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অসার [ asāra ] a unsubstantial, vapoury; negligible; worthless; false; pithless, marrowless, sapless (অসার কাঠ); futile, pointless (অসার যুক্তি). ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. unsubstantiality; vaporiness; negligibility; worthlessness; falseness, falsity; lack of pith or marrow or sap; futility; pointlessness. অসার সংসার the inane and unmeaning world, the in substantial world.

অসার্থক [ asārthaka ] a unsuccessful; failed; unreal ized, unfulfilled.

অসি [ asi ] n a sword. ̃ক্রিড়া n. a sword-play; a sword-fight. ̃চর্ম n. the sword and the buckler. ̃চর্মসহযোগে দ্বন্দ্ব a sword-and-buckler duel. ̃চর্যা, ̃চালনা n. learning or practising swordcraft; wielding the sword in a fight; swordcraft, swords manship, fencing. ̃চলনা করা v. to wield the sword in a fight. ̃ধারা n. the edge of a sword. ̃ধারী n. one armed with a sword, a swordsman. ̃নৃত্য n. a sword-dance. ̃পত্র n. the sugar-cane (for its leaves resemble swordblades); the scabbard of a sword. ̃পুচ্ছ n. a dol phin, a porpoise. ̃ফলক n. the blade of a sword. ̃ফলকাকার a. (bot.) ensiform. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a sword-fight, a sword-play. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a swordsman; a sword player.

অসিত [ asita ] n the black colour. ☐ a. black; sky-coloured, deep blue. fem. অসিতা । ̃পক্ষ n. the dark fortnight of a lunar month. ̃বর্ণ, ̃বরন a. black; deep-blue; dark-complexioned. ☐ n. the black colour. অসিতাঙ্গ a. dark-complexioned. অসিতোপল n. sapphire.

অসিদ্ধ [ asiddha ] a unboiled, uncooked; half-baked; incomplete; unaccomplished; unsuc cessful, futile, unfulfilled; (of argu ments etc.) untenable. অসিদ্ধি n. lack of success or fulfilment; failure.

অসীম [ asīma ] a unlimited, unbounded; infinite; endless; vast; immense; profound. ☐ n. the sky, the heaven (অসীমের পানে); the eternal world or life, the beyond (অসীমের যাত্রী). ̃কাল n. time infinite.

অসীমপথ [ asīmapatha ] n (math.) asymptote.

অসু [ asu ] n life; the five constituent elements of the temporal body.

অসুখ [ asukha ] n unhappiness; distress, grief; un easiness, discomfort; displeasure; ill ness, ailment; a disease. ̃কর, ̃দায়ক, অসুখাবহ a. causing unhappiness, un happy; distressing, oppressive; causing discomfort, uncomfortable. অসুখী a. distressed, unhappy; sorrowful; dis pleased.

অসুন্দর [ asundara ] a not beautiful; ugly; ungraceful; ungainly; uncouth.

অসুপ্ত [ asupta ] a not asleep, awake.

অসুবিধা [ asubidhā ] n inconvenience, disadvantage; incommodiousness; discomfort; diffi cutly, trouble; hindrance; impediment. ̃জনক a. inconvenient, disadvanta geous; incommodious; difficult; troublesome.

অসুর [ asura ] n (myth.) one of a superhuman race hostile to gods, (cp.) a Titan; a de mon; a giant; a monster; (fig.) a man of gigantic appearance or superhuman strength, a monster of a man. fem. অসুরী ।

অসুলভ [ asulabha ] a not easily available, rare; not cheap; dear.

অসুষ্ঠু [ asuṣṭhu ] a ungraceful; ungainly.

অসুস্হ [ asusha ] a unwell, indisposed; sick; ill; diseased, ailing; uneasy, troubled, dis tressed. ̃তা n. indisposition, sick ness; illness; ailment, uneasiness, dis tress.

অসূক্ষ্ণ [ asūkṣṇa ] a not fine or refined or subtle; crude; coarse; gross; thick; blunt. ̃তা n. crudity; coarseness; grossness; thickness; bluntness. ̃দর্শী a. lacking in keen perception or acumen; short-sighted. ̃দর্শিতা n. lack of keen percep tion or acumen; short-sightedness.

অসূচিত [ asūcita ] a unindicated; not expressed or signified or said; unmarked, unspeci fied.

