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আয়2 [ āẏa2 ] n income; earnings; profit; rev enue. ̃কর n. income-tax. ☐ a. profit able. ̃ব্যয় n. income and expenditure; (accts.) debit and credit. ̃ব্যয় পরীক্ষা n. audit. ̃ব্যয় পরীক্ষক n. auditor. ̃ব্যয়ক n. budget. ̃ব্যয়ক শীর্ষ n. budget-head. ̃ব্যয়ক সত্র n. budget session. আয় বুঝে ব্যয় করা to live within one's means; (cp.) to cut one's coat according to one's cloth. আয়ের অধিক ব্যয় করা to spend beyond one's means or income. আয়ের ঘর (accts.) credit side.

আয়ত [ āẏata ] a extensive, wide; expanded; very large; (geom.) rectangular but having unequal sides, oblong. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) an oblong, a rectangle. ̃চক্ষু, ̃লোচন a. wide-eyed or large-eyed. fem. ̃লোচনা ।

আয়তন [ āẏatana ] n area or its measure; volume or its measure; extension; breadth; width; a house, an abode; an institution (অচলায়তন); an altar. ̃স্হাপকতা n. bulk elasticity. আয়তনাঙ্ক n. bulk-modulus.

আয়তি1 [ āẏati1 ] n state of a married woman whose husband is alive; any of the symbols (usu. borne on the person of the wife) indicating this marital state.

আয়তি2 [ āẏati2 ] n length; width, breadth; exten sion; the future; time for bearing fruit.

আয়তী [ āẏatī ] n. fem a married woman whose husband is alive.

আয়ত্ত [ āẏatta ] a brought under control or taken possession of; controlled; subjugated; subject; dominated; mastered; tamed; seized. আয়ত্ত করা, আয়ত্তে আনা v. to bring under control; to control; to take pos session of; to subjugate; to dominate; to master; to tame; to seize. বন্য ঘোড়াকে আয়ত্তে আনা to break a wild horse. আয়ত্তের বাইরে out of control; beyond control, out of hand. আয়ত্তি n. control, hold; possession; subjugation; subjec tion; domination; mastery; seizure.

আয়ন বায়ু [ āẏana bāẏu ] n trade wind.

আয়না [ āẏanā ] n a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum.

আয়মা [ āẏamā ] n a grant of rent-free land made by Muslim princes to religious preach ers and to learned people. ̃মহল n. an estate of land held under this grant.

আয়স [ āẏasa ] a of or made of or caused by iron; ferrous. ☐ n. iron. আয়সী n. fem. a coat mail made of iron, an iron armour.

আয়া [ āẏā ] n a nurse-maid or waiting-maid, an ayah.

আয়াম1 [ āẏāma1 ] n width, breadth; length.

আয়ম2 [ āẏama2 ] n season; suitable time; right time.

আয়াস [ āẏāsa ] n pain, trouble; exhaustion, fa tigue; an exertion of strength or power, labour, strain; an endeavour, an effort. ̃সাধ্য a. involving effort, strenuous, la borious, arduous, toilsome, uphill.

আয়ু [ āẏu ] n the span of one's life, longevity; lifetime; life. ̃প্রদ, ̃বর্ধক a. that which prolongs life; rejuvenating; that which bestows long life. ̃বর্ধন n. prolonging life; prolongation of life; rejuvenation. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. prolongation of life; rejuvena tion. ̃ষ্কর same as আয়ুপ্রদ । ̃ষ্কাল n. the span of one's life, lifetime. ̃ষ্মান a. long-lived. fem. আয়ুষ্মতী । আয়ুষ্য same as আয়ুপ্রদ ।

̃আয়ুধ [ ̃āẏudha ] n weapon, arms.

আয়ুধশালা [ āẏudhaśālā ] n armoury, arsenal.

আয়ুর্বেদ [ āẏurbēda ] n the traditional Hindu science of medicine as taught in the Atharva Veda. আয়ুর্বেদীয় a. relating or pertain ing to this science; according to this science.

আয়েন্দা [ āẏēndā ] a coming; ensuing, next; future, later.

আয়েশ, আয়েস [ āẏēśa, āẏēsa ] n ease; comfort; luxury. আয়েশ করা v. to take one's ease; to re lax; to take rest. আয়েশি, আয়েসি a. ease loving; easy-going; brought up amidst ease and luxury; easy.

আয়োগ [ āẏōga ] n a committee (esp. a public one) set up for investigation etc., a commis sion.

