younger; new; modern; immature; one whose intelligence and knowledge have not matured; inexperienced; un wise; foolish, an ignoramus. ̃তা n. backwardness; state of being younger or new or modern; immaturity in age or intelligence and knowledge; inexpe rience; lack of wisdom; foolishness.

অর্বুদ [ arbuda ] a. & n one hundred million. ☐ n. a tumour; (bot.) a node. ̃যুক্ত a. (bot.) nodulous.

অর্শ [ arśa ] n piles, haemorrhoids.

অর্শানো [ arśānō ] v to devolve on; to come upon or influence or make responsible by way of contact, association etc.; to contami nate.

অর্হ [ arha ] a worthy, deserving, -able (সম্মানার্হ). ☐ n. cost, price, value (মহার্হ).

অর্হণ, অর্হণা [ arhaṇa, arhaṇā ] n worthiness, ability; wor ship; adoration. অর্হণীয় a. worshipful; adorable.

অর্হত্ [ arhat ] n a Buddhist or Jain anchorite who has attained salvation or is worthy of attaining it; Lord Buddha.

অর্হা [ arhā ] fem of অর্হ ।

অল [ ala ] n a sting (esp. of a scorpion).

অলংকরণ [ alaṅkaraṇa ] n ornamentation; adornment, decoration; act of painting or dressing; artistic works or touches; (in lit.) use of rhetoric. অলংকরণ করা v. to orna ment; to adorn, to decorate; to dress, to paint; to deck; (in lit.) to use rhetorical language.

অলংকর্তা [ alaṅkartā ] n one who ornaments or adorns, a decorator, a painter, a dresser. fem. অলংকর্ত্রী ।

অলংকার [ alaṅkāra ] n an ornament; act of dressing or painting; an ornamental dress; any thing worn to display physical grace and beauty; a mark of honour, beauty; (fig.) pride, glory; (in lit.) rhetoric. ̃বর্জিত a. (in lit.) simple; unrhetorical; bald. ̃বহুল a. (ভাষা-সম্বন্ধে) florid. অলংকারবহুল ভাষা ornate language. ̃শাস্ত্র n. the art of rhetoric.

অলংকৃত [ alaṅkṛta ] a ornamented; adorned, deco rated; painted, dressed; furnished with artistic workmanship; decorated with a badge or mark of honour; (in lit.) rhe torical, full of figures of speech. অলংকৃত করা v. to ornament; to adorn. to decorate; to paint; to dress; to deck; to decorate with a badge or mark of honour; (in lit.) to make rhetorical; (fig.) to bring pride or glory to (বীরত্বের দ্বারা দেশকে অলংকৃত করা).

অলক [ alaka ] n a forelock, a ringlet, a fringe; a curling tress of hair ('অলকে কুসুম না দিয়ো'); cirrus, goat's hair. ̃দাম n. tresses of forelocks or curling hair.

অলকমেঘ [ alakamēgha ] n cirrus, goat's hair.

অলকা [ alakā ] n the kingdom of Kuvera (কুবের) the god of riches. ̃ধিপ n. king of Alaka, Kuvera.

অলকাতিলক, অলকাতিলকা [ alakātilaka, alakātilakā ] n painting on one's face with sandal-paste.

অলকানন্দা [ alakānandā ] n a celestial river; an Indian river which is actually a part of the Ganges.

অলকাপুরী [ alakāpurī ] n the palace of Kuvera (কুবের) the god of riches.

অলক্ত, অলক্তক [ alakta, alaktaka ] n lac; the liquid dye of lac. অলক্তরঞ্জিত a. dyed with liquefied lac. অলক্তরাগ n. the colour or tint of lac.

অলক্ষণ [ alakṣaṇa ] n an ill omen; an inauspicious sign. ☐ a. ill-omened; inauspicious; sinister. fem. অলক্ষণা ।

অলক্ষণে, অলক্ষুনে [ alakṣaṇē, alakṣunē ] a ill-omened; inauspi cious; sinister; portending evil.

অলক্ষিত [ alakṣita ] a unnoticed, unobserved; un seen; unperceived; furtive, stealthy. অলক্ষিতে adv. unnoticed; unnoticeably, unobservedly; without being seen; im perceptibly; furtively; stealthily; sud denly; in an unguarded moment or state.