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অলক্ষ্মী [ alakṣmī ] n the goddess of misfortune and misery; a woman or girl who brings misfortune and misery; a sinister woman or girl. অলক্ষ্মীতে পাওয়া v. to get under the evil influence of the god dess of misfortune and misery; to be stricken with misfortune and misery; to become addicted to such practices as may bring misfortune and misery. অলক্ষ্মীর দশা n. influence of the goddess of misfortune and misery; (state of being constantly in) misfortune and misery; utter poverty, indigence. অলক্ষ্মীর দৃষ্টি n. the sinister look of the goddess of misfortune and misery; (the state of being in) misfortune and misery.

অলক্ষ্য [ alakṣya ] a invisible; unseen; undiscernible; imperceptible. ☐ n. a place screened from the view, an invisible place (অলক্ষ্য থেকে); the sky or heaven ('অলক্ষ্যের পানে'). অলক্ষ্যে adv. invisibly, unseen; undiscernibly; imperceptibly; furtively, stealthily.

অলগ্ন [ alagna ] a not attached or joined; discon nected; separated; not an auspicious moment.

অলঙ্ঘন [ alaṅghana ] n act of refraining from over stepping or disobeying; non-transgres sion, non-violation, non-infringement. অলঙ্ঘনীয়, অলঙ্ঘ্য a. that which cannot be or should not be overstepped, dis obeyed, transgressed, violated or in fringed; inviolable; that which must be complied with (অলঙ্ঘনীয় আদেশ); that which cannot be crossed over by leap ing, impassable. অলঙ্ঘনীয়তা n. inviola bility; impassability. অলঙ্ঘিত a. not overstepped, not disobeyed; not vio lated.

অলজ্জ [ alajja ] a unabashed; shameless; brazen-faced. অলজ্জিত a. unabashed.

অলপ্পেয়ে [ alappēẏē ] a (in raillery) one who is not to live long.

অলবড্ডে [ alabaḍḍē ] a (dial. & vul.) disorderly, ungainly, gawky; careless; dull-headed.

অলব্ধ [ alabdha ] a not obtained or got or earned or attained or gained or found. ̃প্রবেশ a. having not obtained entry; not yet ac cepted.

অলভ্য [ alabhya ] a that which cannot be obtained or got or earned or attained or gained or found; unobtainable, unattainable.

অলয় [ alaẏa ] a without decay or destruction; eternal; existing for ever.

অলস [ alasa ] a idle, lazy, slothful, indolent; effortless; dull-headed. ̃তা n. idleness, laziness, sloth, indolence; effortless ness; dull-headedness. ̃প্রকৃতি a. idle or indolent by nature; habitually idle or indolent; sluggish.

অলাত [ alāta ] n a piece of live coal or wood; a firebrand; embers. ̃চক্র n. the transi tory fire-red curve produced by whirl ing a piece of live coal or wood; a circle of fire.

অলাবু [ alābu ] n a gourd.

অলাভ [ alābha ] n absence of profit or gain; loss. ̃জনক a. unprofitable; profitless.

অলি1 [ ali1 ] n the bumble-bee; the scorpion; wine (অলিপান).

অলি2 [ ali2 ] n a guardian; a custodian; a trustee.

অলি-অছি [ ali-achi ] n the guardian of a minor per son and the trustee of his or her prop erty (usu. the mother or an elder brother).

অলিকুল [ alikula ] n a swarm of bees.

অলিখিত [ alikhita ] a unwritten.

অলিগলি [ aligali ] n lanes and bye-lanes; an ex tremely narrow path; nook and corner.

অলিজিহ্বা [ alijihbā ] n the uvula.

অলিঞ্জর [ aliñjara ] n a large earthen cask or jar; a pitcher.

অলিন্দ [ alinda ] n a balcony, a verandah; an aisle; a terrace in the front part of a building.

অলিপান [ alipāna ] n drinking wine; a drinking bout.

অলীক [ alīka ] n untruth; falsehood. ☐ a. untrue, false; baseless; vain, empty (অলীক স্বপ্ন).