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আরশোলা [ āraśōlā ] n the cockroach, the black beetle.

আরাত্রিক [ ārātrika ] n (act of) greeting a deity by waving a lamp, thurible, incenser etc. before his or her face.

আরাধক [ ārādhaka ] a one who worships. ☐ n. a wor shipper, a devotee.

আরাধনা, আরাধন- [ ārādhanā, ārādhana- ] n worship; service; prayer. আরাধনা করা v. to worship; to pray to. আরাধনীয় same as আরাধ্য ।

আরাধিত [ ārādhita ] a worshipped; adored.

আরাধ্য [ ārādhya ] a worshipped; deserving to be worshipped; worshipful; adorable. ̃মান a. being worshipped or in the state of being worshipped.

আরাব [ ārāba ] n a (high) sound or note; a (great) noise; tumult; a roar.

আরাম1 [ ārāma1 ] a recovered from illness, cured; relieved. আরাম করা v. to cure. আরাম হওয়া v. to be cured or soothed.

আরাম2 [ ārāma2 ] n ease, comfort; pleasure; happi ness; relaxation; rest; a garden (সংঘারাম.). ̃কেদারা n. an easy-chair. আরাম করা v. to take rest; to lie down; to recline; to relax; to enjoy ease and comfort; to enjoy pleasures. আরাম দেওয়া v. to give ease and comfort; to give relief. আরাম পাওয়া v. to enjoy ease and comfort; to get relief. ̃প্রিয়, আরামি a. ease-loving, fond of ease.

আরূঢ় [ ārūḍh় ] a mounted; seated on. আরূঢ় হওয়া v. to mount; to sit on.

আরে [ ārē ] int expressing : fear, shame, asto nishment, hate, disgust, anger etc. used in addressing or hailing, ah, oh, eh, hi, holla.

আরোগ্য [ ārōgya ] n recovery from ailment or ill ness, cure; restoration to health; sound health, health. আরোগ্য করা v. to cure, to bring round. আরোগ্য হওয়া v. to be cured, to recover, to come round. ̃নিকেতন, ̃শালা n. a hospital, an infirmary. ̃লাভ n. coming round, recovery. ̃লাভ করা বা হওয়া v. same as আরোগ্য হওয়া ।

আরোপ [ ārōpa ] n ascription or attribution of a quality of one thing to another; impu tation; imposition; assignment; be stowal. আরোপ করা v. to ascribe, to at tribute; to impute; to impose; to assign; to bestow. ̃ক a. attributing, ascribing; imputing; imposing; assigning; be stowing; placing; implanting. ☐ n. an imputer; an imposer; one who assigns; one who bestows or places; one who strings (a bow); a planter. ̃ণ n. attri bution, ascription; imputation; imposi tion; assignment; bestowal; placing, emplacement; mounting a thing or per son upon something; stringing a bow; act of planting; implantation. আরোপণ করা v. to attribute, to ascribe; to im pute; to impose; to assign; to bestow; to place; to mount; to string (a bow); to plant; to implant. আরোপিত a. attributed, ascribed; imputed; imposed; assigned; bestowed; placed; mounted; (of a bow) strung; planted; implanted.

আরোপপত্র [ ārōpapatra ] n a charge-sheet.

আরোহ [ ārōha ] n height, altitude; ascent; board ing (a ship, railway train etc.) entrain ment, embarkation; buttock esp. of a woman (বরারোহা); grade; (log.) induc tion. ̃ণ n. mounting or climbing or riding or placing oneself upon; ascent, ascension, boarding a carriage. আরোহণ করা v. to mount, to climb, to scale; to ascend; to ride; to place oneself upon; to board (a ship, railway train etc.) to embark, to entrain. ̃ণী n. a flight of steps, a stair, a stair-case; a ladder; an escalator. ̃পত্র n. an embarkation per mit. ̃প্রণালী n. inductive method. ̃স্হান n. a remount depot. আরোহী a. mount ing; climbing; scaling; riding; board ing, embarking; mounted; emplaced; boarded; ascended; (log.) inductive; (mus. of notes) gradually increasing in pitch. ☐ n. a climber; a rider; a passen ger; (mus.) a note which increases gradually in pitch. fem. আরোহিণী ।

আর্ক [ ārka ] a solar. ̃ফলা n. this sign over Bengali consonant letters to indicate a preceding '-r' sound; sun-ray; (facet.) a tuft of long hair maintained by a con servative Brahman on his crown.

আর্জব [ ārjaba ] n straightness; upright or vertical position; straightforwardness; candour; uprightness; honesty.