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আবন্টন [ ābanṭana ] n allotment.

আবদার [ ābadāra ] n a childish or capricious insis tence on having or doing something; an unreasonable demand or claim; a fanciful claim preferred to an affec tionate person. আবদার করা v. to insist childishly or capriciously on having or doing something; to demand or claim unreasonably. আবদারে, আবদেরে a. in sisting childishly or capriciously on having or doing something.

আবদ্ধ [ ābaddha ] a bound, tied; shut; confined; be sieged; enclosed (আবদ্ধ স্হান); in volved; beset; mortgaged, pawned. আবদ্ধ করা v. to bind, to tie; to shut; to confine; to besiege; to enclose; to in volve; to beset; to mortgage, to pawn.

আবরক [ ābaraka ] a that which covers or screens or veils. ☐ n. a cover; a covering; a screen; a lid; a veil.

আবরণ [ ābaraṇa ] n covering or screening or veil ing; a cover or covering; a lid; a screen, a veil. আবরণী n. a cover or cov ering; a lid; a screen; a veil.

আবরিত [ ābarita ] a (poet.) covered; screened; veiled.

আবরু [ ābaru ] n (usu. a woman's) dignity, honour; chastity, modesty; a screen; a veil, a yashmak.

আবর্জন [ ābarjana ] n casting off or giving up thor oughly; forcing to bend down; control ling or regulating.

আবর্জনা [ ābarjanā ] n things thrown away or left as worthless, cast-off, refuse; sweepings; (fig.) an undesirable or mean person; an outcast.

আবর্জিত [ ābarjita ] a cast-off; bent down; controlled or regulated.

আবর্ত [ ābarta ] n a whirling motion or shape; a whirl; a vortex; a whirlpool, an eddy; whirling or revolving or rotating. ☐ a. whirling; revolving; rotating. আবর্ত ঘর্ষণ n. rolling friction. ̃ন n. whirling or revolving or rolling; a whirl, revolu tion; rotation; gyration; return; stirring or churning; repetition. আবর্তন দণ্ড, আবর্তনী n. a pestle for churning. ̃মান a. whirling or revolving or gyrating or re turning. আবর্তিত a. revolved; rotated; gyrated; returned; repeated. আবর্তিত হওয়া v. to whirl; to revolve; to rotate; to gyrate; to eddy; to return; to be re peated.

আবলি [ ābali ] n a row or line (বৃক্ষাবলি); a group or series (প্রশ্নাবলি, বংশাবলি); a collec tion (গ্রন্হাবলি).

আবলুস [ ābalusa ] n ebony, ebon. আবলুস-কালো a. ebon-coloured, black as ebony.

আবল্য [ ābalya ] n weakness; fatigue; lethargy, tor pidity; drowsiness caused by fatigue.

আবশ্যক [ ābaśyaka ] a necessary; essential. ☐ n. ne cessity, need. ̃তা n. necessity, need. ̃বোধে adv. having considered or con sidering it necessary. আবশ্যকীয় a. nec essary; essential.

আবশ্যিক [ ābaśyika ] a compulsory.

আবহ [ ābaha ] a (chiefly used in comp.) carrying, conducting, producing (শোকাবহ). ☐ n. the air that pervades the world; atmo sphere. ̃চিত্র n. a weather-chart. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. meteorology. ̃বিদ, ̃বিত্ n. meteo rologist. ̃বিদ্যা n. meteorology. ̃মণ্ডল n. the atmosphere. ̃সংবাদ n. weather report. ̃সংগীত n. background music. ̃সূচনা n. weather forecast.

আবহমান [ ābahamāna ] a existing or continuing since the beginning; traditional and ever-ex istent. ̃কাল adv. continuing or exist ing from time immemorial; ever since the beginning.

আবহাওয়া [ ābahāōẏā ] n climate; weather.

আব-বাঁধা [ āba-bān̐dhā ] a untied, unfastened; (esp. of books etc.) unbound; (of hair) not done up; disorderly (আ-বাঁধা সংসার)

আবাগা, আবাগে [ ābāgā, ābāgē ] a ill-fated, unfortunate. fem. আবাগি ।

আবাদ [ ābāda ] n cultivation, tillage; cultivated land; land developed for agriculture; a human habitation; a settlement. আবাদি a. arable; fit for or developed for culti vation; cultivated.

আবাপন [ ābāpana ] n the art of weaving cloth.

আবাপনিক [ ābāpanika ] n reeler.

