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উ [ u ] n the fifth vowel of the Bengali alpha bet.

উই [ ui ] n white ant, termite (also উই পোকা). ̃চারা, ̃ঢিপি, ̃ঢিবি n. an ant-hill. উই লাগা v. to get attacked with white ants. ̃ধরা, ̃লাগা a. attacked with or eaten up by white ants.

উইল [ uila ] n a written document directing the disposal of one's effects at death, a will, a testament. উইল করা v. to draw up a will, to will, to bequeath.

উঃ [ uḥ ] int expressing: pain, amazement, impatience, derision, disgust etc.

উঁকি [ un̐ki ] n a peep; a prying; a furtive glance. ̃ঝুঁকি n. (frequent or repeated) peeping and prying. উঁকিঝুঁকি মারা v. to peep and pry (frequently or repeatedly), to look and peer about inquisitively. উঁকি দেওয়া, উঁকি মারা v. to peep; to look shyly or furtively or surreptitiously; to begin to appear; to put in first appearance shyly or furtively.

উঁচকপালে [ un̐cakapālē ] a having a protuberant or bulg ing or convex forehead (such a fore head indicates luck in case of men, but ill-luck in case of women); fortunate (in case of women: unfortunate). fem. উঁচকপালি ।

উঁচু [ un̐cu ] a high, elevated, tall, lofty; exalted, noble (উঁচু মন); loud; rough (উঁচু কথা). উঁচু করা v. to raise; to elevate. উঁচানো v. to raise, to elevate. ☐ n. raising. ☐ a. raised. উঁচু-নিচু a. high and low; undu lating, uneven.

উঁহুঁ [ um̐hu ] int expressing: unwillingness, non acceptance, bashfulness, slight pain.

উকড়া [ ukaḍ়ā ] n parched paddy coated or sweet ened with sugar or molasses.

উকার [ ukāra ] n the symbol 'ু' affixed to a con sonant whilst adding the উ-sound to it. উকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with উ or উ-sound. উকারান্ত a. (of words) end ing in উ or উ-sound.

উঁকি2 [ un̐ki2 ] n a hiccup; retching. উকি তোলা v. to hiccup; to retch.

উকিল [ ukila ] n a pleader, an advocate; a lawful or legal representative; (facet. or derog.) a supporter. উকিল দেওয়া, উকিল লাগানো v. to engage a pleader. উকিল হওয়া v. to take up the profession of a pleader; to be a pleader; to act as a pleader for, to plead for; to advocate; to support. উকিলি a. of or like a pleader (উকিলি বুদ্ধি).

উকুন [ ukuna ] n the louse (pl. lice).

উক্ত [ ukta ] a said, mentioned; aforesaid, afore mentioned. উক্ত থাকা, উক্ত হওয়া v. to be said or mentioned.

উক্তি [ ukti ] n speech; a saying, an apophthegm; a statement; a pronouncement. ̃প্রত্যুক্তি n. statement and counter-statement, bandying of words; mutual recrimina tion.

উখড়ানো [ ukhaḍ়ānō ] v to uproot, to extirpate. ☐ n. extirpation. ☐ a. uprooted.

উখা1 [ ukhā1 ] n a dixie or cooking-pail usually with a concave bottom; an oven.

উখা2 [ ukhā2 ] n a file, a rasp. উখা দিয়ে ঘষা v. to file; to rasp.

উখি [ ukhi ] n dandruff, scurf.

উগরানো [ ugarānō ] v to disgorge, to belch out, to eruct, to vomit, to spew; (fig.) to be compelled to confess or give back. ☐ n. disgorgement, belching out, eructa tion, vomiting or spewing. ☐ a. dis gorged, belched out, eructed, vomited, spewed. চোরাই মাল উগরানো to be com pelled to give back stolen goods. পরীক্ষার খাতায় উগরানো to write down mechanically in an answer-paper what has been crammed. পেটের কথা উগরানো to be compelled to give out or confess secrets.

