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আটাত্তর [ āṭāttara ] a. & n seventy-eight.

আটানব্বই [ āṭānabbi ] a. & n ninety-eight.

আটান্ন [ āṭānna ] a. & n fifty-eight.

আটাশ, আঠাশ [ āṭāśa, āṭhāśa ] a. & n twenty-eight. আটাশে v. the twenty-eighth day of a month. ☐ a. (of the days of a month) twenty-eighth; (of a child) born in the eighth month of conception; very weak, rick ety.

আঠা [ āṭhā ] n any glutinous or adhesive or vis cid substance; gum, glue, paste.

আঠারো [ āṭhārō ] a. & n eighteen. ̃ই n. the eigh teenth day of a month. ☐ a. (of the days of a month) eighteenth. আঠারো মাসে বছর intolerable procrastination.

আঠালো [ āṭhālō ] a glutinous, viscid, gluey, adhe sive, sticky; clayey (আঠালো মাটি).

আড়1 [ āḍ়1 ] a a device or a thing that intercepts the view, a screen; a cover; a position or place which is intercepted from the view; a hiding, concealment.

আড়2 [ āḍ়2 ] n a kind of salt-water fish.

আড়3 [ āḍ়3 ] a other, opposite (আড়পার).

আড়4 [ āḍ়4 ] n., width, breadth; (in utterance) a stutter, uneasiness; a horizontal pole suspended from the ceiling etc. of a room for hanging clothes; a perch for birds. to remove stutter from utterance. ̃কাঠ n. a cross-beam. আড়ে-দিঘে adv. in length and breadth. আড়ে-হাতে adv. up-and-doing; with might and main; with full force.

আড়ষ5 [ āḍ়ṣa5 ] a squint, oblique (আড় চোখ); half (আড়পাগলা). আড় ভাঙা v. to straighten. আড় হওয়া v. to lie down obliquely; to recline. ̃চোখে চাহনি, ̃চাহনি sidelong look or glance. ̃বাঁশি n. a kind of flute usu. made of bamboo or reed. ̃ভাবে adv. crosswise; obliquely. ̃মোড়া, আড়ামোড়া n. straightening or stretching one's body and removing inertia or lethargy or weariness.

আড়ং [ āḍ় ] n a central market-place; a whole sale market; a storehouse, an entrepot; a fair. ̃ঘাটা n. a place on the river-bank for getting into or alighting from a boat. ̃ছাঁটা a. (of rice etc.) imperfectly husked. আড়ং ধোলাই n. thorough wash ing and bleaching of clothes; (coll.) beating someone black and blue.

আড়কাটি, আড়কাঠি [ āḍ়kāṭi, āḍ়kāṭhi ] n a recruiter; a pilot; a weaver's shuttle.

আড়ত [ āḍ়ta ] n a warehouse or godown of a wholesale dealer; an entrepot, a store house, a depot. ̃দার n. the owner or keeper of a warehouse; a wholesale merchant. ̃দারি n. wholesale business; the commission of a wholesale mer chant.

আড়ম্বর [ āḍ়mbara ] n pomp, eclat, grandeur, splendour, pompous display; roar of clouds; sound of war-trumpet; pride, vanity. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. not pompous or showy, simple; de void of pomp and grandeur.

আড়ষ্ট [ āḍ়ṣṭa ] a benumbed; inert; hesitant. ̃তা n. inertness, sluggishness; hesitation due to shyness.

আড়া1 [ āḍ়ā1 ] n form, shape; mould; size; type.

আড়া2 [ āḍ়ā2 ] n a measure of grain (= about 75 kgs).

আড়া3 [ āḍ়ā3 ] n a rive-bank; a crossbeam; a horizontal pole suspended from the ceiling etc. of a room for hanging clothes and other things.

আড়াআড়ি [ āḍ়āāḍ়i ] adv crosswise; across; diago nally. ☐ n. mutual ill-feeling or rivalry.

আড়াই [ āḍ়āi ] a. & n two and a half times.

আড়াঠেকা [ āḍ়āṭhēkā ] n a measure of Indian music.

আড়ানা [ āḍ়ānā ] n an Indian musical mode.

আড়ানি [ āḍ়āni ] n a large umbrella; a large fan.

আড়াল [ āḍ়āla ] n a device or a thing that inter cepts the view; a screen, a cover; a po sition or place intercepted from the view, hiding, concealment. আড়াল করা v. to put out of view; to hide, to con ceal. আড়াল হওয়া v. to go out of view; to go behind the screen; to go in hid ing, to hide. আড়াল আবডাল n. secrecy; cover; hiding. আড়ালে আবডালে adv. se cretly, confidentially, in camera; in a hidden place, in concealment.