আবার [ ābāra ] adv again, once more; moreover, and also (গরিব আবার বদখেয়ালি). ☐ int. expressing uncertainty or distrust or negation (কালো মেয়ের আবার বিয়ে, গরীবের আবার সুখ, নিত্য-ভিখারিকে কী আবার দেবে).

আবাল [ ābāla ] n a boy or a child or an underage person (esp. one who is foolish or helpless); an ignorant or dull-headed person. ̃বৃদ্ধবনিতা n. one and all; men women and children.

আবাল্য [ ābālya ] adv from childhood or infancy; ever since one's childhood.

আবাস [ ābāsa ] n a dwelling-place, a habitation, a home, an abode; a residence; a house. আবাসিক n. a caretaker (chiefly of a Buddhist monastery). ☐ a. resident (আবাসিক শল্য-চিকিত্সক); (of a student) living in a students' hostel. আবাসিক বিদ্যালয় residential school.

আবাহন [ ābāhana ] n invocation; invitation; a call. আবাহন করা v. to invoke; to invite; to call. আবাহনী n. a gesture made with one's palms and fingers for invoking a god or goddess. ☐ a. invocatory; relat ing to invitation or call.

আবির [ ābira ] n a kind of perfumed and coloured powder that the Hindus sprinkle over one another esp. during the Holi (হোলি) festival.

আবির্ভাব [ ābirbhāba ] n coming into view (esp. for the first time or from hiding); appearance (esp. sudden); advent; arrival; birth; coming into existence; (of a deity) in stalling oneself somewhere; (of authors, painters, actors etc.) first appearance be fore the public; (of flowers etc.) coming out or being revealed, manifestation.

আবির্ভূত [ ābirbhūta ] a one who or that which has come into view or appeared or arrived; born; one who or that which has come into existence; (of a deity) one who has installed oneself; (of authors, painters, actors, musicians) who have appeared before the public for the first time; (of flowers etc.) that which has come out, revealed; manifested. আবির্ভূত হওয়া v. to come into view (esp. for the first time or from hiding); to appear; to come; to arrive; to take birth; to install oneself; to appear before the public for the first time; to come out; to be revealed or manifested.

আবিল [ ābila ] a defiled; turbid, muddy; filthy, foul. ̃তা a. defilement; turbidity; filthiness, foulness.

আবিষ্কার, আবিষ্করণ, আবিষ্ক্রিয়া [ ābiṣkāra, ābiṣkaraṇa, ābiṣkriẏā ] n discover ing; a discovery; invention; the thing invented. আবিষ্কার করা v. to discover; to invent. আবিষ্করণীয় a. that which is to be discovered or invented; well worth dis covering or inventing. আবিষ্কর্তা, আবিষ্কারক n. a discoverer; an inventor.

আবিষ্কৃত [ ābiṣkṛta ] a discovered; invented.

আবিষ্ট [ ābiṣṭa ] a thoroughly engrossed or ab sorbed (in) (পাঠাবিষ্ট); rapt in (মোহাবিষ্ট); possessed (by) (ভূতাবিষ্ট); over whelmed (with) (বিস্ময়াবিষ্ট); begone (শোকাবিষ্ট); overcast or pervaded with (মেঘাবিষ্ট); nonplussed, confounded; (phy.) induced.

আবৃত [ ābṛta ] a covered; encircled, surrounded (মেখলাবৃত); overcast or pervaded with (মেঘাবৃত). আবৃত করা v. to cover; to en circle, to surround; to overcast; to per vade. আবৃতি n. state of being covered or encircled or pervaded; covering; a cover; encirclement; pervasion; a wall; a fence; an enclosure.

আবৃত্ত [ ābṛtta ] a read or studied over and over again; repeated; recited; that which has returned or recurred; revolved; (esp. in arith.) recurring. ̃চক্ষু a. one who has turned one's eyes inwards; introspec tive. আবৃত্ত দশমিক (airth.) recurring decimal. আবৃত্তি n. reading or studying over and over again; repetition; recital, recitation; return, recurrence; revolv ing or being revolved, revolution. আবৃত্তি করা v. to read or study over and over again; to repeat; to recite; to re turn; to recur; to revolve.

আবেগ [ ābēga ] n tremendous or extraordinary ve locity or force (বেগের আবেগ); outburst of passion or emotion (আবেগে বলা); passion (স্বরে আবেগ আছে); anxiety; state of suspense; mental uneasiness; troubled state of the mind; mental suf fering (শোকাবেগ). ̃পূর্ণ a. impassioned; passionate. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. devoid of passion; dispassionate. আবেগোচ্ছ্বাস n. an outburst of passion; a passionate or im passioned outburst.

