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ইত্যনুসারে [ ityanusārē ] adv according to this, accord ingly; in this way or manner.

ইত্যবসরে [ ityabasarē ] adv seizing the interim oppor tunity; during the interval, in the mean time, meanwhile.

ইত্যাকার [ ityākāra ] a such.

ইত্যাদি [ ityādi ] adv and so on, and so forth, and such others, et cetera.

ইথার [ ithāra ] n ether.

ইদ, ঈদ [ ida, īda ] n one of the chief Muslim festi vals, Id. ইদগা, ঈদগা n. the place or building where Muslims assemble to say prayer, esp. on the occasion of Id.

ইদানীং [ idānī ] adv at present, nowadays; of late. ইদানীন্তন a. recent; present-day; of mod ern times.

ইনকার [ inakāra ] n denial (esp. of a charge). ইনকার করা v. to deny; refuse.

ইনসপেকটর, ইনস্পেক্টর [ inasapēkaṭara, inaspēkṭara ] n an inspector.

ইনসাফ [ inasāpha ] n justice; equity; correct or right decision.

ইনাম [ ināma ] n a reward; a tip.

ইনামেল [ ināmēla ] n enamel. ইনামেল করা v. to enamel. ইনামেল-করা a. enamelled.

ইনি [ ini ] pro (applied to persons deserving respect) he or she, this person.

ইনিয়ে-বিনিয়ে [ iniẏē-biniẏē ] adv (dero.) exaggerating to a great extent, in elaborate detail; with numberless humble entreaties.

ইন্তাকাল [ intākāla ] n death.

ইন্তাজার [ intājāra ] n waiting for eagerly, eager ex pectation.

ইন্তিজাম [ intijāma ] n good arrangement. ইন্তিজাম করা v. to arrange.

ইন্দারা [ indārā ] n a draw-well.

ইন্দিবর [ indibara ] n the blue lotus.

ইন্দিরা [ indirā ] n a name of Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).

ইন্দু [ indu ] n the moon. ̃নিভানন a. one whose face resembles the moon (in beauty), possessing a moonlike face. fem. ̃নিভাননা, ̃নিভাননী । ̃ভূষণ n. one who has the moon for his ornament; an ap pellation of God Shiva (শিব). ̃মতী n. fem. the full moon (personified). ̃মুখী n. fem. a woman whose face resembles the moon (in beauty). ̃মৌলি, ̃শেখর n. one who has the moon for an ornament on his forehead; an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃লেখা n. a digit of the moon; the digit of the moon on the forehead of Shiva (শিব); a creeper from the extract of which the legendary celestial wine was made, wormwood.

ইন্দো [ indō ] pfx Indo-. ̃চীন n. Indo-China. ̃চৈনিক a. Indo-Chinese. ̃নেশীয় a. In donesian. ☐ n. an Indonesian.

ইন্দ্র [ indra ] n the king of gods and goddesses (cp. Jupiter, Zeus, Jove). ̃কল্প a. like Indra (in might or status or wealth). ̃চাপ same as ̃ধনু । ̃জিত্ a. & n. one who has defeated Indra (ইন্দ্র). ˜ত্ব n. the office or status of Indra (ইন্দ্র); an office or status as mighty or wealthy as that of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃ধনু n. the rainbow; (lit.) the bow of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃পতন, ̃পাত n. (lit.) fall of Indra, the king of gods; (fig.) death of a great man. ̃পুরী, ̃লোক, ইন্দ্রালয় n. the abode or city of Indra (ইন্দ্র); Paradise; Heaven. ̃সভা n. the court of Indra (ইন্দ্র). ̃সুত n. a son of Indra (ইন্দ্র) ̃সেন n. one whose army is as large and powerful as that of Indra (ইন্দ্র).

ইন্দ্রগোপ [ indragōpa ] n a species of insect of red vel vety colour.

ইন্দ্রজাল [ indrajāla ] n magic, conjuring; jugglery; a spell. ইন্দ্রজালিক, ঐন্দ্রজালিক n. magician. ☐ a. magical.

ইন্দ্রনীল, ইন্দ্রনীলক, ইন্দ্রমণি [ indranīla, indranīlaka, indramaṇi ] n the sapphire, the emerald, the beryl.

ইন্দ্রবজ্রা [ indrabajrā ] n a Sanskrit metre.

ইন্দ্রলুপ্ত [ indralupta ] n a bald, baldness.

ইন্দ্রগার [ indragāra ] n a draw-well.

ইন্দ্রাণী [ indrāṇī ] n the wife and consort of Indra (ইন্দ্র).

ইন্দ্রায়ুধ [ indrāẏudha ] n the rainbow; the bow of Indra (ইন্দ্র).