অসূয়ক [ asūẏaka ] a slandering; malicious; cynical. ☐ n. a slanderer; a malicious person; a cynic.

অসূয়া [ asūẏā ] n malice; envy; grudge; jealousy; cynicism. ̃পর, ̃পরতন্ত্র, ̃পরবশ, ̃পরায়ণ a. malicious; envious; jealous; cynical.

অসূর্যম্পশ্যা [ asūryampaśyā ] a. fem not ever sighted by the sun; living in the gynaeceum; liv ing in the harem; never seeing the light of day; never coming out in the public.

অসৃক [ asṛka ] n blood.

অসৃক্কর [ asṛkkara ] n (med.) serum.

অসৃষ্ট [ asṛṣṭa ] a not created; of spontaneous ori gin.

অসেব্য, অসেবনীয় [ asēbya, asēbanīẏa ] a (of medicine etc.) not to be taken.

অসৈরণ [ asairaṇa ] a incapable of being brooked; unbearable; intolerable.

অসৌজন্য [ asaujanya ] n discourtesy, impoliteness; lack of cordiality; incivility, unbecom ing conduct.

অসৌম্য [ asaumya ] a unlovely; ungentle; not calm or placid; not sedate or sober.

অসৌষ্ঠব [ asauṣṭhaba ] n lack of grace or beauty; un gainliness, disorderliness, clumsiness; indecorousness, indecency.

অসৌহার্দ, অসৌহার্দ্য [ asauhārda, asauhārdya ] n lack of amity or friendliness.

অস্খলন [ askhalana ] n lack or absence of the guilt or a lapse or mistake; lack or absence of felling or shedding.

অস্ট্রেলয়েড [ asṭrēlaẏēḍa ] n one ethnically belonging to the Australoid group.

অস্ট্রেলিয়ান, অস্ট্রেলীয় [ asṭrēliẏāna, asṭrēlīẏa ] a Australian. ☐ n. an Australian; the language of Australia.

অস্ট্রেলেশীয় [ asṭrēlēśīẏa ] a Australasian. ☐ n. an Australasian; any of the languages of Australasia.

অস্ত [ asta ] n (myth.) an imaginary mountain behind which the sun goes down whilst setting (also অস্তগিরি, অস্তাচল); the setting of the sun, moon etc., going below the horizon; decline; end; fall. ̃গত, ̃মিত a. (of the sun, moon etc.) that which has set or gone below the horizon, declined. ̃গমন, ̃মন n. set ting or going below the horizon, de cline. ̃গামী, অস্তাচলগামী a. going to set, setting. অস্তোদয় n. the rising and setting (of the sun). ☐ adv. throughout the day; from dawn to dusk.

অস্তর2 [ astara2 ] n a mixture of slaked lime, sand etc. used for coating walls, ceilings; plaster; material sewn to the inner surface of a garment, lining.

অ-স্তরীভূত [ a-starībhūta ] a unstratified.

অস্তি [ asti ] v is ☐ n. existence; presence; esse. ̃ত্ব n. existence; presence; esse. অস্বিত্বশীল same as ̃মান । অস্তিত্বহীন a. in existent; absent; false; illusory, vapoury. ̃নাস্তি n. existence and inexis tence, presence and absence; theism and atheism; (phil.) dialectics. ̃বাচক a. denoting presence or existence. ̃মান a. existent; present; in esse.

অস্তু [ astu ] v (imp.) let there be, may there be, let it be, may it be.

অস্তেব্যস্তে [ astēbyastē ] adv in haste, in a great hurry, in a flurry.

অস্তোন্মুখ [ astōnmukha ] a about to go down below the horizon, about to set; setting.

অস্ত্যর্থ [ astyartha ] n implication of existence or presence. ̃ক a. containing implication or implying of existence or presence.