আয়োজক [ āẏōjaka ] a. & n one who makes prepara tion for or collects the things necessary for a purpose; one who organises or makes preparation for a function.

আয়োজন [ āẏōjana ] n preparation; collection of things necessary to serve a purpose; things so collected; making or becom ing ready. আয়োজন করা v. to make preparations (for).

আয়োজিত [ āẏōjita ] a that for which necessary things have been collected or prepara tion has been made; that which has been made ready.

আর [ āra ] conj and, and also (রাম আর শ্যাম); or (বাঁচা আর মরা), or not. ☐ adv. else, more (আর কী বলব); enough (আর কেন); no more (আর কান্না নয়); at the same time, simultaneously, but (শক্তের ভক্ত আর নরমের যম); on the other hand, yet in return (সে তোমার উপকার করে আর তুমি তার নিন্দা কর); in future, again (আর যেন এমন না হয়); still now, still then (আর কেন আশা কর); at present, now (আর সেদিন নেই); moreover, be sides, in addition to that (আর দেখ); ever (বিড়ালে কি আর মাছ খাওয়া ছাড়ে); ever before or after (এমন আর দেখিনি বা দেখব না); since then (সেই গেল আর ফিরল না); of course, certainly (তুমি তো আর বোকা নও). ☐ a. other, another, dif ferent (আর লোকেরা, আর কেউ); past, last (আর বছর সে এসেছিল); coming, next. (আর সপ্তাহে যাব). ☐ pro. another person or thing, the other person or thing, a different person or thing (আরটি কোথায়, আরে কি বলে). আর আর all other. আরও a. more. ☐ adv. still more; fur ther, moreover. আর বার on the other occasion; another time; once again, once more. আর সব and others.

আরক [ āraka ] n extract, essence; juice; spirit; arrack; tincture.

আরক্ত, আরক্তিম [ ārakta, āraktima ] a slightly red, reddish; blood-red; deep red, scarlet, crimson. আরক্তনয়ন, আরক্তনেত্র, আরক্তলোচন a. with reddened or blood-shot eyes; angry. ☐ n. such eyes. আরক্তবদন, আরক্তমুখ a. with face (or cheeks) flushed on account of shame or anger. ☐ n. such a face.

আরক্ষ [ ārakṣa ] n police or military station; an outpost; defence force, homeguard. ☐ a. engaged in defence. আরক্ষা n. the police. আরক্ষাবাহিনী n. the police force. আরক্ষিক, আরক্ষী n. a policeman; a guardsman. আরক্ষিদল n. a police picket.

আরজি, আর্জি [ āraji, ārji ] n a prayer, request; a peti tion; a plaint. আরজি করা বা দাখিল করা v. to file or submit a petition or plaint.

আরণি [ āraṇi ] n whirlpool; eddy.

আরণ্য [ āraṇya ] a of or relating to a forest or for ests; wild; sylvan; born or grown or living in forests. ̃ক a. wild; forest grown; living in forests; sylvan. ☐ n. concluding section of the Brahmanas (ব্রাহ্মণ) which are parts of the Vedas; a person (esp. a saint of ancient India) living in forests; a forester, a forest dweller.

আরতি1 [ ārati1 ] n end; subjugation; deep attach ment.

আরতি2 [ ārati2 ] n greeting a deity by waving a lamp, thurible, incenser etc. before his or her face.

আরদালি [ āradāli ] n an orderly; an office bearer.

আরব2 [ āraba2 ] n an Arab, an Arabian; the Ara bian nation, the Arabs. আরবি a. Ara bian. ☐ n. the language of Arabia, Ara bic; an Arabian; an Arab; the Arabs. আরবি গঁদ gum arabic.

আরব্ধ [ ārabdha ] a that which has been undertaken or begun. আরব্ধ কার্য n. a task under taken or commenced.

আরভমাণ [ ārabhamāṇa ] a in a state of being com menced or undertaken; about to com mence.

আরমানি [ āramāni ] n an Armenian; the language of Armenia; Armenian. ☐ a. Armenian.

আরম্ভ [ ārambha ] n commencement, inception, be ginning, start; origin, birth; introduc tion; a prologue. আরম্ভ করা v. to com mence, to begin, to start; to introduce. আরম্ভ হওয়া v. to commence; to begin, to start; to originate; to take birth; to be introduced. ̃ক a. & n. one who com mences or introduces. আরম্ভিক a. relat ing to inception or beginning; starting; introductory.

আরশ [ āraśa ] n a throne.

আরশি [ āraśi ] n a mirror, a looking glass; a speculum.