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অলুক [ aluka ] n not subject to elision. ☐ n. ab sence of elision. ̃সমাস n. (gr.) a com pound of words in which the first word does not drop its case-ending.

অলুব্ধ [ alubdha ] a untempted; not greedy.

অলোকদৃষ্টি [ alōkadṛṣṭi ] n clairvoyance. ☐ a. clairvoy ant.

অলোকসাধারণ, অলোকসামান্য [ alōkasādhāraṇa, alōkasāmānya ] a not common or easily available in the world; un common, out of the ordinary, extra ordinary or rare or superhuman. fem. অলোকসামান্যা ।

অলোকসুন্দর [ alōkasundara ] a of unearthly or superhuman beauty; of rare or uncommon beauty.

অলোল, অলোলিত [ alōla, alōlita ] a not loose, not loosely moving; tight, steady.

অলৌকিক [ alaukika ] a superhuman; not possible or available in the world; extra-mundane; unworldly; supernatural.

অল্প [ alpa ] a small in number or amount; a few; a little, a bit; short; of short duration, short-lived (অল্পজীবী); (gr.) unaspirated (অল্পপ্রাণ); illiberal, narrow (অল্পমতি); delicate (অল্পতনু); less than what is necessary or usual, insufficient, inad equate, scanty, poor. ☐ pro. a small number of persons or things. ̃ই adv. only a few, a little; but little; rarely, scarcely, seldom; insufficiently. অল্প অল্প করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; by degrees; gradually; slowly. ̃কাল, ̃ক্ষণ n. a short time, a short while. ̃কাল পরে, ̃কাল মধ্যে adv. shortly af ter, in a short time; before long. ̃চেতা a. narrow-minded; illiberal. ̃জীবী a. short lived. ̃জ্ঞ a. imperfectly edu cated, not knowledgeable; not erudite. ̃তম a. minimum. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. small ness in number or quantity; shortness; shortness of duration; illiberality, nar rowness; insufficiency, inadequacy, shortage. ̃দর্শী a. lacking in foresight, short-sighted; imprudent; lacking in experience, inexperienced; narrow in outlook. ̃দর্শিতা n. want of foresight, short-sightedness; imprudence; want of experience,; narrowness of outlook. ̃ধী a. dull-witted, unintelligent. ̃প্রাণ a. short-lived; narrow-minded, illib eral, mean-minded; (gr.) unaspirated. ̃বয়সী, ̃বয়স্ক a. of tender age, young, minor. ̃বিদ্য a. possessing but a little learning; imperfectly educated. ̃বিদ্যা n. a little learning; imperfect educa tion. অল্পবিদ্যা ভয়ংকরী a little learning is a dangerous thing. ̃বিস্তর adv. & a. more or less. ˜বুদ্ধি same as অল্পধী । ̃ভাষী a. of few words; reserved in speech; taciturn; reticent. ̃ভাষীতা n. taciturnity; reticence. ̃মতি a. mean minded. ̃মাত্র a. just a little. ̃মাত্রা n. a small dose or quantity. ̃মূল্য a. cheap. ̃মূল্যে adv. at a low price, cheaply. ̃শ adv. same as অল্প অল্প করে । ̃সংখ্যক a. a few, small in number. ̃স্বল্প a. a little, a bit; a few; not much or many; not fre quent; temperate; moderate.

অল্পাধিক [ alpādhika ] a more or less.

অল্পায়ু [ alpāẏu ] a shortlived; doomed to die early.

অল্পাশয় [ alpāśaẏa ] a mean-minded; craving for trifles.

অল্পাহার [ alpāhāra ] n temperance in eating; re stricted diet; light repast. অল্পাহারী a. re strained or temperate or moderate in eating; one who eats less.

অল্পে [ alpē ] adv not involving much; without much trouble or expense. অল্পে অল্পে adv. little by little, bit by bit; by degrees; gradually; slowly; not involving much; without much trouble or expense. অল্পের উপর দিয়ে adv. lightly; not involving much or giving much trouble.

অশক্ত [ aśakta ] a unable; incapable; disabled; imcompetent; powerless; doddering; decrepit. অশক্তি n. inability; incapabil ity, disability; incompetency; power lessness.

অশক্য [ aśakya ] a that which cannot be accom plished; impracticable; lying beyond the reach of one's power.

অশঙ্ক [ aśaṅka ] a fearless; undaunted; brave; in trepid; unshaken, unworried. অশঙ্কনীয় a. that which or one who is not to be feared, not alarming. অশঙ্কিত a. un afraid, fearless, undaunted; intrepid; unshaken, unworried.