অস্ত্র [ astra ] n a missile; a weapon; arms (অস্ত্রহীন); a tool or instrument for cut ting, boring etc. (ডাক্তারি অস্ত্র); (fig.) one who or that which is used as an in strument (সে তোমার অস্ত্র). অস্ত্র করা v. to operate (upon) surgically, to lance (a boil etc.), to cut open with a lancet. ̃ক্ষত n. a wound caused by a weapon. ̃ক্ষেপ, ̃ক্ষেপণ n. the discharge of a missile; act of striking with a weapon. ̃ক্ষেপণ করা v. to discharge or hurl a missile; to strike with a weapon. ̃গ্রহণ n. same as অস্ত্রধারণ । ̃চালনা n. use of arms. ̃চিকিত্সক n. a surgeon. ̃চিকিত্সা n. surgery. ̃চিকিত্সা করা v. to operate (upon); to practise surgery. ̃ত্যাগ n. the discharge of a missile; act of relin quishing or giving up one's arms. ̃ত্যাগ করা v. to discharge or hurl a missile; to relinquish or give up one's arms, to lay down one's arms; to surrender. ̃ধারণ n. act of arming oneself; act of taking up arms; act of encountering in an armed fight. ̃ধারণ করা v. to arm one self; to take up arms; to encounter in a battle. ̃ধারী a. armed (অস্ত্রধারী প্রহরী) ☐ n. an armed person. ̃নিবারণ n. act of warding off or counteracting a missile thrown. ̃নিবারণ করা v. to ward off or counteract a missile thrown. ̃বর্ষণ n. throwing missiles; shower of missiles. ̃বল n. military power; power of the arms. ̃বিদ a. & n. one who is skilled in using weapons. ˜বিদ্যা n. the art and science of using weapons; surgery. ̃বৃষ্টি n. a shower of missiles. ̃লেখা n. a wound caused by a weapon; mark of such a wound. ̃শস্ত্র n. (collec.) weapons, arms, armoury. ̃শালা same as অস্ত্রাগার । ̃সংবরণ n. act of laying down arms; cease-fire; act of refrain ing from using weapons; act of with drawing a missile thrown. ̃সংবরণ করা v. to lay down arms; to refrain from us ing weapons; to withdraw a missile thrown. ̃হীন a. unarmed; disarmed. ̃হীন করা v. to unarm; to disarm.

অস্ত্রাগার [ astrāgāra ] n an armoury.

অস্ত্রাঘাত [ astrāghāta ] n the blow of a weapon.

অস্ত্রাহত [ astrāhata ] a struck or wounded or hurt with a weapon.

অস্ত্রী [ astrī ] a armed. ☐ n. an armed person.

অস্ত্রোপচার [ astrōpacāra ] n surgical operation. অস্ত্রোপচার করা v. to operate (upon). অস্ত্রোপচার বিভাগ the surgical ward.

অস্হান [ ashāna ] n a vicious or miserable place; an evil place; a wrong or improper or un suitable place. অস্হানে রাখা v. to mis place.

অস্হান-কুস্হান [ ashāna-kushāna ] n a foul or filthy place, a bad place; a place to be avoided or not to be visited.

অস্হানিক [ ashānika ] a not native or local; foreign, extraneous, alien; (bot.) adventitious.

অস্হাবর [ ashābara ] a (of property etc.) movable. অস্হাবর সম্পত্তি n. movable property.

অস্হায়ী [ ashāẏī ] a impermanent; temporary; tran sient; unstable; not durable; floating, passing (অস্হায়ী ভাব); perishable (অস্হায়ী জীবন). অস্হায়িত্ব, অস্হায়িতা n. imperma nence; temporariness; transience; insta bility; want of durability; perishability.

অস্হি [ ashi ] n bone; skeleton. ̃চর্মসার a. lean, skinny, skin-and-bone, gaunt. অস্হি দেওয়া v. to deposit in or commit to the Ganges (or other holy waters) the bone or bone-ash of a deceased person (as the final part of the obsequies). ̃পঞ্জর n. bones and ribs; skeleton. ̃বত্ a. bone-like, bony. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. oste ology. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an osteologist. ̃বিদ্যাগত a. osteological. ̃সার a. having little flesh; bony, lean, gaunt.

অস্হিতপঞ্চ, অস্হিতপঞ্চক, অস্হিতপঞ্চম [ ashitapañca, ashitapañcaka, ashitapañcama ] n arith metic of infinites; (arith.) the double rule of three or unitary method; a diffi cult or intricate problem; a puzzle; be wilderment.

অস্হিতি [ ashiti ] n movement; unstableness; change.

অস্হিতিস্হাপক [ ashitishāpaka ] a inelastic. ̃তা n. inelastic ity.

