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আগু [ āgu ] n the first, the beginning; the past; advance. ☐ a. first; preceding; ad vance; forward. ☐ adv. a. first of all. ̃তে adv. at first; in the past. ̃পাছু, ̃পিছু adv. n. from beginning to end, al pha and omega; the past and the future. ̃পাছু করা,̃পিছু করা v. to hesitate. ̃পাছু ভাবা v. to look before and after, to con sider the pros and cons of a thing. ̃য়ান, ̃সার a. going or coming for ward, advancing; proceeding; leading. আগুয়ান বা আগুসার হওয়া v. to go or come forward, to advance; to proceed; to take the lead.

আগুন [ āguna ] n fire. আগুন ধরা বা লাগা v. to take or catch fire. আগুন ধরানো বা লাগানো v. to set fire to. আগুন হওয়া v. to become in flamed; (fig.) to be heated or enraged. কপালে আগুন (fig.) extremely unfortu nate, wretched; extremely scarce (মাছের কপালে আগুন). পেটে আগুন intolerable hunger. (তার) মুখে আগুন (in impreca tion) may the Devil take (him). রেগে আগুন burning with rage, in a towering rage, furiously angry.

আগুনখাকি [ āgunakhāki ] n a woman of fiery temper, a highly irritable or irascible woman, vi rago, a shrew.

আগুনদর [ āgunadara ] n exorbitant or extortionate price.

আগুনে [ āgunē ] a fiery. আগুনে বোমা an incendiary bomb.

আগুল়্ফ [ āgul়pha ] adv as far as the ankle.

আগে [ āgē ] adv at first, in the beginning; in the past; in front; before. ̃কার a. of the be ginning; of the past; of the front; pre ceding. আগে আগে adv. continuously or always in front. ̃পাছে adv. in front and at the back; before and after. আগে পাছে করা v. to hesitate. ̃ভাগে adv. first of all; at first; in advance.

আগ্নেয় [ āgnēẏa ] a of fire; impregnated with fire; emitting or producing fire; produced by fire; igneous, fiery. ̃গিরি, ̃পর্বত n. a volcano. জীবন্ত আগ্নেয়গিরি an active volcano. মৃত আগ্নেয়গিরি an extinct vol cano. সুপ্ত আগ্নেয়গিরি a dormant vol cano. আগ্নেয়গিরির অগ্ন্যুত়্্পাত volcanic eruption. আগ্নেয়গিরির মুখ a crater. ̃প্রস্তর, ̃শিলা n. igneous rock. আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র n. fire-arm(s).

আগ্রহ [ āgraha ] n eagerness; zeal, earnestness, in tentness, an intent desire; an inclina tion; wistfulness. আগ্রহাতিশয় n. exces sive eagerness or zeal or affection or wistfulness. আগ্রহান্বিত a. eager; zealous; intent; intently desirous; inclined (to); wistful.

আগ্রাসন [ āgrāsana ] n aggresssion, aggressive or im perialistic policy; aggrandizement; in vasion. আগ্রাসী a. aggressive; aggran dizing.

আঘাট, আঘাটা [ āghāṭa, āghāṭā ] n an unused or improper place (usu. on a river-bank) for landing, mooring, bathing etc.

আঘাত [ āghāta ] n a blow, a stroke, a hit; a shock; a wound, an injury; act of beating. ̃ক a. & n. one who or that which deals a blow or strikes or hits or gives a shock or wounds or injures or beats. ˜ন n. act of dealing a blow or striking or hitting or giving a shock or wounding or in juring or beating. ̃সহ a. capable of withstanding or resisting. আঘাত করা v. to deal a blow, to strike, to hit; to give a shock, to shock; to wound, to injure; to beat. আঘাত পাওয়া v. to receive or sustain a blow, to be struck or hit; to receive or sustain a shock, to be shocked; to be wounded or injured; to be beaten.

আঘূর্ণন [ āghūrṇana ] n act of being turned or rolled or whirled round; circling or whirling; re volving. আঘূর্ণিত a. turned; whirled round; rolling.

আঘ্রাণ [ āghrāṇa ] n smelling or sniffing.

আঘ্রাত [ āghrāta ] a smelled.

আঙিয়া, আঙ্গিয়া [ āṅiẏā, āṅgiẏā ] n a woman's bodice, a bra.