অশন [ aśana ] n act of eating; an article of food; food, victuals; a meal, a repast. ̃নালি n. alimentary canal, gullet, oesophagus. ̃বসন n. food and clothing.

অশনি [ aśani ] n thunderbolt; thunder; lightning. ̃গর্জন, ̃পতন, ̃পাত, ̃সম্পাত n. a crash of thunder, thunderclap.

অশব্দ [ aśabda ] a noiseless, still.

অশরণ [ aśaraṇa ] a unsheltered, resortless, home less, helpess. ☐ n. such a person.

অশরীরী [ aśarīrī ] a bodiless, incorporeal; form less; unembodied; intangible, uncome at-able; supernatural. অশরীরী আত্মা a su pernatural spirit; a ghost. অশরীরী বাণী a supernatural voice; a voice from heaven; an oracle.

অশাখ [ aśākha ] a branchless.

অশান্ত [ aśānta ] a not calm or tranquil; disquieted; untamed, wild (অশান্ত অশ্ব); not gentle, restless, naughty (অশান্ত বালক); rough, troubled, ruffled (অশান্ত সমুদ্র); cease less (অশান্ত গর্জন); worried, anxious, ill at ease; unconsoled, inconsolable, dis consolate. অশান্তি n. absence of calm or tranquillity, agitation, unrest, disquiet; worry, anxiety; disturbed state.

অশালীন [ aśālīna ] a indecorous, indecent; in bad taste; not courteous. ̃তা n. indecency, indecorum, lack of decorum or de cency.

অশাশ্বত [ aśāśbata ] a not eternal or ever-lasting, transient.

অশাসন [ aśāsana ] n absence of rule or government; lack of discipline or control; indisci pline. অশাসনীয়, অশাস্য a. ungovernable; uncontrollable; unruly; grossly disobe dient or recalcitrant. অশাসিত a. ungoverned; uncontrolled; not disci plined.

অশাস্ত্র [ aśāstra ] n any book other than the scrip tures; any book containing unscriptural teaching; a harmful book. ☐ a. unscriptural; imparting unscriptural or harmful teaching. অশাস্ত্রীয় a. contrary to or not included in the scriptures, not in conformity with scriptural decrees, unscriptural; improper, unconven tional.

অশিক্ষা [ aśikṣā ] n lack of education or training or instruction; bad or improper or harmful education or training or instruction; (loos.) ill-breeding. অশিক্ষিত a. unedu cated; untrained; uninstructed; illiter ate. fem. অশিক্ষিতা ।

অশিথিল [ aśithila ] a not loose, firm, tight.

অশিব [ aśiba ] n evil, bale; an unhappy incident or misfortune, contretemps. ☐ a. evil, sinister; baleful.

অশিষ্ট [ aśiṣṭa ] a uncivil, impolite, discourteous; ill-mannered; impolite; impertinent; im pudent, pert, saucy. ̃তা n. incivility, im politeness; discourtesy; ungentleness; impertinence; impudence; sauciness; rudeness, harshness; haughtiness; arro gance; undignifiedness; naughtiness. অশিষ্টাচরণ, অশিষ্টাচার n. rude behaviour; in civility, discourtesy; impertinence, im pudence, sauciness; arrogance; naughti ness.

অশীতি [ aśīti ] n eighty. ̃তম a. eightieth. fem. ̃তমী । ̃পর a. octogenarian. অশীতিপর ব্যক্তি n. an octogenarian.

অশুচি [ aśuci ] a desecrated, profane; unholy; im pure; unclean, foul. অশুচিতা n. desecra tion, profanity; unholiness. impurity; uncleanness, foulness.

অশুদ্ধ [ aśuddha ] a unholy; unsanctified; impure; unclean; unpurified; unrefined; unrectified; unamended; incorrect, er roneous, wrong. ̃তা, অশুদ্ধি n. unholi ness; unsanctified state; impurity; un cleanness; impure or unrefined state; incorrectness, erroneousness; an error. অশুদ্ধিপত্র n. a list of errata or corrigenda (esp. one attached to a book). অশুদ্ধিশোধন n. purging impurities, purifi cation; rectification, amendment, cor rection.

অশুভ [ aśubha ] n a harm or bale; an evil; a contre temps; a sin. ☐ a. harmful, baleful, evil, sinister; imauspicious; ominous. ̃কর, অশুভংকর a. doing harm (to); evil, sinister. ̃কামনা n. illwishing. ̃ক্ষণ n. an inauspicious moment or time. ̃সূচক a. foreboding evil, ominous, porten tous; sinister. ̃সূচনা n. a bad start.