ইন্দ্রিয় [ indriẏa ] n a sense-organ. ̃গম্য, ̃গোচর, ̃গ্রাহ্য a. perceptible by the senses. ̃গম্যতা, ̃গোচরতা, ̃গ্রাহ্যতা n. state of being within sense perception. ̃গ্রাম n. pl. sense-organs collectively. ̃জয়, ̃দমন n. self-control or self-restraint of sensual appetites; continence. ̃জয়ী a. continent. ̃তৃপ্তি n. gratification of the senses. ̃দোষ n. licentiousness, lewd ness; libidinousness. ̃নিচয় same as ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রাম । ̃নিগ্রহ n. austere self-restraint, repression of sensual appetites. ̃পরতন্ত্র, ̃পরবশ, ̃পরায়ণ a. given to indulgence of sensual appetites; voluptuous, lewd, concupiscent. ̃বৃত্তি n. the function or power of sense-organs. ̃লালসা n. sen sual desires, concupiscence. ̃সংযম same as ̃জয় । ̃সুখ n. sensual plea sures. ̃সেবী same as ̃পরতন্ত্র । ইন্দ্রিয়াতীত a. beyond sense perception; that cannot be perceived by the sense organs.

ইন্ধন [ indhana ] n fuel. ইন্ধন দেওয়া, ইন্ধন জোগানো v. to feed with fuel, to fuel, to stoke; (fig.) to intensify the severity of, to encour age; to enkindle or inflame with pas sion, etc. ইন্ধনিক টিণ্ডাল a. stoker tindal.

ইবাদতখানা [ ibādatakhānā ] n a room or house of worship (esp. a private one).

ইমন [ imana ] n a mode of Indian classical music.

ইমান [ imāna ] n religious faith; piety; fidelity; honesty; conscience; conscientious ness. ̃খোর a. faithless, treacherous, perfidious. ̃দার a. faithful (in reli gion); devout, pious; having fidelity; honest; conscientious. ̃দারি n. faithful ness (in religion); devoutness, piety; fi delity; honesty; conscientiousness.

ইমাম [ imāma ] n the religious head or chief priest of Muslims, an Imam. ̃বাড়া n. a house built for observing the Muharram.

ইমারত [ imārata ] n a building; an edifice.

ইয়ত্তা [ iẏattā ] n (reckoning or) number or quan tity; reckoning; limit.

ইয়াংকি, ইয়াঙ্কি [ iẏāṅki, iẏāṅki ] n (dero.) a Yankee, an American. ☐ a. Yankee.

ইয়াদ [ iẏāda ] n remembrance; recollection; heed, attention. ইয়াদ করা v. to remember; to recollect; to pay heed to. ইয়াদ রাখা v. to bear in mind, to remember; to be heed ful of.

ইয়ার [ iẏāra ] n (usu. dero.) a friend, a compan ion; a witty or pert person. ইয়ারকি n. waggery. ইয়ারকি করা, ইয়ারকি দেওয়া, ইয়ারকি মারা v. to practise waggery (upon), to wag; to crack or make a joke. ̃বকসি, ̃বন্ধু n. (collec.) friends and companions and associates.

ইয়ারিং [ iẏāri ] n an earring.

ইয়ে [ iẏē ] int indicating: failure to remember something, what-do-you-call-it.

ইরন্মদ [ iranmada ] n the flash of lightning; a natural fire rising out of the sea, sea-fire; the elephant.

ইরা [ irā ] n the goddess of speech; power of speech personified; the earth; wine; water; food.

ইরাদা [ irādā ] n determination, resolution, will; desire.

ইরানি [ irāni ] a Iranian, Persian. ☐ n. an Iranian, a Persian; the language of Iran or Per sia, Iranian, Persian.

ইরাবতী [ irābatī ] n the river Ravi in the Punjab.

ইরাবান [ irābāna ] n the sea.

ইললি, ইল্লি [ ilali, illi ] int exclamatory word indicat ing distrust or disbelief.

ইলা [ ilā ] n the earth; the cow; speech (esp. when personified); wine; water.

ইলাহি [ ilāhi ] n (Mus.) God. ☐ a. great(ইলাহি পুরুষ); grand, pompous (ইলাহি কাণ্ড). ইলাহি গজ n. a yard-measure about 33 inches or 84 cms in length.

ইলিশ [ iliśa ] n a variety of freshwater river fish, the hilsa. ̃গুঁড়ি, ইলশেগুঁড়ি n. drizzle, serein.

ইলেক [ ilēka ] n any one of the arithmetical sym bols affixed to numerical figures to in dicate money or weight.

ইলেকট্রিক [ ilēkaṭrika ] a electric, electrical. ☐ n. elec tricity.

ইল্লত [ illata ] n filthiness, dirtiness; meanness, baseness. ইল্লত যায় না ধুলে the leopard cannot change its spots.

ইশকাপন [ iśakāpana ] n (of playing-cards) spades.

ইশারা [ iśārā ] n beckoning; gesture. ইশারা করা v. to beckon; to gesticulate; to make a sign.