উগ্র [ ugra ] a violent; cruel; rough, harsh (উগ্র কথা); haughty; angry, wrathful, hot (উগ্র স্বভাব); severe, fierce (উগ্র তেজ); sharp, pungent, strong (উগ্র শব্দ, উগ্র গন্ধ, উগ্র বিষ). ̃কন্ঠ, ̃স্বর a. harsh-and-angry-voiced, raucous. ̃কন্ঠে, ̃স্বরে adv. in a harsh and angry voice, in a rough or rude voice, raucously. ̃কর্মা a. one who performs terrible or cruel deeds. ̃ক্ষত্রিয় n. the Aguri. ̃চণ্ডা, ̃চণ্ডী n. fem. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) when conceived as the goddess of wrath; a termagant woman, a termagant, a shrew. ̃গন্ধী a. strong scented. ̃তপা a. practising severe pen ance or asceticism. ̃তা n. violence; cruelty; roughness, harshness; haughti ness; anger, wrath, heat; severity, fierceness; sharpness. ̃দর্শন a. angry looking, of fierce looks, of a stern and forbidding appearance. fem. উগ্রদর্শনা । ̃পন্হী a. & n. extremist; terrorist. ̃প্রকৃতি a. hot-tempered; quick-tem pered; irascible, choleric. ̃বীর্য a. high spirited. ̃মূর্তি a. angry-looking; fierce looking. ̃স্বভাব same as উগ্রপ্রকৃতি ।

উচক্কা [ ucakkā ] a in the state of growing up or at taining maturity, adolescent (উচক্কা বয়স); sudden (উচক্কা ভয়). ☐ adv. sud denly.

উচল [ ucala ] a (poet. & obs.) high.

উচাটন [ ucāṭana ] n anxiety; restlessness; over-ea gerness. ☐ a. anxious; restless; over eager.

উচিত [ ucita ] a just, equitable; reasonable; proper, right; worthy, becoming, suitable. ̃বক্তা a. outspoken. উচিত ব্যবহার just and equi table treatment, a square deal.

উচ্চ [ ucca ] a (for. High.) high, tall; elevated (উচ্চ ভূমি); socially high (উচ্চ বংশ); noble, exalted (উচ্চ মন); dignified or pompous (উচ্চ চালচলন); upper (উচ্চ শ্রেণি); high-pitched, loud (উচ্চ স্বর); dear, costly (উচ্চ মূল্য); superior, se nior (উচ্চ পদ, উচ্চ কর্মচারী). ̃কুলজাত a. born of a high family, highborn, nobly born. ̃তম a. super; highest; loftiest. ̃তর a. compar. higher; loftier. ̃তা n. height, altitude; tallness; elevation; state of being socially high; nobleness, exaltedness; loudness. ̃নাদ a. high sounding, making a loud noise; loud. ☐ n. a loud noise or sound. ̃নীচ a. & n. high and low. ˜পাত n. (astr.) the as cending node. ̃বাচ্য n. response; any thing in favour or opposition; com menting. ̃বাচ্য না করা v. not to re spond; not to say anything in favour or opposition; not to pass any comments; to keep quiet, to remain silent. ̃বিত্ত n. upper class. ☐ a. belonging to the up per class. উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় a high school. ̃বেতন n. high or handsome or fat or big salary. ̃ভাষী a. harsh-tongued; bragging. ̃মধ্যবিত্ত n. upper middle class. ̃মূল্য n. high price. ̃রোল n. loud noise, clamour. ̃শিক্ষা n. high or higher education. ̃হার n. high rate. ̃হারে adv. at a high rate. ̃হাসি n. a loud laugh, a guffaw, laughter. ̃হৃদয় a. large-hearted, high-minded, magnanimous, generous.

উচ্চকিত [ uccakita ] a anxious, worried; on tenter hooks; agitated; restless; on the tiptoe of expectation.

উচ্চণ্ড [ uccaṇḍa ] a violent; terrible, fierce; indomi table; very angry or hot-tempered; se vere.

উচ্চয় [ uccaẏa ] n act of plucking or collecting (পুষ্পোচ্চয়); collection; multitude, heap.

উচ্চস্বর [ uccasbara ] n a loud voice. উচ্চস্বরে adv. in a loud voice. See also উচ্চৈঃস্বর ।

উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা [ uccākāṅkṣā ] n ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী a. ambitious, aspiring. fem. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী ।

উচ্চাটন [ uccāṭana ] n eradication, extirpation; act of agitating; agitation; act of tormenting, oppression, persecution; anxiety, state of suspense; a kind of pseudo-spiritual practice undertaken to persecute an en emy.

উচ্চাবচ [ uccābaca ] a uneven, undulating.

উচ্চাভিলাষ [ uccābhilāṣa ] n ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাভিলাষী n. ambitious, aspiring. fem. উচ্চাভিলাষিণী ।

উচ্চার [ uccāra ] n excrement, faeces, stool, dung; utterance.

উচ্চারণ [ uccāraṇa ] n act of speaking; elocution, ar ticulation, utterance; mode of speak ing; pronunciation. উচ্চারণ করা v. to speak out; to elocute; to articulate; to utter, to say; to pronounce. ̃স্হান n. (gr.) any of the parts of the mouth that becomes most active whilst pronounc ing a particular letter of the alphabet; place of articulation.

