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ই [ i ] n the third vowel of the Bengali al phabet.

-ই [ -i ] sfx denoting: certainty (আমি যাবই), emphasis (অবশ্যই); only (তোমাকেই দেব), at all (যদি বৃষ্টি হয়ই).

ইউনানি [ iunāni ] a Greek; pertaining to conven tional Muslim therapy.

ইউনিয়ন [ iuniẏana ] n a union ইউনিয়ন বোর্ড a Union Board.

ইউরেশীয় [ iurēśīẏa ] a Eurasian. ☐ n. a Eurasian.

ইউরোপীয়, ইয়োরোপীয় [ iurōpīẏa, iẏōrōpīẏa ] a European. ☐ n. a European.

ইংরেজ, ইংরাজ [ iṃrēja, iṃrāja ] n an Englishman; the En glish. ইংরেজ জাতি n. the English. ̃প্রীতি n. excessive admiration of English cus toms and ways, Anglophilia, Anglo mania. ইংরেজ-ভীতি n. Anglophobia. ইংরেজিয়ানা n. Anglomania; Anglicism; Englishness. ইংরেজি, ইংরাজি n. the En glish language, English. ☐ a. English.

ইংল্যান্ড [ iṃlyānḍa ] n England. ইংল্যান্ডীয় a. of En gland; English.

ইঃ [ iḥ ] int expressing: anger, sorrow, grief, suffering etc.; eh.

ইঁচড় [ in̐caḍ় ] n an unripe jackfruit (cooked as food). ইঁচড়েপাকা a. precocious; prema turely clever. ইঁচড়ে পাকা v. to become precocious; to become prematurely clever.

ইঁদারা [ in̐dārā ] n a draw-well.

ইঁদুর [ in̐dura ] n the rat; the mouse.

ইকড়ি-মিকড়ি [ ikaḍ়i-mikaḍ়i ] n an indoor game of chil dren.

ইকার [ ikāra ] n the symbol ি affixed to conso nants whilst adding the ই- sound to it; post-consonantal ি symbol. ইকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ই or ই sound. ইকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ই or ই--sound.

ইকেবানা [ ikēbānā ] n the Japanese art of flower decoration, ikebana.

ইক্ষু [ ikṣu ] n the sugar-cane. ̃চিনি n. cane sugar. ̃দণ্ড n. the sugar-cane plant. ̃রস n. juice of sugar-cane. ̃সার n. molasses (obtained from sugar-cane juice).

ইগল [ igala ] n the eagle.

ইঙ্গবঙ্গ [ iṅgabaṅga ] a (of the Bengali language as used by Bengali Anglomaniacs) hav ing a ridiculous mixture of English and Bengali words, phrases, sentences etc.; (of the Bengali society or the people of Bengal) having a ridiculous mixture of what is English and what is Bengali in style, manner, language etc.; (of the people of Bengal) one who has visited England and has become an Anglomaniac.

ইঙ্গ-ভারতীয় [ iṅga-bhāratīẏa ] a Anglo-Indian. ☐ n. an Anglo-Indian.

ইঙ্গিত [ iṅgita ] n a sign, a hint, a gesture, a beck oning; gesticulation; a wink; a signal (ঝড়ের ইঙ্গিত). ইঙ্গিত করা v. to gesticu late; to beckon, to make a sign; to wink (at); to signal. ইঙ্গিত দেওয়া v. to give a hint; to signal. ইঙ্গিতে জানানো, ইঙ্গিতে বলা v. to hint at. ̃পূর্ণ a. suggestive, significant, meaningful; allusive.

ইঙ্গুদি, ইঙ্গুদ [ iṅgudi, iṅguda ] n a species of thorny plant. ইঙ্গুদি-তেল n. oil produced from the seed of this plant.

ইচ্ছা [ icchā ] n will, volition; intention; wish; pleasure; desire; liking; choice, option; inclination. ইচ্ছা করা v. to intend; to wish; to desire; to like; to choose or please. ̃কৃত a. intentional, wilful. ̃ক্রমে adv. according to one's desire or pleasure; willingly, voluntarily. ̃ধীন a. subject to one's will or desire; op tional; dependent on one's pleasure. ইচ্ছানুযায়ী, ইচ্ছানুসারে adv. according to one's will or pleasure; at pleasure. ইচ্ছানুরূপ, ̃মতো a. & adv. to one's lik ing; as one pleases. ̃পত্র n. a document contaning a person's last wishes. ̃পূর্বক adv. wilfully; voluntarily; willingly. ̃বসন্ত n. small-pox. ̃ময় n. one whose will is law; an appellation of God. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মরণ, ̃মৃত্যু n. power to prevent one's death till one desires to die. ̃য়ত্ত same as ইচ্ছাধীন । ̃শক্তি n. will-force, will-power. ইচ্ছায় হোক আর অনিচ্ছায় হোক willy-nilly, nolens volens. যা ইচ্ছা what ever one pleases.