আবেদক [ ābēdaka ] a one who submits an applica tion. ☐ n. an applicant; a petitioner; a plaintiff.

আবেদন [ ābēdana ] n representation, prayer, solicita tion; an application; a petition; a plaint; appeal (কবিতার আবেদন হৃদয়ের কাছে) আবেদন করা v. to represent, to pray, to solicit; to put in an application, to apply; to petition; to lodge a com plaint; to appeal. ̃কারী same as আবেদক । fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃পত্র n. an appli cation; a petition. আবেদনীয় a. fit to be solicited or entreated.

আবেশ [ ābēśa ] n confounded state of mind; men tal confusion, perplexity; tremendous excitement of passion ('আবেশে হিয়ার মাঝারে লই'); attachment, love ('আবেশে অবশ তনু'); entrance; infiltration, tak ing possession (ভূতাবেশ); rapt atten tion; trance; engrossment; rapture; ob session.

আবেশ-কুণ্ডলী [ ābēśa-kuṇḍalī ] n (phy.) induction coil.

আবেশ্যতা [ ābēśyatā ] n (phy.) inductive capacity.

আবেষ্টক [ ābēṣṭaka ] a surrounding, enclosing. ☐ n. a fence, a wall; that which encloses, an enclosure.

আবেষ্টন [ ābēṣṭana ] n surrounding or enclosing; a fence; a wall; that which encloses, an enclosure; surroundings, environment. আবেষ্টনী n. a fence; a wall; that which en closes, an enclosure; a circurmference; environment, surroundings.

আবেষ্টিত [ ābēṣṭita ] a surrounded, enclosed, en circled.

আবোলতাবোল [ ābōlatābōla ] n incoherent talk; non sense; delirium; nonsense rhymes. ☐ a. incoherent and nonsensical.

আব্বা [ ābbā ] n (Mus.) father; dad.

আব্রহ্ম [ ābrahma ] adv starting with or from Brahma (ব্রক্ষ্ম). ̃স্তম্ব n. all creatures and objects starting with Brahma (ব্রহ্ম) or the Su preme Consciousness down to the in animate straw.

আভরণ [ ābharaṇa ] n anything worn for personal em bellishment, an ornament. কলঙ্ক তার অঙ্গের আভরণ scandal she wears as a jewel on her person.

আভা [ ābhā ] n glow; shine; lustre, glaze; beam; flash; tinge. ̃ময় a. full of glow, glow ing; beaming; shining.

আভাং [ ābhā ] n rubbing the body with oil etc; anointment.

আভাঙা [ ābhāṅā ] a not broken, unbroken (আভাঙা ডাল); not ground, unground (আভাঙা গম).

আভাষ [ ābhāṣa ] n a preface, a prologue, a prefa tory note, an introduction; an intro ductory talk; a conversation. ̃ণ n. addressing and talking to; conversa tion; an address, a speech, a talk. আভাষিত a. delivered as or mentioned in a speech.

আভাস [ ābhāsa ] n faint or indistinct presence ('আভাসে দাও দেখা'); a shadow; a hint (আভাসে জানানো); glow. আভাস দেওয়া v. to appear faintly or indistinctly; to give a hint, to hint. ̃ইঙ্গিত n. hints; slight or indirect suggestion. আভাসে ইঙ্গিতে adv. by indirect suggestion, by hints.

আভাসা [ ābhāsā ] v (poet.) to blaze up, to glow; (poet.) to be revealed.

আভাসিত [ ābhāsita ] a indicated, suggested.

আভিজন [ ābhijana ] n noble birth; aristocracy; sur name.

আভিজাতিক [ ābhijātika ] a of aristocrat or aristocracy or noble birth; aristocratic; pertaining to or indicative of the family; familial. আভিজাতিক চিহ্ন n. heraldry.

আভিজাত্য [ ābhijātya ] n noble birth; aristocracy.

আভিধানিক [ ābhidhānika ] a lexicographical. ☐ n. the compiler of a dictionary, a lexicogra pher.

আভিমুখ্য [ ābhimukhya ] n state of being towards; state of being in front or face to face of; confrontation; assistance, help.

আভীর [ ābhīra ] n a member of the cowherd class; a cowherd. fem. আভীরী । ̃পল্লি n. a lo cality or village where cowherds live.

আভূমি [ ābhūmi ] adv down to the ground; having prostrated oneself (আভূমি প্রণত হওয়া).

আভোগ [ ābhōga ] n a kind of concluding note in the Indian musical modes; act of en joying; completeness, fullness; expan sion; expanse.