উচ্চারণীয়, উচ্চার্য [ uccāraṇīẏa, uccārya ] a that which should be or can be said or uttered or pro nounced, utterable. উচ্চার্যমাণ a. that which is in the process of being said or uttered or pronounced.

উচ্চারিত [ uccārita ] a spoken; elocuted; uttered; pro nounced.

উচ্চাশয় [ uccāśaẏa ] a noble-minded, high-souled.

উচ্চাশা [ uccāśā ] n high-hope; ambition, aspira tion. উচ্চাশা করা v. to aspire.

উচ্চিংড়া, উচ্চিংড়ে [ ucciṇḍ়ā, ucciṇḍ়ē ] n a kind of insect akin to the cricket.

উচ্চৈশ্রবা [ uccaiśrabā ] n (myth.) the horse owned by Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

উচ্চৈঃস্বর [ uccaiḥsbara ] n a loud voice; a shout. উচ্চৈঃস্বরে adv. in a loud voice; with a shout. উচ্চৈঃস্বরে ডাকা বা বলা v. to call or say loudly; to shout.

উচ্ছল, উচ্ছলিত [ ucchala, ucchalita ] a all-pervading; surging; lively; thrown up, disgorged; bulged out; swelled. উচ্ছল হওয়া, উচ্ছলিত হওয়া v. to be all-pervading; to be lively; to swell up; to bulge out, to swell. উচ্ছলন n. state of being all-pervading; state of being thrown up or disgorged; act of swelling up or bulging out.

উচ্ছিতি [ ucchiti ] n eradication, extirpation; eject ment, eviction; extermination; destruc tion, abolition.

উচ্ছিদ্যমান [ ucchidyamāna ] a in the state of being eradicated or extirpated or ejected or evicted or ex terminated or destroyed or abolished.

উচ্ছিন্ন [ ucchinna ] a eradicated, extirpated; ejected, evicted; exterminated; destroyed, abol ished. উচ্ছিন্ন করা v. to eradicate, to ex tirpate; to eject; to exterminate; to de stroy, to abolish.

উচ্ছিষ্ট [ ucchiṣṭa ] a (of food) left or remaining in the plate after eating; not washed after eating (উচ্ছিষ্ট মুখ); that which has come in con tact with cooked food (উচ্ছিষ্ট হাঁড়ি). ☐ n. orts; leavings of food in the plate after eating (also উচ্ছিষ্টান্ন); scraps of food. ̃ভোজন n. feeding of left-overs in another person's plate. ̃ভোজী a. one who eats the scraps of food left in another person's plate. ☐ n. a cringing dependant.

উচ্ছৃঙ্খল [ ucchṛṅkhala ] a disorderly; not disciplined; self-willed, wayward; uncontrolled, unregulated; lawless, dissolute, wild; Bohemian. উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতা n. disorderliness; indiscipline; waywardness; want of control or regularity; lawlessness; dis soluteness; Bohemianism.

উচ্ছে [ ucchē ] n bitter gourd, a variety of kitchen vegetable having bitter taste.

উচ্ছেদ [ ucchēda ] n eradication, extirpation; eject ment, eviction; destruction, abolition. উচ্ছেদ করা v. to eradicate, to extirpate; to eject, to evict; to destroy, to abolish. ভিটেমাটি উচ্ছেদ করা v. to eject or evict from hereditary homestead. সমূলে উচ্ছেদ করা to uproot, to extirpate; (fig.) to de stroy root and branch. উচ্ছেদক a. one who or that which eradicates or extir pates or ejects or evicts or destroys. ☐ n. an eradicator, an extirpator; an ejector, an evictor; a destroyer, an abolisher; an abolitionist (as of slavery). উচ্ছেদন same as উচ্ছেদ । উচ্ছেদনীয়, উচ্ছেদ্য a. eradicable, extirpable; fit to be ejected or evicted, fit to be destroyed or abolished. ̃সাধন n. act of eradicating or extirpating or eject ing or evicting or destroying or abolish ing; eradication, extirpation; ejection, eviction; destruction, abolition. ̃সাধন করা same as উচ্ছেদ করা ।

উচ্ছোষণ [ ucchōṣaṇa ] n act of sucking up; act of af flicting. ☐ a. that which sucks up or af flicts.

উচ্ছোষিত [ ucchōṣita ] a sucked up; afflicted.

উচ্ছ্বসন [ ucchbasana ] n act of bursting out; act of swelling or welling up; act of over flowing or filling; respiration; mo tional imbalance.