অশেষ [ aśēṣa ] a endless, unending; infinite, eter nal; unlimited, boundless; numerous and various. ̃জ্ঞ, ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ a. all-know ing, omniscient. ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ a. nu merous and various; numerous and various kinds of; adopting numerous and various ways. ̃প্রকারে, রূপে adv. in numerous and various ways, in thousand and one ways.

অশোক [ aśōka ] a free from grief. ☐ n. a kind of flower or its tree, the flamboyant; the great Maurya emperor of India. ̃কানন n. a flamboyant-grove (esp. one in which Sita in the Ramayana was kept as a captive). ̃চক্র n. the symbolic wheel introduced by King Ashoka il lustrating the stages of birth prior to salvation (it is the emblem of the offi cial flag of India). ̃বন n. same as ̃কানন । ̃লিপি n. any of the religious and moral edicts of Ashoka inscribed on stone-pillars, an inscription of Ashoka. ̃স্তম্ভ n. any of the stone-pil lars of Ashoka on which his edicts are inscribed, an Ashoka pillar (it is the of ficial emblem of India).

অশোচনীয়, অশোচ্য [ aśōcanīẏa, aśōcya ] a that which or one who is not to be grieved for, unlamentable, not to be lamented.

অশোচিত [ aśōcita ] a unlamented.

অশোধন [ aśōdhana ] n lack of purification or sanctifi cation or refinement or reclamation or rectification or correction; (rare) non repayment, non-requital. অশোধনীয়, অশোধ্য a. incapable of being purified or sanctified or refined or reclaimed or rectified or corrected or repaid or re quited; incorrigible; unrepayable. অশোধিত a. not purified; unsanctified, unrefined; unreclaimed; unrectified; unrepaid, unrequited.

অশোভন [ aśōbhana ] a unbecoming; unbefitting; im proper; lacking in decorum, indeco rous; indecent. fem. অশোভনা । ̃তা n. unbecomingness; unbefittingness; im propriety; indecorousness; indecency. অশোভিত a. unadorned, undecorated.

অশোষণীয়, অশোষ্য [ aśōṣaṇīẏa, aśōṣya ] a not absorbable.

অশৌচ [ aśauca ] n uncleanness; impurity; profan ity; (scriptural) impurity of one's per son owing to the birth or death of a relative, the period of duration of this personal impurity. অশৌচান্ত n. termina tion or end of the period of personal impurity.

অশ্ব [ aśba ] n the horse. fem. অশ্বা । অশ্বী a mare. ̃কোবিদ a. experienced about horses; skilled in horse-breaking or horse training. ☐ n. one experienced about horses; a horse-breaker; a horse trainer; a skilled horesman, an eques trian. ̃খুর n. a horse's hoof; a plant used as perfume. ̃খুরা n. a creeper of the clitoria genus; its flower. ̃গতি n. the pace (usu. galloping) of a horse. ̃গন্ধা n. a medicinal plant, withania somnifera. ̃গ্রীব n. having a neck curved like that of a horse, horse-necked. ̃চক্র n. a move in chess in which the two knights are placed in a position where the opponent's king is checkmated. ̃চালনা n. driving or riding a horse. ̃চালনা করা v. to drive or ride a horse. ̃চিকিত্সক n. a horse-doctor, a farrier; a veterinary surgeon. ̃চিকিত্সা n. farriery. ̃ডিম্ব n. a mere nothing, a hoax, (cp.) fiddlesticks! (int.), (cp.) a mare's nest. ̃তর n. the mule. fem. ̃তরী । ̃তুল্য a. like a horse, equine. ̃পাল, ̃পালক n. a professional care taker of horses; an equerry; a groom. ̃পৃষ্ঠে adv. on horseback. ̃বিদ a. same as অশ্বকোবিদ । ̃বৈদ্য n. same as অশ্বচিকিত্সক । ̃মেধ (যজ্ঞ) n. a solemn ritual performed by the princes of an cient India to have their sins con doned; in this ritual a horse was given in sacrifice, the horse-sacrifice. ̃যান n. a horse-drawn carriage; a horse-cart. ̃রক্ষক n. same as অশ্বপাল । ̃রজ্জু n. a horse's rein or bridle. ̃শক্তি n. (mech.) horsepower, about 745 watts. ̃শাবক n. a colt, a foal (fem. filly). ̃শালা n. a stable. ̃সংক্রান্ত a. relating to the horse, equine.

অশ্বত্থ [ aśbattha ] n an Indian fig-tree, a peepul-tree, ficus religiosa.

অশ্বারূঢ় [ aśbārūḍh় ] a mounted on a horse, equestrian.