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1 [ ā1 ] n the second vowel of the Bengali alphabet.

2 [ ā2 ] int expressing: surprise, bewilder ment, delight, relief, regret, vexation, aversion, anxiety, suspense, fright, consternation; ah, oh.

3 [ ā3 ] pfx denoting: a little, slight (আকম্প); thorough (আক্ষিপ্ত); starting from (আজন্ম, আসমুদ্র); up to (আকন্ঠ, আমরণ); during the whole of, through out (আজীবন); including (আচণ্ডাল) contrary to (আগমন); implying nega tion up-, non-(আকাটা); perverted, vile (আকথা); bad, disagreeable, unsuitable, difficult, hard (আঘাট, আকাল) etc.

আই [ āi ] n mother; one's mother's mother or aunt.

আইঢাই [ āiḍhāi ] adv feeling extreme uneasiness (owing to excess of anything). ☐ a. ex tremely uneasy. আইঢাই করা v. to feel or become extremely uneasy.

আইন [ āina ] n a law; an act; a regulation; an or dinance; a statute; a rule; a system; the whole code of laws, the law. আইন করা v. to enact a law; to pass a bill; to leg islate; to make a rule. দেওয়ানি আইন civil law. ফৌজদারি আইন criminal law. সামরিক আইন martial law. আইন-উপদেষ্টা n. one who advises on legal points, a legal ad viser; counsel. ̃-কানুন n. pl. rules and regulations. ̃গত a. legal; statutory. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a law-book. ̃জীবী, ̃-ব্যবসায়ী n. a legal practitioner; a pleader, an advo cate, a barrister, an attorney, a solici tor, etc., a lawyer. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in law. ☐ n. a jurist. ̃ত adv. according to or in keeping with the law or laws, legally or lawfully. ̃-পরিষদ. n. a legislative council; a legislature. ̃-প্রণয়ন n. enact ment; legislation. ̃-প্রণেতা. n. a legisla tor; a lawgiver. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of law. ̃মন্ত্রী, ̃সচিব n. a law-minister. ̃মাফিক a. & adv. same as আইনানুযায়ী । ˜শাস্ত্র n. jurisprudence; the whole code of laws, the law; a law-book. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. lawful; legitimate. ̃-সভা n. a legislative assembly; a legislature. আইনানুগ a. law-abiding; lawful; legiti mate. আইনানুযায়ী adv. according to or in keeping with the law, legally or law fully. ☐ a. legal; lawful. আইনানুসারে same as আইনানুযায়ী (adv.)

আইবড়, আইবুড়ো [ āibaḍ়, āibuḍ়ō ] a unmarried. আইবুড়োভাত n. the ceremony of taking the last meal by a Hindu bride or bridegroom on the night immediately preceding their wedding-day. আইবুড়ো মেয়ে a woman who remains single after the conven tional age for marrying, a spinster.

আইমা [ āimā ] n one's mother's mother or aunt.

আইয়ো [ āiẏō ] n a woman whose husband is alive.

আইয়োডিন [ āiẏōḍina ] n tincture of iodine.

আউওল [ āuōla ] a first; chief; best.

আউট [ āuṭa ] adv. & a out; incorrigibly de praved or abandoned, gone to the dogs.

আউটানো [ āuṭānō ] v to stir (milk) whilst boiling.

আউশ, আউস [ āuśa, āusa ] a (chiefly of paddy) ripen ing in the rainy season or in autumn; (loos.) ripening or growing early.

আওড় [ āōḍ় ] n a whirlpool.