উচ্ছ্বসিত [ ucchbasita ] a swollen, swelled; welled up; swelling; overflowed; overflowing; filled to the brim; overfull; full of ardour; impassioned; seized with over mastering emotion.

উচ্ছ্বাস [ ucchbāsa ] n strong emotion or passion; an emotional or passionate outburst; great delight; a bursting forth; manifestation; a swelling; breathing; breath; a chapter of a book. উচ্ছ্বাসিত a. swollen, swelled; welled up; swelling; overflowed; over flowing; filled to the brim, overfull; seized with emotion; impassioned; bursting forth; opened; manifested.

উচ্ছ্রয়, উচ্ছ্রায়, উচ্ছ্রিতি [ ucchraẏa, ucchrāẏa, ucchriti ] n height, altitude; elevation, gradual rise or ascent, ela tion, development. উচ্ছ্রায়ী a. ascending; rising gradually; in the process of be ing elated or developed. উচ্ছ্রিত a. heightened; swelled; developed. উচ্ছ্রা v. (poet.) to rise upwards, to swell ('উচ্ছ্রিয়া উঠিবে বিশ্ব').

উছল [ uchala ] a swelling up; swelled up; over flowing. উছলানো v. to swell up; to overflow. ☐ n. swelling up; overflow. ☐ a. swollen, overflowing, swelled up.

উজবুক [ ujabuka ] a stupid; ignorant; uneducated; uncouth.

উজবেক, উজবেগ [ ujabēka, ujabēga ] n an Uzbeg; an inhabit ant of Uzbekistan.

উজাগর [ ujāgara ] a sleepless.

উজাড় [ ujāḍ় ] a empty, exhausted; depopulated; desolate (ঠক বাছতে দেশ উজার).

উজান [ ujāna ] n a course against the current, an upstream course. উজান-ভাটি n. flow-tide and ebb-tide, flow and ebb. উজানি-বেলা n. forenoon. উজানে adv. upstream, against the current.

উজানো [ ujānō ] v to go upstream. ☐ a. going or moving upstream; upstream.

উজির [ ujira ] n a minister of state esp. the prime minister (usu. in Muslim rule). উজিরি, উজিরালি n. office of the prime minister; premiership. রাজাউজির মারা v. to try to establish one's importance by fabricat ing stories about one's familiarity with big persons.

উজু [ uju ] n (amongst Muslims) formal wash ing of one's person before praying and other religious services; washing one's person.

উজ্জীবন [ ujjībana ] n infusion of a new life, regen eration; bringing back or coming back to life or consciousness, resuscitation; act of being predominant again from a state of extinction, revival.

উজ্জীবিত [ ujjībita ] a infused with a new life, re generated; brought back or returned to life or consciousness, resuscitated; re turned to predominance from a state of extinction, revived. উজ্জীবিত করা v. to infuse a new life into, to regenerate; to bring back to life or consciousness, to breathe fresh life into, to resuscitate; to revive.

উজ্জ্বম্ভণ [ ujjbambhaṇa ] n manifestation; development; evolution; change.

উজ্জ্বল [ ujjbala ] a illuminated; bright; luminous; lustrous; radiant; splendent; resplen dent; splendorous; splendid; shining; dazzling; beautiful; glorious; vivid. উজ্জ্বল করা v. to illuminate, to illumine; to brighten; to glorify (মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা, বংশ উজ্জ্বল করা); to make vivid, to vivify. উজ্জ্বল হওয়া v. to become illumi nated; to brighten (up); to become glo rified; to become vivid. উজ্জ্বল রস (rhet.) effect (on the reader's mind) produced by the (final) union of lovers. উজ্জ্বলতা n. brightness; luminousness; lustre; radiance; splendour; shine; dazzle; beauty; glory; vividness. উজ্জ্বল শ্যামবর্ণ a. of a complexion more fair than dark, of a glossy light dark com plexion. উজ্জ্বলিত a. illuminated; lighted, enkindled; shining; bright ened; radiated; beautified; glorified; vivified. উজ্জ্বলীকরণ n. illumination; act of brightening (up); glorification. উজ্জ্বলীভবন n. act of becoming illumi nated or brightened (up) or glorified or vivid.

উঞ্ছ [ uñcha ] n act of gleaning as a means of one's livelihood; a mean livelihood. ̃জীবী a. subsistent on gleaning. ̃বৃত্তি n. the practice of subsisting on glean ing; practice or act of somehow mak ing both ends meet; earning a living by shifts. ☐ a. subsistent on gleaning. ̃শীল same as উঞ্ছজীবী ।

উট [ uṭa ] n the camel.