আঙুর [ āṅura ] n grape. ̃খেত n. a vineyard, grapery. আঙুর গাছ, আঙুর লতা n. vine. আঙুরের রস n. grape-juice.

আঙুল [ āṅula ] n a finger or a toe. আঙুল দিয়ে দেখানো n. v. to point or pointing with fingers. আঙুল ফুলে কলা গাছ (fig.) a sud den increase in wealth or power or im portance. আঙুলের গাঁট n. a knuckle. আঙুল মটকানো v. n. cracking or to crack the knuckles. ̃হাড়া n. whitlow. হাতের আঙুল a finger. পায়ের আঙুল a toe. বুড়ো আঙুল the thumb. কড়ে আঙুল the little finger. আঙুলের ছাপ fingerprint.

আঙ্কিক [ āṅkika ] a relating to mathematics; math ematical or arithmetical; relating to calculation.

আঙ্গার [ āṅgāra ] n cinder, charcoal; coal (esp. burnt); burnt wood.

আঙ্গিক [ āṅgika ] a relating to the body or a limb or limbs; produced or done by the body; done or executed or acted by gestures and postures. ☐ n. gestures and postures as parts of dramatic act ing; dramatic motion; form, structure; (pop.) artistry.

আঙ্গোট [ āṅgōṭa ] n a ring for the toe.

আচকা [ ācakā ] a not measured or counted. ☐ adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.

আচকান [ ācakāna ] n a kind of long coat or gown for men (orig. Persian).

আচঞ্চল [ ācañcala ] a slightly stirred up or agitated or excited.

আচমকা [ ācamakā ] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; un awares; causing surprise.

আচমন [ ācamana ] n washing one's mouth and hands (esp. after meals); formal purification of one's body with water before reli gious worship as prescribed in the Hindu scriptures. আচমন করা v. to rinse and wash. আচমনীয় n. water for such washing or purification.

আচম্বিতে [ ācambitē ] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; unawares; surprisingly.

আচরণ [ ācaraṇa ] n conduct, behaviour; dealing, treatment; practice, observance. আচরণ করা v. to behave; to deal (with), to act (towards); to practise. ̃বিধি n. code of conduct, rules for conduct or behaviour or dealing. আচরনীয় a. fit for use; that which is to be practised or observed.

আচরিত [ ācarita ] a practised, observed, followed, obeyed; treated; habitual.

আচষা [ ācaṣā ] a uncultivated, unploughed.

আচাভুয়া [ ācābhuẏā ] a very strange, queer; queerly shaped.

আচার1 [ ācāra1 ] n sauce; pickle. আমের আচার pick led slices of mango, mango pickles or preserves.

আচার2 [ ācāra2 ] n religious or scriptural rules or prescriptions, rites; observance of these rules and prescriptions; conduct, behaviour; custom, practice (দেশাচার); good manners or conduct. ̃চ্যুত a. same as ̃ভ্রষ্ট । ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ, ̃বান a. observant of religious or scriptural rules and prescriptions; well-man nered; observant of the rules of con duct. আচারনিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি a person with due regard for rituals and religious prac tices; a ritualist. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. contrary to custom or practice. ̃ব্যবহার, ̃বিচার n. established customs and practices; conduct and behaviour. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. one who has failed to observe or does not observe prescribed religious or scrip tural rites. ̃হীন a. not observing reli gious or scriptural rites; impious. আচারী same as ̃নিষ্ঠ ।

আচার্য [ ācārya ] n one who teaches the Vedas; a scriptural teachers; a teacher; a tutor. fem. আচার্যা a woman teacher of the Vedas or scriptures; a woman teacher, a tutoress. fem. আচার্যানী the wife of an acharya (আচার্য)

আচালা [ ācālā ] a (of wheat, rice, pulses etc.) unsifted.

আচোট [ ācōṭa ] a uncultivated, unploughed; fal low.

আচ্ছন্ন [ ācchanna ] a covered; overcast; concealed; pervaded; comatose; drowsy; over whelmed; dumbfounded.

আচ্ছা [ ācchā ] int well; yes; fine; that's right. ☐ a. good, excellent; (iron.) fine (আচ্ছা বুদ্ধি); perfect (আচ্ছা সাধু) ☐ adv. thor oughly (usu. আচ্ছামতো). আচ্ছা ঘা কতক দেওয়া to give a good or sound drubbing, to give a good licking, to beat soundly.