অস্হির [ ashira ] a restless; unsteady; unstable; agi tated; excited; perturbed; impatient; fretting, fretful; uneasy; fickle; frivo lous; changeful; uncertain. ̃চিত্ত, ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. fickle-minded; frivolous; batty, barmy; impetuous. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness; restless ness; impatience. ̃তা n. restlessness; unsteadiness; instability; excitement; agitated or perturbed state; impatience; fretting, fretfulness, uneasiness; frivol ity; changefulness; uncertainty. ̃সংকল্প a. irresolute; undecided (in action or purpose). ̃সংকল্পতা n. irresolution; in decision.

অস্হূল [ ashūla ] a not fat or thick, thin, delicate, slim; not gross or coarse; fine; subtle; transcendental.

অস্হৈর্য [ ashairya ] n impatience; restlessness.

অস্নাত [ asnāta ] a unbathed.

অস্নাতক [ asnātaka ] a undergraduate. ☐ n. a non graduate; an undergraduate.

অস্নেহ [ asnēha ] n unfriendliness; lack of affection; neglect.

অস্পন্দ [ aspanda ] a not throbbing; motionless; stiff; still. অস্পন্দিত a. of suspended throb bing; not throbbing; not vibrating.

অস্পষ্ট [ aspaṣṭa ] a indistinct; not clear; obscure; hazy; vague; dim (অস্পষ্ট আলো); inar ticulate (অস্পষ্ট বুলি); illegible (অস্পষ্ট লেখা). ̃তা n. indistinctness; obscurity; haziness; vagueness; lack of clarity (of thought, expression etc.) dimness; inarticulateness; illegibility. ̃ভাবে adv. indistinctly, vaguely; inarticu lately.

অস্পৃশ্য [ aspṛśya ] a that should not be touched; un touchable; profane, unclean; abomi nable; dirty; intangible. ̃তা n. un touchability; dirtiness; profanity; abominableness; intangibility.

অস্পৃষ্ট [ aspṛṣṭa ] a untouched; untasted (অস্পৃষ্ট খাদ্য).

অস্পৃহ [ aspṛha ] a having no desire or longing, not desirous; not covetous or avaricious; indifferent. অস্পৃহা n. absence of desire or longing; indifference or unconcern.

অস্ফীত [ asphīta ] a not swollen or inflated.

অস্ফুট [ asphuṭa ] a unbloomed; inarticulate (অস্ফুট বুলি) unexpressed, unrevealed; indis tinct (অস্ফুট রেখা) obscure, translu cent (অস্ফুট আলোক); low and indis tinct (অস্ফুট কন্ঠ); undertoned (অস্ফুট স্বর). ̃কণ্ঠে adv. in an undertone; whis peringly. ̃বাক a. of inarticulate speech, babbling, mumbling.

অস্বচ্ছ [ asbaccha ] a not transparent, opaque; not clear; turbid. ̃তা n. lack of transpar ency, opacity, opaqueness; turbidity.

অস্বচ্ছন্দ [ asbacchanda ] a uneasy; uncomfortable; not facile; faltering, halting; not in easy circumstances. ̃তা, অস্বাচ্ছন্দ্য n. uneasi ness, discomfort; absence of facile ness; stringency.

অস্বভাবী [ asbabhābī ] a abnormal; unnatural.

অস্বস্তি [ asbasti ] n uneasiness; discomfort; trouble. ̃কর a. uneasy; uncomfortable.

অস্বাভাবিক [ asbābhābika ] a unusual; unnatural; abnor mal; rare. ̃তা n. unusualness; unnatu ralness; abnormalcy; rarity.

অস্বামিক [ asbāmika ] a without an owner; ownerless. অস্বামিক সম্পত্তি unclaimed property.

অস্বাস্হ্য [ asbāshya ] n ill-health; illness; ailment. ̃কর a. detrimental or unfavourable to health; unhealthy; unhygienic.

অস্বীকার [ asbīkāra ] n refusal; denial; non-accep tance; rejection; repudiation; dissent; non-compliance. অস্বীকার করা v. to refuse; to gainsay, to deny; to disavow; to reject; to disown, to repudiate; to dissent; to decline.

অস্বীকার্য [ asbīkārya ] a unacceptable; inadmissible.