ইচ্ছু, ইচ্ছুক [ icchu, icchuka ] a willing; ready; consenting, agreeing; desirous; intending; having a liking for, inclining (to).

ইজার [ ijāra ] n shorts; short trousers.

ইজারা [ ijārā ] n lease; leasehold. ̃দার n. a leasehold, a lessee. ইজারা দেওয়া বা নেওয়া v. to lease. ̃পাট্টা n. a lease-deed.

ইজ্জত [ ijjata ] n prestige, dignity; honour; chas tity. ইজ্জত নষ্ট করা v. to spoil or lose one's prestige; to dishonour or to lose honour; to violate one's chastity or to have one's chastity violated.̃নাশ, ̃হানি n. loss of prestige; dishonour; violation of chastity; (loos.) rape.

ইঞ্চি [ iñci ] n an inch; 2.54 cm.

ইঞ্জিন [ iñjina ] n an engine.

ইঞ্জিনিয়ার [ iñjiniẏāra ] n an engineer. ইঞ্জিনিয়ারি, ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং n. engineering. ☐ a. pertain ing to engineering.

ইট [ iṭa ] n brick; (loos.) brickbat. ইট ছোড়া v. to throw bricks and brickbats. ইট মারা, ইটানো v. to pelt with bricks and brick bats, to throw stones at. ̃খোলা n. a brick-field. ̃পাটকেল n. bricks and brickbats. ̃পাতন n. brick-laying. ইটের পাঁজা বা ভাটি a. brick-kiln. ইটটি মারলে পাটকেলটি খেতে হয় tit for tat, a tip for a tap.

ইটা [ iṭā ] n a small scaleless riverfish.

ইড়া [ iḍ়ā ] n an artery on the left side of the spine.

ইত্ [ it ] n (gr.) a letter used to indicate some inflections but not actually pronounced when any of the said inflections is added to a word; omission.

ইতঃপূর্বে [ itḥpūrbē ] adv hereinbefore, heretofore, before this, ere now.

ইতর [ itara ] a (ori.) other, other than (বামেতর); (pop.) base or mean, caddish (ইতর লোক), inferior or lower in status (ইতর জীব), ordinary or common (ইতরজন), ungenerous or narrow (ইতর নজর), vul gar (ইতর ভাষা). ̃তা, ̃পনা n. baseness, meanness, caddishness; lack of gener osity; narrowness, paltriness, pettiness; vulgarity, ignoble conduct. ইতরতা করা v. to behave basely or meanly or nar row-mindedly; to behave or speak vul garly. ̃বিশেষ n. (little) difference. ইতরামো, ইতরামি same as ইতরতা । ইতরেতর a. mutual, reciprocal.

ইতস্তত [ itastata ] adv here and there, hither and thither; thinly; irregularly; in diverse directions or places; on all sides, in all places, everywhere, all over. ☐ n. hesi tation; stammering. ইতস্তত করা v. to hesitate (to do something); to stammer; to procrastinate, to dilly-dally.

ইতি [ iti ] n end, termination, conclusion; completion; settlement; all this; such and such-like. ☐ adv. (chiefly used at the end of a correspondence) this is all (that the writer has got to say or write), here ends. ইতি করা v. to put an end to, to complete, to finish, to conclude; to settle up. ̃উতি adv. on this side and that, in this direction and that; on all sides, in all directions. ̃কর্তব্য, ̃কর্তব্যতা, ̃কর্তব্য জ্ঞান n. the decision that this is the right thing to do, deci sion about what is to be done. ̃কর্তব্যবিমূঢ়তা n. nonplus, bewilder ment, confusion, quandary. ̃পূর্বে inc. but pop. form of ইতঃপূর্বে । ̃মধ্যে inc. but pop. form of ইতোমধ্যে ।

ইতিকথা [ itikathā ] n a tale; a legend; a chronicle; history. ইতিকাহিনী n. same as ইতিকথা ।

ইতিবৃত্ত [ itibṛtta ] n history; a chronice. ̃কার n. a historian; a chronicler.

ইতিহাস [ itihāsa ] n history. ̃বেত্তা n. & a. one who is conversant with history or well versed in history. ˜লেখক n. a historian.

ইতু [ itu ] n the sun-god (esp. as worshipped by Hindu women in the month of Agrahayana (অগ্রহায়ণ).

ইতোমধ্যে [ itōmadhyē ] adv meanwhile, in the meantime.