অস্বীকৃত [ asbīkṛta ] a refused; gainsaid, denied; dis avowed; repudiated; rejected; dis owned; dissented; not complied (with); declined. অস্বীকৃত হওয়া v. to decline; to refuse; to deny. অস্বীকৃতি n. same as অস্বীকার ।

অস্মদীয় [ asmadīẏa ] a (rare) to ours, ours.

অস্মদ্দেশীয় [ asmaddēśīẏa ] a of or relating to our country.

অস্মদ্দেশে [ asmaddēśē ] adv in our country.

অস্মরণ [ asmaraṇa ] n non-remembrance; oblivion; forgetfulness. অস্মরণীয় a. not worth re membering, not memorable.

অস্মার [ asmāra ] n amnesia.

অস্মিতা [ asmitā ] n egotism; vanity; conceit.

অস্র [ asra ] n an angle; a side, an arm.

অস্রোত [ asrōta ] n lack or absence of flow; lack of movement.

অহং [ aha ] pro I. ☐ n. self, the ego; egotism; self-conceit, vanity; arrogance. ̃বুদ্ধি n. self-conceit, vanity; egotism; (loos.) selfishness.

অহংকার [ ahaṅkāra ] n self-conceit; vanity, pride; haughtiness, arrogance; vainglory. অহংকার করা v. to take pride in; to boast, to brag. ̃বিহীন a. unpretentious; mod est. অহংকারী a. self-conceited; proud; haughty, arrogant; vainglorious. অহংকারে মত্ত maddened with pride.

অহংকৃত [ ahaṅkṛta ] a self-conceited; proud; haughty, arrogant, insolent; vainglorious.

অহনা [ ahanā ] n the dawn.

অহমিকা [ ahamikā ] n (psy.) egoism, egotism, pride; self-conceit, vanity.

অহরহ [ aharaha ] adv every day, daily; day in and day out; always; incessantly.

অহর্নিশ, অহর্নিশি [ aharniśa, aharniśi ] adv day and night; all the time; always; incessantly.

অহল্যা [ ahalyā ] a (of land) not yet cultivated or ploughed or tilled (অহল্যা ভূমি); (in the Puranas) name of Gautama's wife whom Ramachandra freed or re deemed from a curse.

অহি [ ahi ] n the snake, the serpent. ̃তুণ্ডিক n. a snake-charmer. ̃নকুলসম্পর্ক n. per petual enmity as that existing between the snake and the mongoose. ̃ভূষণ n. one who is ornamented with snakes; an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃রাজ n. king of snakes.

অহিংস [ ahiṃsa ] a free from malice; nonmalig nant; non-violent; inoffensive; harm less. অহিংস অসহযোগ (pol.) non-violent non-cooperation. ̃ক a. free from malice or ferocity; inoffensive; harm less; innocent. অহিংসা n. freedom from malice; (phil.) ahimsa; non-vio lence.

অহিত [ ahita ] n harm; injury. ̃কর a. harmful; injurious; malignant; unwholesome. ̃কামী a. desirous of doing harm, evil minded, evil-intentioned; malevolent, maleficent. ̃কারী a. & n. one who causes harm or injury; one who ma ligns. অহিতাচরণ, অহিতাচার n. harmful practice, prejudicial practice; harm.

অহিন্দু [ ahindu ] n a non-Hindu, one who is not a Hindu.

অহিফেন [ ahiphēna ] n opium; the poppy-plant. ̃সেবী n. an opium-eater.

অহৃষ্ট [ ahṛṣṭa ] a not pleased or glad, not delighted or happy.

অহেতুক [ ahētuka ] a causeless, reasonless; ground less, unjustified; unreasonable; unac countable; without provocation; for nothing. ☐ adv. without cause or provocation; for nothing.

অহৈতুক [ ahaituka ] a causeless; unjustified; unac countable; spontaneous. fem. অহৈতুকী । অহৈতুকী ভক্তি disinterested or selfless devotion.

অহো [ ahō ] int oh, O, alas, alack, ah.

অহোরাত্র, অহোরাত্রি [ ahōrātra, ahōrātri ] adv day and night; always.

অহ্ন [ ahna ] n (used as a sfx.) day; the fixed part of a day (usu. three hours পূর্বাহ্ণ, মধ্যাহ্ন).

ঁ [ a ] int expressing: surprise, is it so?

টলাস [ ṭalāsa ] a an atlas.

রোরুট [ rōruṭa ] n arrowroot.

সিড [ siḍa ] n acid.